Chapter 3

In the dimly lit back alley as the fight commenced, Malvin fired off a volley of shots from his steam pistol, the projectiles whizzing through the air with a piercing whistle. But The Fiend, defied the odds, evading each bullet with uncanny agility.

The Fiend, instead of retaliating, stood there silently, looking almost confused. His masked face gave no indication of his thoughts or intentions. Xain watched him cautiously, unsure of what he was planning or if he would make a move.

Malvin pressed on, his electric gauntlet crackling with energy as he unleashed a series of electrified punches. His blows struck with force and accuracy, yet again The Fiend danced away effortlessly.

*Okay, he definitely isn't taking Malvin seriously,* Xain thought to himself, observing The Fiend's perplexed demeanor. *It almost looks like he doesn't know what to do.* Xain's mind raced as he realized that this could be his chance to escape. If Malvin and The Fiend were occupied with each other, he could slip away unnoticed. Xain's heart pounded in his chest as he prepared himself to make a move, hoping that he could take advantage of the situation without being caught.

*But damn, that guy's a monster. How the hell does someone dodge bullets?* Xain couldn't help but marvel at The Fiend's agility and evasion skills.

The alley became a battleground, the clash of metal and the crackle of electricity creating a symphony of destruction. Malvin's footwork became more agile, his punches more ferocious, as he sought to wear down his elusive adversary. But The Fiend, ever the master of evasion, continued to evade and dodge with supernatural grace. His metallic armor seemed impervious to harm, his seemingly superhuman physicality allowing him to endure Malvin's relentless assault.

Xain's heart raced as he made his decision. It was now or never. Seizing the opportunity while Malvin was occupied with The Fiend, Xain bolted out of the alleyway, his feet pounding against the pavement. He didn't look back, knowing that every second counted in his escape. His adrenaline-fueled body took him through the streets of Ironhelm, his only goal being to put as much distance as possible between himself and the dangerous encounter he had just been in.

*But I technically just survived The Fiend. Sure, he wasn't attacking me per se, but it still counts. I can't wait to brag about this to the old man and Zee,* Xain thought to himself.

As Xain continued running through the streets, his mind raced with thoughts of returning to his hidden sanctuary. The adrenaline from the encounter with The Fiend and Malvin fueled his determination to reach safety. He navigated through familiar alleys and side streets, avoiding crowded areas to minimize the risk of being noticed.

His hideout, a concealed place known only to him the old man and Zee, provided a temporary refuge from the chaos of the outside world. It was a small, secluded space where he could gather his thoughts, plan his next moves, and catch his breath. Xain knew that today had been more than enough excitement for him, and he yearned for the solace of his hidden sanctuary.

Finally, after a series of turns and careful maneuvers, Xain arrived at his hideout. With a sigh of relief, he slipped inside, closing the door behind him. The familiar surroundings offered a sense of security, a brief respite from the dangers that lurked outside.

"Which one of you is finally back? Is it you, Xain?" an older man's voice rang out. Xain turned around to see Larkin, a tall man in his 40s with graying brown hair. Xain simply nicknamed him "Old Man" cause why not, he is one of the two people he basically adopted about a week ago "Yeah, I'm back. Larkin is Zee not back yet?" Xain said, still huffing and panting because of how far he just ran. Larkin teasingly commented, "No, she isn't back yet because unlike you, she usually succeeds in her jobs, thus takes more time. You probably got distracted helping someone again."

"Hey, at least I still do stuff unlike some freeloader just crashing in my hideout," Xain retorted, his tone conveying a willingness to engage in teasing banter. "But man, you will not believe what I've just been through," said Xain, he wanted to brag about everything that happened today, of course, making himself sound even more impressive in the story.

**3 Minutes Later**

"You were right about me not believing you, because I don't believe you at all," Larkin exclaimed. "There is no way in hell you somehow escaped The Fiend," he continued, his skepticism evident in his tone. "I'm telling the truth, damn it! I may not have any proof, but everything I said is true," Xain exclaimed, desperately trying to make Larkin believe his story.

"Really, even the part about how you managed to somehow punch The Fiend in his privates?" Larkin said with a straight face, barely believing any of what Xain said. "Okay, I lied about that, but I did still punch him in the face, or, well, mask, whatever. Just believe me, okay?" Xain pleaded, hoping to convince Larkin that he definitely fought The Fiend and didn't just run away like a coward.

