Chapter 10

The orc lunged forward, swinging his meaty fists like battering rams, aiming to pulverize Xain. Xain's body moved with a blend of agility and instinct. He ducked under a sweeping haymaker, feeling the gust of air as the orc's fist sailed past his head. In response, Xain retaliated with a lightning-fast jab, striking the orc's exposed ribs with precision. The impact reverberated through his fist, eliciting a grunt from the orc.

Seizing an opportunity, the orc lunged forward with a powerful right hook. Xain's senses tingled, as he swayed to the side, narrowly evading the incoming blow that sailed past his temple. As the orc stumbled forward, off-balance, Xain seized the moment, launching a devastating uppercut. His knuckles connected with the orc's jaw, jarring it with a bone-rattling impact. The orc's head snapped backward, his eyes momentarily dazed.

Undeterred, the orc counterattacked with a barrage of punches, each blow carrying the weight of a sledgehammer. Xain's instincts kicked in, and he weaved, bobbed, and slipped through the onslaught, narrowly evading the majority of the strikes. However, a heavy fist grazed his ribs, eliciting a sharp twinge of pain. Xain gritted his teeth and fought through the discomfort, refusing to let it slow him down.

Taking in his surroundings, Xain spotted a rusty pipe discarded on the ground nearby. With a quick calculation of distance, he lunged towards it, seizing it in his hand. The cold metal sent a shiver through his palm as he wielded it as an improvised weapon.

Swinging the pipe with controlled aggression, Xain targeted the orc's legs. He aimed for the vulnerable areas—the shins, knees, ankles, and calf's. The pipe connected with the orc's calf, producing a resounding thud and causing a momentary stagger. Capitalizing on the opening, Xain delivered a swift strike to the orc's ribs, the pipe's impact echoing through the alley.

The orc growled in pain and anger, his eyes narrowing as he retaliated with a brutal knee strike to Xain's abdomen. The force of the blow sent shockwaves of agony rippling through Xain's body, momentarily stealing his breath causing him to drop the pipe. The pain throbbed, but he fought to remain upright, fueled by sheer determination.

Xain pressed on, his attacks becoming more frenzied. He unleashed a flurry of punches aimed at the orc's vital points. His fists hammered against the orc's solar plexus, aiming to disrupt his breathing and drain his stamina. Each strike reverberated through his knuckles, the impact vibrating up his arms.

Despite his relentless assault, Xain's strikes couldn't match the orc's raw power. The orc retaliated with an uppercut, a devastating blow that connected squarely with Xain's jaw. The impact sent a jolt of searing pain through his skull, rattling his senses. His head snapped back, his vision momentarily blurred.

Stumbling backward, Xain crashed against the alley wall, his body protesting the punishment it had endured. The taste of blood filled his mouth, a result of a split lip from the orc's earlier strikes. His battered form slumped momentarily, his breath ragged as he fought to regain his footing.

Bruised and battered, Xain shook off the pain, his determination unwavering. He refused to let himself be defeated so easily. Pushing himself off the wall, he steadied his stance, his eyes locked on the orc who now wore a confident grin.

The orc lunged forward, launching a flurry of heavy punches aimed at Xain's face. Swift and agile, Xain ducked and weaved, narrowly evading the devastating blows. His senses heightened, he seized an opening and retaliated with a swift kick to the orc's kneecap, attempting to weaken his foundation.

The orc grunted in pain, momentarily staggering back. Sensing an opportunity, Xain closed the distance, unleashing a barrage of rapid-fire strikes to the orc's midsection. His fists landed with precision, each blow driving deep into the orc's abdomen. The impact reverberated through his arms, echoing the determination coursing through his veins.

Yet, the orc, fueled by a mixture of anger and sheer resilience, refused to yield. With a surge of brute force, he retaliated with a thunderous haymaker aimed at Xain's head. Instinctively, Xain pivoted, narrowly evading the devastating strike.

Unrelenting, Xain continued his assault, striking with a blend of calculated precision and raw instinct. He aimed for vulnerable spots, directing punches towards the orc's ribs and kidneys. Each connection sent ripples of pain through his own knuckles, but he fought through the discomfort, channeling his energy into each strike.

As the fight wore on, fatigue began to take its toll on Xain's weary body. His movements slowed slightly, his strikes losing a fraction of their previous ferocity. The orc, seizing the opportunity, retaliated with a powerful hook that crashed against Xain's jaw, sending him reeling backward.

