Chapter 61

Aetheria, a world once terrorized by the Demon Lord Ercale over 500 years ago. Ercale was a being so powerful that even with all the countries united for the first time in history, they failed to defeat him and his army. Instead, they relied on a hero, a chosen one, and his companions to vanquish the demon and his forces. Aetheria and its people were rendered powerless, akin to sheep in need of a shepherd - that shepherd being the chosen one and his companions.

These tales, however, were dismissed as mere fiction by the populace. But if these stories held truth, if Demon Lords existed and if demons truly threatened Aetheria, what would be their course of action? Could they endure? Could they overthrow the Demon Lord and his army? Or would they remain passive, akin to the helpless sheep depicted in the stories?

Winter and his companions, if they ever existed, were not real. So who would they turn to in the face of such a formidable foe? Regardless of whom you ask these questions—regardless of race, sex, or class—all of Aetheria would answer the same: they would rely on The Strongest.

People who have not only reached the pinnacle of mortal limits but transcended them, defying the will of nature and touching the very grace of the heavens. They are individuals who can only be described as The Strongest, without peer.

Aeron Wight, The One Feared By Death, hailing from Ironhelm.

Darek Quill, The Reluctant Deity of Veridiania.

Yahito Shinara, The Unending Blade, representing Aeruna.

Stroven Van Elnan, The Star Crusher, from the elven country of Sylvanoria.

And finally, Dash Ardent, The Wandering Calamity.

Lennix couldn't help but think, *That's not at all what I expected The Wandering Calamity to look or act like. What a poorly chosen title!* Meanwhile, Dash stared at him, thoroughly confused, eager for a fight. "Come on, aren't you going to fight?" he urged, but Lennix's reaction was far from expected.

"Fight you? Fight you!? Are you insane!?" Lennix exploded, his voice animated and full of frustration. "You're one of The Strongest! Why would I fight you!? You could bloody blink, and I would disappear! Fighting you is like fighting the sun, completely pointless!!!" Lennix yelled, his voice echoing as he looked up at the sky in exasperation. He then slumped his shoulders, looking down at the ground with a huff, despite not needing to breathe.

The onlookers were stunned; someone was yelling at The Wandering Calamity as if scolding a child. It almost, in a strange way, garnered respect, despite Lennix being perceived as a vampire who would kill them all or whatever. But then, Lennix's tone shifted abruptly. "Please spare me, I didn't mean to yell at you. I apologize with all my being," he said, his voice quiet as he humbly clasped his hands together in a gesture of apology, inadvertently diminishing the little respect he had gained.

"B-but you dodged my punch! You're strong enough to fight me!" Dash yelled, his voice stuttering a little.

Lennix let out a frustrated sigh, his patience wearing thin. "Good goddess, why are you so adamant about fighting me? That was just a lucky dodge! I can't do it again! Please, just let me go, or hell, let me surrender at this point!" he pleaded, his voice betraying a hint of desperation.

Vrax grinned toothily at Lennix's words, relishing the thought of victory. But then Mari exclaimed, "Don't give up, Uncle Lennix!"

Everyone turned to look at Mari as she continued from the arms of Minx, "You didn't do anything wrong! Giving up means you'll admit you did something wrong, so don't give up!"

"Now isn't the time, Ma-" Lennix began, but he was abruptly cut off as Dash pointed at him, interjecting with fervor. "She's right! If you fight me, then you're innocent and have done nothing wrong in your life!"

The absurdity of Dash's statement left everyone dumbfounded as they thought to themselves, *Are you stupid!?* Lennix vocalized this, "First of all, that's not what she said! Second of all, that doesn't make any sense!" he exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

But Dash remained resolute, shaking his head adamantly. "I don't care! Fight me, and you'll be innocent forever!" he declared with unshakeable determination.

*What should I do? It doesn't look like he'll leave me alone until he fights me. Should I just fight him? Me versus The Wandering Calamity?* Lennix pondered, his mind racing with uncertainty. Another sigh escaped him, and Dash's excitement only grew as he saw Lennix assume his fighting stance once more. "Yes! I got you to fight me!" Dash exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable, while Lennix wore a mix of sadness and annoyance on his face. "I have to, because you're kind of forcing me to," Lennix said resignedly, acknowledging the inevitable.

Dash, undeterred by Lennix's resignation, bounced on his feet with eager anticipation before settling into his own stance. The tension between them was palpable, and everyone around held their breath as Lennix and Dash locked eyes—one filled with excitement, the other with reluctant acceptance. With a burst of speed speed faster than lightning, Lennix charged towards Dash, who was ready to fight someone who could actually give him a challenge. *Finally, I can fight someone strong!* Dash thought excitedly as he braced himself for the clash.

Lennix transformed the fingers of his right hand into black claws before swiping at Dash's chest. However, Dash swiftly intercepted Lennix's attack, using his forearm to strike Lennix's wrist. Lennix's entire arm snapped back, the impact shattering his wrist bones and dislocating his shoulder. Pain shot through him, and his eyes widened in realization of the true extent of Dash's strength. *Too freaking strong!*

Lennix didn't have much time to think about Dash's strength as Dash reeled his right arm back to punch Lennix. Clicking his tongue, Lennix turned his head just in time to barely dodge the punch. Then, lifting his left leg, he attempted to knee Dash in the stomach. Lennix felt his knee connect, but to his surprise, Dash didn't seem affected at all.

"What the hell?" Lennix whispered to himself, bewildered. He quickly dashed backward to put some space between them, nearly stumbling in the process. "What's wrong? Let's keep going!" Dash yelled, showing no signs of pain.

Lennix felt his left leg start to buckle as his knee became fractured from hitting Dash. Panic surged within him as he realized the immense gap in their strength. *I hit him, and I got hurt? There's no way I can ever win this!* he thought to himself, fear creeping in as Dash remained as ready as ever to continue the fight.

(In this battle against The Strongest, how will Lennix pull, though!?)

  1. JJK?