While they were talking, they suddenly heard a voice saying, "I'm home. Hmm, Xain, you're back." Both Xain and Larkin turned around to see a beautiful elven woman with long black hair that reached her waist. She appeared to be in her 20s, her vibrant emerald eyes sparkling with curiosity. She is the other person he basically adopted. He doesn't know much about them mostly because they wont tell him. Though he does know people are after them.

"Hey, Zee, you want to hear the crazy shit Xain is spewing? Oh, and by the way, did you get a mark?" Larkin asked mischievously, knowing well that Zee most likely did get a mark. He couldn't resist teasing Xain once again.

"Oh yeah, I did," said Zee, tossing a purse and wallet to Larkin. Larkin caught them and opened the wallet to check its contents. Meanwhile, Zee glanced around the hideout, curious about what Xain had obtained.

"And what did you get, Xain?" Zee asked, her eyes scanning the room. When she asked that, Xain's expression turned uneasy, and he appeared as if he had just swallowed a cactus. "Oh, you know, stuff. Lots of stuff. You know, the expensive kind. I have it in my secret safe, you know," Xain stammered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead like a fountain.

"Oh, I didn't even know you had a safe," said Zee, looking genuinely surprised as she bought into Xain's lie. Xain smirked quietly to himself and whispered under his breath, "Thank the goddess you're an airhead." Just as he finished his hushed remark, Zee turned to him with a quizzical expression. "Did you say something?" she asked curiously. Xain quickly shook his head and replied with a forced innocence, "Nope, nothing at all. Must have been the wind."

"Anyway, good job, Zee," said Larkin, acknowledging her accomplishment. Then he turned to Xain with a puzzled expression. "By the way, Xain, how did you even survive before we got here?" Larkin's question held genuine curiosity, as he pondered how Xain managed on his own before their paths crossed.

"First of all, rude," Xain retorted, slightly offended by Larkin's question. "Second of all, before I 'adopted' both of you," Xain emphasized the word 'adopted,' causing Larkin and Zee to exchange puzzled glances, "I only had to take care of myself. I didn't have the added responsibility of looking after two other people, so it was easier for me, okay?" Xain defended himself.

"Whatever. What Zee got us will be enough for, like, a week, but we really need to score big so we can leave this city and go somewhere far," Larkin stated, expressing his desire for a substantial haul. Xain quickly retorted, "This again, you two can leave if you want, but I'm staying. This city may not be perfect or good, or even average, but I still like it here. So if you two are planning something, count me out. I'm not helping."

Larkin sighed, understanding Xain's attachment to the city. "Look, Xain, we're not going to make you come with us, but Zee and I can't stay here. We'll be leaving." Xain raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh yeah, you said there are people coming after you or something, right?"

"Yes, and they could come after you too, you know. Are you sure you won't come with us, Xain?" Zee asked, a hint of sadness in her voice, still holding onto a glimmer of hope that Xain might change his mind.

Xain chuckled lightly and replied, "No, sorry, Zee, but I can't. Malvin would be really lonely if I left, so my hands are tied." He winked playfully, seeing the sadness in Zee's eyes, trying to lighten the mood.

But this had the opposite effect as Zee looked sadder, thinking that Xain cared about Malvin more than them. "Wait, wait, don't be sad," Xain quickly interjected, sensing the shift in Zee's emotions. "We can still have some time together before you two leave."

Xain's words were filled with genuine concern, hoping to reassure Zee that their bond was important to him too. He didn't want her to feel unimportant.

"Sorry to break it to you, but you've already spent all the time you could together," said a woman's voice that Xain recognized. He turned around to see the same woman from The Phoenix's Roost, the one he had tried to help, standing in the doorway of the hideout.

Xain's eyebrows furrowed in surprise as he saw her. "You? What are you doing here?" he asked. He hadn't expected to see her again especially not in their hideout. Xain observed Larkin and Zee assuming defensive positions, with Zee poised to draw her dagger and Larkin flexing his hands, ready for a fight. "Ugh, you again," the woman sneered at Xain. "Whatever, I just want that man and the she-elf over there," she declared, pointing a finger directly at Xain. "As for you, bugger off, and I won't do anything to you."

"Yeah, not happening, lady," Xain retorted, his voice filled with confidence. "I don't exactly know what their situation is, but I'm not going to just 'bugger off' because you said so." Despite his outward confidence, Xain couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear deep inside. Seeing Zee and Larkin prepared for a fight, he realized the danger they were all facing.

"Whatever. I don't care if you die. I just need the old man alive. The she-elf is just a bonus," said the woman with an almost bored expression on her face. As she raised her right hand and conjured flames, Xain looked surprised as Larkin quickly sprinted toward Xain, shoving him out of harm's way, and urgently shouted, "Get out of the way!" Meanwhile, Zee wasted no time and charged at the blond-haired woman, wielding her dagger.