Xain's head spun, a symphony of pain and disorientation enveloping his senses. He once again fought to maintain his balance, his vision blurred as he blinked away stars dancing in his field of view. As Xain struggled in the fight, his frustration mounting, he reached out to Ercale in his mind. *Agh, I'm getting my ass handed to me. Can't you help?* he pleaded. Ercale responded in a Slightly annoyed tone, *Fine.*

*Assuming a defensive stance, widen your stance, ground yourself.* He advised *Alright.*

Under Ercale's guidance, Xain adjusted his stance, adopting a defensive position. He widened his stance, grounding himself firmly on the cobblestones of the alley. His arms positioned protectively, he focused on maintaining a solid guard, ready to deflect and parry any incoming strikes.

Ercale's voice echoed in Xain's mind, directing his attention to the orc's movements. *Left hook, incoming.* Ercale's voice warned. Xain swiftly raised his left arm, deflecting the orc's incoming hook with his forearm, dispersing the force of the blow.

*Follow up with a low kick.* Ercale instructed. Xain instantly complied, sweeping his leg in a low arc, aiming for the orc's supporting leg. His foot connected with the orc's calf, causing him to lose balance momentarily.

As the fight unfolded, Ercale continued to provide invaluable guidance. *Duck and counter with an uppercut.* Ercale's voice commanded. Xain instinctively dropped his body, narrowly evading the orc's powerful overhand strike. Seizing the opportunity, he unleashed an uppercut, aiming for the orc's exposed jaw. His fist connected with solid impact, causing the orc to stagger backward.

Ercale's guidance served as Xain's compass in the chaotic battle. *Right hook, incoming from the side* Ercale's voice alerted. Xain swiftly pivoted to the side, deflecting the orc's hook with a well-timed block, avoiding the full brunt of the blow.

*Create an opening with a feint and deliver a swift knee strike.* Ercale instructed. Xain followed the advice, subtly shifting his weight as if preparing for a strike. The orc momentarily hesitated, falling for the ruse. Seizing the opportunity, Xain swiftly raised his knee, driving it into the orc's midsection, forcing the air out of his lungs.

With each instruction, Xain's movements became more precise and calculated. He relied on Ercale's keen awareness and guidance to anticipate and react to the orc's attacks. *I can see why he was annoyed by his depiction in the stories.* Xain thought to himself as Ercale continued to instruct him.

*Side-step and deliver a rapid combination* Ercale's voice guided. Xain swiftly sidestepped, evading a flurry of strikes from the orc. In one swift motion, he retaliated with a series of lightning-fast strikes. His fists blurred in the air as he unleashed a barrage of punches, striking the orc's ribs and abdomen with relentless precision.

Ercale's guidance became the cornerstone of Xain's strategy. Each instruction, delivered with unwavering clarity, enabled him to maneuver through the fight, deflecting and evading the orc's attacks while delivering calculated counters.

*Finish him with a powerful strike.* Ercale's voice resonated with determination. Xain drew upon the last vestiges of his strength, channeling it into one final strike. With a burst of energy, he launched a devastating punch, aiming straight for the orc's jaw.

The punch connected with a resounding impact, sending shockwaves through the alley. The orc's body recoiled, his eyes glazed over as he collapsed to the ground, defeated.

With the battle won, Xain stood amidst the aftermath, his breaths ragged, and his body weary. The guidance and insight provided by Ercale had proven instrumental in his victory.

*Why the heck didn't you help me from the beginning?* Xain yelled at him in his own mind, frustration evident in his tone. *I just wanted to see how you fight and how strong you were, that's it,* Ercale replied casually, not showing much concern.

"Wait, I've got to check on Clare. Hey, are yo— Holy crap!" Xain exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise as he turned around. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Clare had already defeated all four of the thugs, without a scratch on her.

"How freaking strong are you!?" Xain exclaimed in awe as he approached Clare. However, as he reached her, he suddenly collapsed to the ground. "Ugh, everything hurts. I took too many hits. That guy was darn strong," he groaned, his entire body aching. *Or maybe you're just really weak,* Ercale's voice echoed in Xain's head, adding insult to injury.

"A-Are you okay? Sorry I took too long fighting them," Clare said anxiously, becoming nervous once more. "No, you did great, unlike me," Xain managed to say, his head spinning as the adrenaline from the fight began to wear off. Clare gently lifted him off the ground, repeating his name urgently, "Xain, XAIN!" *Are you seriously going unconscious right now?* Ercale's voice trailed off as Xain succumbed to unconsciousness.