Chapter 13

Traveling through the slums, Genji was confronted with the stark and unforgiving reality that enveloped every inch of this forgotten corner of the city. Dilapidated buildings lined the streets like crumbling sentinels, their broken windows and decaying facades serving as a testament to the neglect and hardship that plagued the inhabitants. The air was heavy with a mixture of decay and desperation, the stench of despair clinging to every alley and thoroughfare.

As Genji and Ripper navigated the narrow and winding alleys, the slums stretched out before them like a labyrinth of desolation. The sights that greeted them were haunting and sorrowful. On one corner, a woman huddled against a dilapidated wall, her frail form a mere whisper against the backdrop of poverty. Nearby, a group of children scavenged through piles of garbage, their sunken eyes reflecting a hunger that gnawed at their very souls.

Robbery and muggings became commonplace occurrences, the vulnerable preyed upon by the desperate. Genji's heart sank as he witnessed such acts of cruelty, the stark contrast between the ruthless perpetrators and their defenseless victims etching itself deeply into his conscience. But what struck him the most was the prevailing indifference displayed by the people around him. They walked with bowed heads and vacant stares, as if resignation had taken hold of their spirits, leaving them immune to the suffering that surrounded them. *It's like no one cares, and everyone has given up,* Genji thought, a profound sense of sorrow gripping his heart for this forsaken corner of the city.

As they continued their journey, the slums seemed to stretch on endlessly, as if holding its inhabitants captive within its grasp. The distant echoes of commotion and the occasional sound of breaking glass filled the air, further contributing to the discomforting atmosphere that enveloped them. Genji glanced at Ripper, seeking reassurance amidst the despair. "How long till we reach them?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of anxiety and urgency. Ripper flashed a reassuring smile, trying to alleviate Genji's growing concern. "Just a tiny bit further, mate," he replied, his voice laced with determination. "We'll be there in no time."

Despite Ripper's optimistic words, Genji couldn't help but feel the weight of every passing minute. Time seemed to stretch out, amplifying his restlessness. The minutes turned into what felt like an eternity as they walked through the labyrinthine paths of the slums, the passage of time marked only by the slow and steady rhythm of their footsteps.

Suddenly, a voice echoed from an adjacent alleyway, calling out, "Ripper!" Both Genji and Ripper turned their attention towards the source of the voice, where a young woman with striking black eyes and hair stood. Ripper's face lit up with recognition as he exclaimed, "Ah, Gin! How've you been?" A warm embrace followed, and Genji couldn't help but wonder if Ripper's bloodied appearance was a common occurrence in his interactions.

Gin, her mischievous glint returning, shifted her gaze to Genji and asked Ripper, "And who's this, Ripper?" Ripper chuckled and replied, "This here is Genji, my new mate. He's joining me in taking down Copperhand." Gin burst into laughter, clutching her stomach as tears of amusement streamed down her face. "Oh, Ripper, you always have the best jokes. So, who did you kill this time?" Ripper, understanding Gin's sense of humor, played along. "Well, you know, Charles and Dane, and Genji here took care of Jessika."

Gin turned her attention toward Genji, her laughter subsiding, and raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" she said, her tone carrying a hint of amusement and curiosity. Genji felt a mixture of relief and awkwardness under her scrutiny. Ripper, ever nonchalant, chimed in, "Yep, you heard right. We took care of business, didn't we?" Genji nodded, unable to shake off the uncomfortable feeling of discussing their recent acts of violence so casually.

But Gin's cheery demeanor abruptly shifted to annoyance as she approached Genji, looming over him with an intimidating presence. "Alright, enough with the jokes. Are you seriously telling me that this guy took down Jessika?" Genji, feeling the intensity of her gaze, instinctively took a step back, wary of her reaction. Ripper, quick to intervene, stepped in and firmly placed his hand on Gin's shoulder.

"Easy there, Gin. Believe it or not, our new mate here saved my life. So unless you want to join Charles, Dane, and Jessika, I suggest you calm down." Genji, grateful for Ripper's support, maintained a cautious distance from Gin, silently pondering the complex dynamics between the two. *I thought they were friends,* he wondered, confusion lingering in his mind.

Gin's glare softened, and her cheery demeanor returned as if the tension had never existed. "Alright then, why did you come here?" she asked, genuine curiosity evident in her voice. Genji, regaining his composure, looked to Ripper for guidance. Ripper responded, "We need some capable people to join us in taking down Copperhand, and I thought of you."

Genji, mustering his resolve, added, "Yes, Ripper mentioned that you might be able to help. Are you willing to help us?" Gin's mischievous glint returned, a sparkle of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Well, well, you can talk! But do you really think I would just hand over people to go and die at the hands of Copperhand?" Genji understood that not everyone in this world shared Ripper's carefree nature towards death, and he was grateful for that. Before he could respond, Gin interjected with enthusiasm, "Because if you think that, you would be absolutely right!"

Genji's confusion deepened as he struggled to comprehend Gin's nonchalant attitude towards the lives of those who worked for her. "What did you think? I care about the people who work for me?" Gin said, her tone carrying a hint of amusement. "What... What do you mean you don't care about them?" Genji stammered, his concern growing with each passing moment. The weight of the slums' reality bore down on him, the grimness of their surroundings now mirrored in his eyes.

Ripper chimed in, attempting to provide an explanation, "You see, mate, this is why I said I don't know how helpful they'll be. They're so disposable to her." Genji's concern turned to disbelief, unable to fathom how someone could treat others as mere objects. "But... but they're living beings! How can you treat them like they're disposable?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine distress. Gin, now slightly puzzled, looked at Ripper and asked, "What's wrong with him?" Ripper shrugged, responding, "He doesn't like the idea of people dying."

Genji thought Ripper and the people who killed him would be the exception, that there would be others who cared about preserving lives. However, he couldn't deny the pattern he had seen so far. Ripper, noticing Genji's distress, spoke in the most comforting tone he could muster, trying to provide some perspective. "Listen, mate, I know you're not used to the life we lead, but in the slums, death is a constant companion. Most people here have lost so much that they've become numb to it," Ripper explained. Then, in a quieter voice, he added, "Because we've lost everything we cared about."

Genji's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and thoughts as he listened to Ripper's words. Memories of his own tumultuous life in Tokyo flooded back, reminding him of the profound loneliness and abandonment he had endured. He had faced a world where he had nobody to turn to, where even his own mother ignored his existence. Now, standing in the slums, he realized that everyone here was much like him—they had all given up on life, losing hope and succumbing to the harsh realities of their circumstances.

In that moment, Genji grappled with a profound self-questioning. How could he criticize others for their indifference when he himself had reached the point of wanting to end it all? *So why am I doing this?* he thought, his mind filled with doubt and uncertainty. Was his desire to take down Copperhand simply driven by shallow revenge, or was there a deeper purpose? These doubts threatened to consume him, but he had to steel himself against them.

With a shaky voice, Genji turned to Gin and made his request, his voice carrying the weight of his own struggles and doubts. "Please, Gin, give us the people who can help," he pleaded, his words infused with a mixture of determination, desperation, and the glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for change and redemption in this dark world.