Chapter 26

Xain had returned to the Lunar Stay Inn and entered, but he couldn't spot Larkin or Zee in the bar area. Wondering if they had retired to their rooms, he decided to inquire with the innkeeper, who also tended the bar.

"Excuse me," Xain began, addressing the bartender. "I was wondering if the two people who arrived with me have gone to their rooms?"

The bartender paused in his glass-wiping, his expression turning more serious as he set the glass down. "Your companions have been taken by the Supreme Officer. It's a rule established by the mayor."

Xain froze as he remembered. *Isn't the mayor one of the vampires?* he pondered anxiously, half-expecting an answer from Ercale, but realizing that Ercale wasn't currently present to provide guidance.

As Xain contemplated his next move, the bartender added, "You'll need to go too; it's a requirement for all out-of-towners." Xain had the feeling that he might not have much of a choice in the matter. The vampires seemed to be targeting visitors and travelers to avoid arousing suspicion among the town's residents.

"I don't know where the Supreme Officer is," Xain admitted, looking a bit lost. The bartender nodded in understanding and gestured toward one of the waiters working in the bar area. "He'll guide you there, no need to fret," the bartender assured Xain as the designated waiter approached him.

Xain looked at the waiter and could tell that the waiter was mind-controlled like most of the residents. He then had a thought: *if the mayor is a vampire, then it would make sense if the Supreme Officer was as well,* two high-ranking positions filled by vampires, it seemed plausible. Realizing the urgency of the situation, he knew that finding Larkin and Zee had become even more crucial.

Under the influence of the pervasive mind control, the waiter politely inquired, "May we go, sir?" Xain, simply nodded, and they left the inn together.

As Xain followed the waiter, a growing sense of unease weighed on him. He was keenly aware of his vulnerability without Ercale's magical abilities to help him. Ercale had made it clear that Xain couldn't do much, if anything, against a vampire. Moreover, from what he had gathered from Ercale, these particular vampires were stronger than the average ones.

*What could I possibly do?* Xain's thoughts raced as he tried to recall any piece of knowledge or skill from his thieving days that might provide a sliver of hope against a vampire. Yet, despite his efforts, nothing came to mind absolutely nothing.

All Xain could do was follow and hope that the vampire hadn't done anything to Larkin and Zee because, if they had, he didn't know what he would do. His anxiety grew with each passing moment as he followed the waiter for about ten minutes until they arrived at an opulent building, clearly intended for the town's aristocracy.

"This is the residence of the Supreme Officer, sir. I will leave you here," the waiter said with a respectful bow before turning and leaving. As Xain approached the entrance of the building, he took a deep breath to steady himself. However, he soon realized that the guard stationed at the front door was also under the influence of the vampires mind control.

The guard gave him a slight nod and said, "You must be the one the Supreme Officer is expecting. Please, proceed inside." With that, the guard opened the door for Xain to walk through. Xain wanted to say something to the guard, to warn him about the vampires influence, but he knew it wouldn't make a difference. So, he went inside without uttering a word.

Upon stepping inside, he was met with a display of excessive wealth. Every item seemed to scream extravagance, far beyond the reach of most townsfolk. While it might not have been the most lavish place he'd ever seen, it was still oddly impressive. However, Xain didn't have much time to contemplate the opulence, as a woman in a maid's uniform approached him.

The maid, like the guard before her, appeared to be under mind control. "Master Lennix has been expecting you," she announced in a monotonous tone. "Please, accompany me, sir. Allow me to guide you to his presence," Xain offered only a silent nod in acknowledgment, recognizing that conversation would likely be fruitless.

Following the mind-controlled maid, Xain ascended a grand staircase, his senses alert for any signs of an escape route or additional guards. Strangely, he didn't spot any guards or security measures. *I guess a vampire really need guards,* he speculated.

Eventually, the maid led him to a door and knocked politely. "The blue-haired boy has arrived, master," she informed the occupant behind the door. A voice from within replied, "Very well, show him in." With a deferential bow, the maid indicated for Xain to enter the room.

Xain took a deep breath and gathered his resolve before placing his hand on the door handle. He turned it slowly, his heart racing, and pushed the door open. The room before him was adorned with a large window that offered a view of the outside world. A polished wooden desk sat near the window, and in the center of the room, two plush couches surrounded a glass table. 

Seated on one of the couches was a man with an unnaturally pale complexion, his black hair slicked back, and dark pupils that seemed to pierce through Xain. The man, who Xain could only assume was Lennix, gestured toward the empty couch opposite to him.

"Well, don't just stand there," Lennix said with a sly smile. "Sit down." 

Xain hesitated for a moment before complying, taking a seat on the indicated couch, his apprehension palpable.

Spread out on the glass table were an assortment of tempting snacks, accompanied by a single porcelain teacup and a steaming teapot filled with aromatic tea leaves. Lennix, gestured casually toward these refreshments.

"You're welcome to indulge yourself," he offered politely, but Xain's concern for his friends far outweighed any interest in the snacks.

"Where are my friends?" Xain inquired, a tinge of urgency in his voice, his unwavering gaze locked onto Lennix. The vampire responded with a subtle smile, his dark eyes never leaving Xain's face.

"Fear not, they're safe," Lennix assured him calmly. He noticed the unease in Xain's demeanor, an unspoken recognition.

"I believe you understand what I am," Lennix remarked, to which Xain simply nodded, his expression resolute.

"Yes, I do," he replied firmly. Lennix chuckled softly, a flicker of amusement in his eyes.

"Well then, let's get down to business."