Chapter 134

"This thing's pretty impressive," said the angel, glancing around the steamstrider's cockpit. "The folks in Ironhelm, right? Sure know what they're doing."

Larkin, focused on driving despite the fact that he didn't actually know how to, replied sharply, "Yeah, they do. Could ya not distract me right now, though? It's hard enough to concentrate without you yapping in my ear," while he adjusted his grip on the controls.

The angel raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his seat. "Are you talking to me like that? You know I could send you to hell after you die if I curse you, right?" he teased, watching Larkin nervously tense up. "But you wouldn't do something like that, right?" he added, a nervous chuckle escaping him, followed by a bead of sweat running down his forehead. "Right?"

"Of course not, you dumbass. Do I look like someone with a stick shoved up his ass?" the angel scoffed dismissively.

Larkin, looking confused, briefly took his eyes off the road to glance at the angel. "Do angels usually have sticks up their asses?" he asked in genuine confusion.

"Keep your damn eyes on the road!" the angel barked suddenly.

Startled, Larkin quickly refocused, swerving slightly to avoid going off the road and into a tree. The steamstrider could handle the maneuver, but it was better not to test its limits unnecessarily. "Sorry," Larkin muttered, regaining control of the vehicle.

"And that was just a figure of speech, for Michael's sake," the angel sighed, massaging his temples. They were nearing the estate now; just a couple more minutes and they would be there.

"Wait, what are those in the sky?" Larkin interrupted, his voice tinged with urgency as he enhanced his eyes to get a clearer look.

Following his gaze, the angel straightened up in his seat, his expression turning serious as they both recognized the shapes silhouetted against the sky. "Demons," they both realized simultaneously.

The angel wordlessly clicked Heavens Inventory together. With a crackling sound of electricity followed by a flash of black lightning that disappeared in an instant, a sniper rifle materialized in his hand. The weapon bore a holy and angelic design, its sleek body crafted from gleaming white metal adorned with intricate engravings that shimmered with divine light. The stock was etched with holy symbols, and along the barrel ran faint lines that seemed to pulse softly with a radiant energy.

"Go hunting," the angel replied calmly, swinging open the door on his side of the steamstrider.

"What are ya doin'!? You can't fly right now!" exclaimed Larkin, reaching to hit the brakes.

"Keep driving. Also, I know I can't fly right now. I'm going onto the roof, so I need you to be steady," the angel instructed as he climbed out and maneuvered onto the roof of the speeding vehicle.

"Oi! I didn't agree to this! Also, you're puttin' way too much trust into my drivin' skills!" Larkin protested, but the angel had already closed the door and was firmly positioned on the roof, gripping onto one of the vents as he aimed the sniper rifle.

The angel peered through the scope at one of the demons, a menacing drakorath. A grin spread across his face. "I might not have the best aim, and hitting a shot like this is unlikely, but I don't need to with this baby!" he exclaimed confidently.

He squeezed the trigger. The sniper rifle discharged a white bullet that initially seemed to veer off course from the drakorath. But just as it appeared to miss, as if the bullet had wings, it adjusted its trajectory mid-air and struck the drakorath squarely in the head. The demon's head exploded in a burst of gore and demonic essence, its body convulsing before crashing to the ground below.

The angel burst into laughter, exhilarated by the shot. Through the scope, he could see the remaining demons turning their attention toward him, their anger palpable.

"Come get some, you pieces of shit!" he taunted, firing off another shot. This time, the bullet pierced through the chest of a flying imp, causing it to burst into flames and disintegrate mid-air.

With each shot, the angel showcased the precision of his divine weapon. He took down an approaching veinblood cherub with a well-aimed shot to its glowing core, the demon shrieking in agony as it dissolved into sparks of light and dark smoke.

A group of imps tried to flank him from the side. The angel swiftly turned, firing in rapid succession. One after another, the imps fell, their bodies torn apart by the holy bullets that burned through their flesh.

But as the onslaught continued, the angel saw more demons, too many for him to snipe without some slipping past him towards the village.

"Shit!" the angel cursed under his breath. He quickly leaned over the edge of the roof, shouting through the windshield, "Hey! Turn this thing around! We have to make sure none of them get away!"

Larkin, startled by the sudden appearance of the angel in front of him, jumped in his seat. "Holy shit! That scared the shit outta me! But okay, hang on tight!" he exclaimed, gripping the controls tightly as he maneuvered the steamstrider in a rough yet sharp turn.

Demons flew overhead and past them, their screeches filling the air. The angel clambered back onto the roof, repositioning himself and aiming his sniper rifle once more.

*This is the best we can do. I hope the priest reached the rest of you,* the angel thought grimly, steadying his aim and squeezing the trigger again.