Chapter 113

Mar rushed in immediately, his mace raised high in his right hand and his claws flexed in his left, ready to bash and rip apart Bilmoth. Fury coursed through his veins as he charged. In response, Bilmoth used a minor fire spirit to unleash a bolt of fire, setting Mar's furred body aflame. Despite the flames, Mar continued his charge, undeterred.

While, the demon said, "Bang," and fired one of its claws towards Bilmoth. Bilmoth used a minor earth spirit to raise a wall of cobblestones, blocking the claw's trajectory. Simultaneously, Orian launched several blades of wind aimed at eviscerating Bilmoth. Bilmoth used four minor wind spirits to disrupt the blades' path so they flew past him and sliced into Mar, temporarily halting the lycan's advance.

With a brief moment of respite, Bilmoth took the opportunity to analyze his surroundings. His eyes first landed on Mar. *Tough but manageable. As long as I keep an occasional watch on him, he won't be an issue,* he assessed.

Next, his gaze shifted to Orian. *A powerful magic and spirit user who's holding back. He can't coordinate properly with the rest. I should exploit that more.*

Bilmoth's eyes then moved to the demon. *Strong despite being nameless and hornless, and capable of extreme body morphing. This one should be my primary focus.*

Finally, his eyes settled on Mincs, still lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. *Taken care of,* he noted, dismissing her as a threat.

Bilmoth then charged towards the demon, his movements enhanced by the minor wind spirits, granting him a burst of speed. Mar struggled to keep up from behind, flames still licking at his fur. The demon morphed its left arm into a drill, but Bilmoth closed the distance swiftly. With a precise and powerful motion, he chambered his leg and unleashed a devastating low kick. His shin connected with the demon's right leg, shattering it entirely. The force of the impact caused the demon to lose balance, its drill arm swinging wildly and missing Bilmoth as it fell.

As Mar closed in, ready to bring down his mace, Bilmoth spun on his heel and delivered a fierce kick to Mar's abdomen. The kick crushed Mar's internal organs and sent him flying back, incapacitating him momentarily. Bilmoth then scanned his surroundings and noticed Orian was no longer in his previous position. He wasn't on the ground. *Above,* a minor spirit warned him.

Bilmoth looked up just in time to see Orian seemingly walking on air, preparing to launch a blade of wind. Reacting quickly, Bilmoth used the minor wind spirits to create a barrier, deflecting the attack. "Tch," Orian clicked his tongue in frustration. Bilmoth countered by using two minor fire spirits, unleashing bolts of fire towards Orian. Orian quickly conjured a wind barrier of his own to block the flames, neutralizing the attack.

Bilmoth suddenly felt a strong pull on his right leg and looked down to see a tentacle wrapped around his shin. *What?* he thought, tracing the tentacle back to the demon's right leg. *Damnit!* He quickly used a minor wind spirit to sever the tentacle, but not before it yanked him forward. Despite this, Bilmoth executed a graceful recovery, using the momentum to somersault and land back on his feet, avoiding a fall.

*Behind,* a minor spirit warned. Bilmoth turned just in time to see Mar swinging his mace towards his head. He ducked under the swing and grabbed Mar's left arm mid-swing with his right hand as Mar attempted to claw at his face. Bilmoth twisted Mar's arm and moved behind him, using Mar as a human shield just as Orian launched more blades of wind. The blades sliced into Mar, causing him to growl in anger. 

Bilmoth then gripped Mar's left arm with both hands and, with a powerful motion, threw him over his shoulder towards the already broken fountain in the middle of the front garden. As Mar flew through the air, Bilmoth used minor fire spirits to set him ablaze once more, flames engulfing Mar's body before he crashed into the fountain.

Bilmoth heard the whirling of a drill and swiftly turned to sidestep the demon's attack. Just as he moved, the demon muttered "Bang," and Bilmoth grimaced in pain as he felt his left foot get pierced by the demon's claw. "Clever," Bilmoth remarked with an annoyed and angered tone. He grabbed the demon by its right arm, a mistake as spikes grew where he gripped, piercing his hands. Powering through the pain, Bilmoth spun around to gain momentum and swung the demon before hurling it toward Orian, who was preparing to launch more blades of wind.

"Get out of here," Orian said, using a strong gust of wind to throw the demon aside. At that moment, Bilmoth used the minor wind spirits to leap up and deliver a powerful kick to Orian's left side, just below his ribs, launching him near the main gates of the estate. "Quick reflexes," Bilmoth remarked as Orian landed mostly unharmed, breathing only slightly heavily, having used wind magic to soften the blow at the last possible moment.

Meanwhile, the demon landed near the left outer wall, its body rapidly healing as it fixed its crimson eyes on Bilmoth. Bilmoth locked eyes with it, his magenta gaze filled with determination. "Didn't expect me to put up this much of a fight?" he asked.

The demon shook its head and calmly replied, "No, I expected more."

Bilmoth's eyes narrowed. "Why you little—" His words were cut short as they all heard a voice yell, "DIE!!!" A beam of pure yellow mana blasted toward him, illuminating the battlefield in its blinding light.

  1. It was later in writing that I remembered that it had already morphed its arms into blades. I'm an idiot.