Chapter 8

Ercale found himself pondering the reasons behind Malvin's unexpected concern for Xain. It was curious, especially considering their history of antagonism. The situation seemed to stir memories of someone else for Ercale, someone he knew all too well.

Meanwhile, Xain and Ercale's thoughts remained separate, neither aware of the other's inner contemplations. As Xain faced Malvin's accusation, he felt a sense of unease settle in his gut. How could he explain the complexities of his situation without revealing Ercale's presence? It was a dilemma he hadn't anticipated.

Xain took a deep breath, his voice steady but tinged with unease. "Malvin, I need you to listen to me, even if it's hard to believe. I'm not lying about having magic." His words hung in the air, tension thickening between them.

Malvin's frustration erupted, his fist slamming against the wall with a resounding thud. "Cut it out, Xain! None of us born here have magic. Stop with this nonsense!" His anger reverberated in the room. "I'll talk to the higher-ups to sort this mess, but don't keep pushing this lie."

As Malvin's words reverberated, Xain's mind raced, searching for a solution to bridge the widening gap. *Can you demonstrate some magic? Just a small bit to convince him,* Xain mentally asked Ercale for help. However, Ercale's response was nothing more than a heavy sigh.

The room was charged with a sudden crackling energy, as faint bursts of lightning danced across Xain's right hand, and for a moment, disbelief held them both captive. Ercale's power had come to Xain's aid, validating his claim in the most unexpected fashion.

Malvin's eyes widened in astonishment, his disbelief evident on his face. Xain's heart raced, as relief washed over him. *That's all you get, ape,* Ercale's voice resonated in his thoughts, the weariness apparent in his tone. Gratitude surged within Xain, mingling with a lingering tension. *Thanks, Erkie,* he mentally acknowledged, a spark of warmth amidst the lingering apprehension. In response, Ercale's voice took on a menacing edge, *Remember, I can end you.*

Xain couldn't resist a touch of teasing towards the Demon Lord, his gratitude mingled with a hint of lightheartedness. As the crackling lightning faded from his hand, Malvin turned to leave, his departure imminent. But before he did, he cast a final warning over his shoulder, his words tinged with a mix of concern and frustration.

"You will leave the city in 20 minutes. If you meet your demise out there, know that I won't hesitate to follow you into the afterlife to arrest you." Xain's response was punctuated with a mock salute, a playful mimicry of The Guard's trademark gesture. "Roger, captain," he echoed, adding a touch of playful formality to the exchange.

**20 Minutes later**

At one of Ironhelm's gates, Xain, Zee, and Larkin found themselves encompassed not only by the guards accompanying them but also by additional guards stationed to secure the city's entrance and exit points. The presence of these vigilant sentinels created an atmosphere of high security, leaving no doubts about the city's determination to ensure their departure.

Among the guards, Xain recognized several familiar faces, although notably absent was Malvin. *He's probably handling 'that' issue,* Ercale's voice sounded in Xain's thoughts, to which Xain agreed, *Yeah, you're right. But it would've been nice to say goodbye at least.* As the moments ticked by, their departure impending, one of the guards stepped forward with a megaphone in hand.

Ironhelm's gates stood as a testament to both its industrial might and the city's dedication to security. The walls that encased the city were formidable, their towering heights adorned with gears, cogs, and intricate piping. Four grand gates punctuated these imposing walls, each gate a marvel of engineering and design. Massive metal structures with intricate engravings, the gates seamlessly merged function with artistic flair.

Steam-powered machinery worked in harmony to operate the gates, their pistons hissing with released steam as they shifted the colossal metal panels. Electric arcs crackled along the edges of the gates, a visible sign of the energy coursing through the mechanisms. As the command was given, the guard with the megaphone stepped forward, her authoritative voice amplified through the device. "Open the gate!" she declared, and with a chorus of synchronized hissing, clanking, and the hum of electricity, the gate began to swing open.

Steam billowed out in an almost dramatic display, mingling with the ambient air as the gates grudgingly revealed the path beyond. Arcs of electricity danced across the edges of the gates, a reminder of the city's technological prowess.

Beyond the gates, the landscape spread out, offering a contrast to Ironhelm's bustling industrial streets. Verdant fields and distant forests painted a picturesque backdrop against the city's metal-clad walls. But even in this scenic panorama, the city's defenses were ever-present. The watchtowers bristled with steam-powered weaponry, while mechanical sentries patrolled the walls, their intricate gears turning with precision.

Xain's heart raced as his eyes took in the world beyond Ironhelm's gates – a realm unknown to him. Larkin's reassuring hand landed on his shoulder, prompting Xain to turn and face the experienced thief. "Are ya ready, kid?" Larkin's rough voice broke through the mix of anticipation and uncertainty that churned in Xain's mind. Drawing in steadying breaths, Xain nodded and replied, "As ready as I'll ever be."

With a blend of emotions, Xain cast his gaze back at Ironhelm, the city he had known all his life. It was a fleeting moment of farewell, an unspoken acknowledgment of the life he was leaving behind. The three, or technically four of them, stepped forward, crossing the threshold that marked the beginning of an unknown journey.

As they ventured forth, the imposing gate sealed behind them with a surge of electricity. Ercale's irritated voice resonated in Xain's mind, *Do you really think scar face can handle him?* the Demon Lord inquired with evident annoyance.

Xain's response was tinged with a mix of hope and uncertainty. *All we can do is hope this was the right choice for Azure,* Xain responded mentally. He had confided in Malvin about Azure's predicament, placing their trust in Malvin's intervention to safeguard Azure's volatile powers.

Zee walked up to Xain's side, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity in her expression. "I know you wanted to stay, but thank you for coming with us," she said, her tone softening. Then, with a pout on her face, she added, "You'll have to spill the beans on how you know magic, though. Why keep it a secret?" Xain felt a pang of realization, realizing he would have to explain his newfound ability once again. *Ah, crap, also who says 'spill the beans' this day and age?* he thought as his journey into the unknown began.