Chapter 20

Genji and the others cautiously made their way into the dilapidated building that from the outside looked like a forgotten warehouse, it appeared completely empty, devoid of any signs of life and only the sunlight from the outside barely penetrating the dim interior. Despite Ripper's warnings, Genji wanted no, needed to do this for the sake of his own sanity.

As they entered the building, the group's senses were on high alert. Suddenly, they heard something heavy fall behind them from the entrance of the building, followed by darkness enveloping them.

As the darkness engulfed them, Dare's voice echoed, "What the hell!" Before they could react, blinding lights flickered on, momentarily disorienting them. As their eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, they found themselves encircled by seven individuals, with all but one aiming their pistols at the group.

The one who didn't have a pistol aimed at them was seated in a chair, casually leaning back and looking up at the ceiling. His right hand was noticeably not organic; it seemed to be made out of some type of metal. One of the armed individuals spoke out mockingly, "Hah, did ya think you could surprise the boss? Fat chance."

Ripper scanned the room, seemingly searching for a potential escape route. The man in the chair nonchalantly added, "There's only one exit," his gaze still fixed on the ceiling.

Genji and the others exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of what to make of the sudden turn of events. Ripper took a bold step forward, attempting to engage Copperhand in conversation. "Hey there, Copperhand, mate, good to see ya. Could you, um, tell the others to lower their guns real quick?" he asked with a somewhat forced cheerfulness.

One of Copperhand's associates started to protest, "Like hell he would—" but Copperhand interrupted her, saying, "Sure," as he nonchalantly gestured for them to lower their guns. Both groups stood there, perplexed by this unexpected response, trying to make sense of the situation.

Copperhand's finally faced them his tired eyes scanned the group, settling on Ripper with a mix of weariness and disappointment. "So, this is what you're doing now, is it, Ripper?" he muttered with a hint of resignation. Genji finally got a proper look at Copperhand, and he appeared nothing like the ruthless tyrant he had imagined. While his appearance was rugged and weathered, it was evident that he had endured a tough life. His heavy eye bags spoke of sleepless nights and weariness that seemed to weigh heavily on him. The image before Genji made him wonder, *Is that really Copperhand?*

With his attention fixed on Copperhand's appearance, Genji didn't catch what Copperhand had said. Ripper quickly retorted, "What? Did ya think I was going to leave quietly after last time?" Copperhand nonchalantly shrugged and remarked, "Well, you're all going to die anyway, so it doesn't really matter anymore," as he casually rose from his chair. Despite knowing they were utterly outclassed, Dare mustered a shaky voice and said, "We still have you outnumbered," hoping to find a glimmer of hope in their dire situation.

Hearing this, a wicked laughter erupted among Copperhand's henchmen. Genji noticed a snake tattoo on the arm of the one who had spoken first, and he taunted, "One of us could take you all down, easily." He looked over at Copperhand, seeking approval.

Copperhand smirked, nodding in agreement. To the astonishment of Genji's group, the thugs holstered their weapons. The tension in the room eased slightly, but unease still lingered among Genji's allies.

The woman with orange hair chimed in, her voice oozing sadistic pleasure. "But where's the fun in a quick kill? Let's savor the moment, boys and girls." As she spoke, a menacing grin spread across her face, and without warning, they all lunged forward, ready to pounce on Genji's group. The atmosphere turned electric with danger as the fight was about to begin.

The thugs wasted no time and launched their assault with a ferocity that left Genji's group overwhelmed. Dare swung his fists with determination, but his punches were easily dodged by the agile enemies. The woman with the orange hair weaved between the attacks, landing a brutal knee strike to Dare's stomach, sending him crumpling to the ground, gasping for air.

Ripper, despite his best efforts, struggled to keep up with the lightning-fast strikes from the snake-tattooed thug. His movements were fluid, evading Ripper's every attempt to counter. With a mocking smile, the thug delivered a swift kick to Ripper's legs, causing him to stumble and lose his balance.

Pip fared slightly better, landing a few strikes on her opponent, but they seemed to have little effect. The henchmen retaliated with a series of devastating blows, leaving Pip staggering, her vision blurring from the onslaught.

The short guy with green highlighted hair tried to hold his ground, but he was soon overwhelmed by the sheer force of the attacks coming from multiple directions. He managed to throw a punch or two, but it was like hitting a brick wall, and soon he found himself on the receiving end of a barrage of punches and kicks.

As the fight raged on, Genji's group fought with all their might, but they were hopelessly outmatched. The henchmen moved like a well-coordinated pack, anticipating every move and countering with ruthless efficiency. Every strike they landed had devastating consequences, leaving Genji's friends battered and bruised, unable to put up much of a defense.

Despite their efforts, Genji's group was simply no match for Copperhand's henchmen. The fight was brutal, with bones cracking and blood splattering on the grimy floor. As the dust settled, Dare, the short guy with green highlighted hair, and the others lay defeated, gasping for breath, their bodies broken and bruised.

Ripper and Pip, though still standing, were clearly exhausted and battered as well. They looked at Genji, who had remained unharmed, knowing that their desperate attempt to protect him had failed. Genji's heart sank as he watched his friends suffer, their valiant efforts futile against their powerful adversaries. He felt utterly helpless, unable to do anything to protect them or to fight back.

The man with the snake tattoo let out a mocking laugh, taunting, "How fucking weak were you?" Meanwhile, the orange-haired woman continued her relentless assault on the unconscious Dare, her punches landing with merciless force. Copperhand advanced toward Genji, and despite Ripper's attempt to block him, Copperhand brutally kicked Ripper in the head, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Facing Copperhand, Genji couldn't help but feel a surge of fear and anxiety. Copperhand's eyes bore into him, filled with a mixture of disappointment and disdain. "I hoped you would've been stronger," he said, his voice carrying an almost sad tone.

As Copperhand's copper hand clasped down on Genji's throat, a surge of panic and adrenaline shot through Genji's body. He desperately struggled, gasping for breath as he tried to break free from the powerful grip. In a last-ditch effort, Genji managed to slash Copperhand with his knife, but the ruthless leader didn't even flinch, and the blade seemed to have little effect.

Genji's vision blurred, his oxygen supply cut off, and the pain unbearable. He could feel his throat being crushed, and Genji noticed something unsettling in his eyes – a lifelessness that reminded him of a corpse. Gin's words echoed in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder, *Is this what I look like?*

As Genji's vision blurred, the world around him faded into darkness, and he succumbed to the cold embrace of death once more.