Chapter 6: Supa Strikas

The next morning came quicker than expected. Zuko and Mateo met outside their hotel before missing a taxi and having to wait for a bus together.

"This is all your fault, Technicali reject." Mateo said.

"F#ck no, I have a name and you will learn it, Barka Brat." Zuko responded.

"I don't learn the names of rejects below my pay grade." Mateo said as a black car pulled up in front of them. "Oi, you two. Get in." A young 22-year-old Danish man was driving the car, long blonde hair, wearing black sunglasses hiding his pure blue eyes and wearing Supa strikas tracksuits.

"I said get in, you gonna be late." The man said as both Mateo and got into the backseats Whilst a training bag sat in the front passenger seat.

"You must be the new signees. I've seen you two in the news. The 'El Matador' regen and 'The second-Generation successor'. That was A couple years ago wasn't it. The name Is Arthur? Arthur Svenson. What were yours again?" The man said as he drove through the highway a high speed.



"I'm also new in a sense, I guess. Been on loan for the past three years and probably gonna go out again after pre-season. Ain't no way I'm even in the top three goalkeepers." Arthur said as he kept his eye on the road.

"Where were you on loan at?" Zuko said, making conversation whilst Mateo simply grinned and looked outside the windows.

"Well, first I was at this cool Euroleague Danish team called Jarlkop, but I didn't get any game time, so they moved me to this club called...." Alex kept speaking on and on whilst Zuko just kept talking to him as they drove towards the training facility.

Strika Training Facility: Soweto.

Andile rushed into the field as he thought he was late. He quickly braked in his tracks when his saw a single player jogging around the training ground, doing laps.

"Sorry, am I late? Why is no one here?" Andile asked as the player stopped in front of him. The tall dark man took off his hoodie to show that he was Mark Philips.

"Nah kid. Everyone is probably still in the changing rooms getting ready. Coach said 8 o'clock. It ain't even 7:30 yet." Mark replied, taking of his hoodie as he was sweating profusely.

"Damm, I did not check my watch." Andile replied.

"It's a good thing you are here though. Put on your boots and help me with my warmups."

"Sure thing." Andile replied as he pulled out a pair of soccer boots from his bag whilst Mark continued to run laps.

Soon everyone was there, doing warmups and generally just catching up after a month away from each other. Apart from Mateo and Zuko, everyone seemed to be happy to be around each other.

"Quiet!" Coach Spenza screamed loudly as the entire squad quoted down and began to surround him.

"Welcome to this year's pre-season camp. I don't know how last year's was and I honestly don't care. Mine is very different. We have 4 matches in our pre-season tour. One in China, Italy and England before our final pre-season fixture here against a Brazilian side. We will prepare for these as if they are finals as if you fail to impress me here, I will cut you from the Squad. Understood?" Spenza continued.

"Yes Coach." The entire squad responded in kind.

"Now, I will only be taking 25 of you on tour. Anybody who was called to pre-season training but is not on the list I will call now ought to use this time to look for a new club as they are not in my plans for the club.

If I call your name, step to the side.

Goalkeepers: Scelo Sokhulu, Dame van Wyk and Arthur Svensson." Arthur shook hands with Zuko as he went to the side whilst everyone was shocked as a notable omission had been made, Jay McCain, the 34 year old fist choice goalkeeper had not been chosen. He just picked up his gloves and walked off with a quiet expression on his face. "Defenders: Kyle van Jaarsveld, Tebogo Mosimang, Klein koomstaad(u19), Ryan Davids(u23), Lucas Myeza, Donald Mokwevho, Reginald Morena, and Jack Green." Spenza continued.

"Middle fielders; Pule Motaung, Mark Philips, Mohammed Abdul, Qedukoma Qinisela (QQ), Clinton Durham, Menzi Makhoba, Zakaria Joni, Duke Helmesy, Charles Quaint'e, Dave Winnock(u23), and Bradley Adams(u19)." The ruckus continued.

"Attackers: Andile Manzuel, Mateo Garcia, Zuko Skhosana, Theo Von Neek and Luvuyo Memela(u23)." The commotion grew larger as one of the unchosen players raised his hand.

"Yes, Orlando" Spenza pointed to the player.

"Coach? You forgot my name it's Paul Orlando. Like the best player here" The player stated with confidence as the entire team agreed with him.

"Ah yes, the man who nearly got this team relegated, how could I forget him. Look man, I watched every single game Supa Strikas played in last season, the only time they actually played football was when you weren't on the field. You might have been their top goal scorer last season, but truth is, you are holding this team back. So, call your agent and get him to sell you whilst you are still hot commodity." Spenza said in a spiteful tone as the player sulked off, leaving the field as the rest who weren't chosen followed him with their bags.

"Now, a lot can happen in this crazy pre-season month we have in front of us. For now, you are my preliminary Supa Strikas team. Some may get sold whilst new players can still come in. Or those guys can still worm their way back. Impress me and I'll help you make Supa Strikas great again. Now ten laps around the field." Spenza said as the players quickly began running around the field as Spenza received a phone call from Klaus.

"Yes" Spenza said, answering the phone.

"I am about to open talks; he is giving us an ear at best." Klaus said.

" Do whatever you can to get him on the dotted line. If we are to achieve our goals, we need the best Defender In the world."

"Your 'best Defender in the world' is just 19 years old. Are you sure he is worth it." Klaus responded as he walked into a boardroom with two other men.

"Just do it man" Spenza said as Klaus dropped the call and sat opposite the two men. One was a Grey-haired old Caucasian man in his 60's wearing a suit and tie whilst the other was a mere 19-year-old boy who kept pressing his phone.

"Mr. Goliath Sr, and Mr. Goliath Jr, thank you for meeting me today." Klaus said, shaking their hands.

"Get to the point. My son has training in an hour and this meeting is probably going to end like the rest." Goliath Sr stated in a demanding tone.

"Look sir, we have agreed a fee with your son's club to sign him and loan him back for a year to the parent club. But we need his approval for the deal to go through." Klaus said, In a clam tone.

"I ain't leaving York, no club makes me as happy as this one." Goliath Jr immediately spoke out before standing up. "Look, Ryan, Supa Strikas does not want to lose this chance this easy. We are playing York in three weeks. Allow Coach Spenza to convince you otherwise. If you are not convinced after that match, then you can cancel the deal. "If that team can get through me or make me smile. I'll consider giving you guys a chance. Tell your Coach Speaker or whoever he is. See him in three weeks." Goliath Jr walked out as his father following him before Klaus made a call.

"COACH, It's up to you now."