As the flames engulfed the hideout, swiftly spreading through its confines, panic and chaos ensued. Larkin, fueled by an inexplicable burst of speed, launched himself towards the blond-haired woman, intending to intercept her. Meanwhile, Xain, frozen in shock, watched helplessly as his sanctuary, his home, burned before his eyes. *What did I do to deserve this?* he wondered.

But he quickly shook himself out of it, wanting to help his friends. He stepped outside and followed them, witnessing the intense battle unfold before his eyes. As he observed Larkin's incredible speed and Zee's elven agility, a sense of awe and inadequacy washed over him. The blond woman effortlessly wielded flames as if they were an extension of her own being. Xain felt overwhelmed, unsure of how he could contribute to the fight.

*This ability to control fire... I've never seen anything like it before. Wait, is that magic?* Xain thought, his mind racing with questions. The sight of the blond woman effortlessly manipulating flames sparked a realization within him. He had heard stories of individuals with magical abilities, but he had never witnessed it firsthand. The thought both intrigued and frightened him, as he contemplated the extent of her powers and the implications it had on their current situation.

*But there is no way that anyone who can use magic can get into a city like Ironhelm. These cities are forbidden for those who can use magic,* Xain thought to himself, his mind grappling with the perplexing situation. Ironhelm was known for its strict regulations and the ban on magic users within its walls. The presence of a woman wielding fire magic in the heart of the city raised alarming questions about how she had managed to breach the security measures. Xain's thoughts swirled with suspicion, wondering if there was even more to her.

But for now, he could do nothing but watch in frustration. As Larkin and Zee fought with incredible speed and skill, it became apparent to Xain that he lacked the necessary abilities to actively participate in the battle. All he could do is watch, and so that's what he did watch.

With a flick of her wrist, the fire mage unleashed a torrent of scorching flames, dancing and swirling around her like living entities. The blaze obeyed her every command, an extension of her will. The flames licked the air, casting an otherworldly glow on her bored expression.

The blond-haired mage conjured blazing fireballs, hurling them at Larkin with deadly accuracy. Each explosion sent shockwaves through the air. Larkin, undeterred by the flames, utilized his what looked to be an inhuman body to swiftly evade the projectiles. His movements were a blur, his strikes a testament to his supernatural agility. With a single swing of his fists, he shattered nearby objects and sent debris flying toward the woman. Which were melted by an whirling fire shield.

Meanwhile, Zee, her elven grace on full display, nimbly danced around the chaos. Her dagger glinted in the moonlight as she executed lightning-quick slashes and acrobatic maneuvers. With each strike, she aimed for the blond mage's vulnerable spots, her speed and precision a constant threat to the woman.

The battle was a mesmerizing spectacle, the clash of elements and the interplay of skills filling the night with an fiery energy. Flames erupted and were extinguished, shadows flickered and danced, as the woman's bored expression never changed.

The blond-haired mage, persistently sought to capture Larkin, her flames growing more intense with every passing moment. She focused her magical prowess, casting a spell that engulfed the surroundings in a fiery inferno.

However, Larkin and Zee proved to be formidable adversaries. Larkin's strengthened body withstood the onslaught. Zee's agility and precision allowed her to close in with lightning-fast strikes, that were easily blocked by her opponent.

Amidst the chaos, the unnamed mage realized that capturing Larkin and defeating Zee would be more annoying than she thought. So she decided to get rid of the problematic she elf, she was just a bonus after all. She pointed her right hand's index finger at the she-elf, but before she could unleash her attack, sirens blared in the distance. Startled, she turned around to see several police vehicles approaching their location. "Aren't you getting distracted!" Larkin yelled as he attempted to land a punch on her. However, his strike was effortlessly swatted away by the blond-haired woman. "Good boy, coming so close to me," she taunted, grabbing him with her left hand. Simultaneously, she launched the spell she had intended to cast at Zee.

As a flaming phoenix emerged from her index finger, Zee swiftly tried to dodge its path. However, to her surprise, the phoenix altered its course mid-flight and continued its trajectory toward her. Zee barely had time to react as the fiery bird closed in, threatening to engulf her in its scorching flames.

Xain, who had yet to make a contribution to the fight, witnessed the fiery phoenix hurtling towards Zee. Acting on pure instinct, he immediately pushed Zee out of harm's way as the flaming phoenix engulfed him.