Databooks: Demons

Character Profile: Kazon

Name: Kazon

Hair Color: Yet to be revealed

Eye Color: Yet to be revealed

Height: 7'0" (213.36 cm)

Age: 432

Occupation: Demon Knight


Knife Fighting: Expert in combat with knives.

Trained Unarmed Fighting: Skilled in unarmed combat.

Dual Wielding: Proficient in using two weapons simultaneously.


Living Armor: Armor made from the soul of another demon, effective in defending against all types of attacks. It can repair itself, though it takes significant time.

Demon Bane Daggers: Daggers specifically made to kill demons and all other creatures of Hell.


Demonic Biology: Being a demon, Kazon is faster, stronger, and tougher than most humans, demi-humans, and monsters, even with magic. (This goes for all the demons, thus will not be mentioned constantly.)

Valquor: A technique allowing Kazon to store objects within his territory of Hell. It usually takes time to do so; however, he has used Equivalent Exchange to make it so that he can only pull out these objects when his hands go behind his back rather than wherever he wants in exchange for it being instantaneous. In demonic terms, it translates to Inventory.

Hellfire: Kazon can use hellfire to create walls of fire, beams of fire, fireballs, and more. Due to its high energy drain, he uses it only when his life is threatened.

Enryu: A family technique summoning a hellfire dragon. If beaten by the summoner alone, the dragon can be tamed. Kazon, being too weak to defeat Enryu alone, uses it as a mutual destruction option when facing imminent defeat.

Low Demonic Energy: Despite his strength, Kazon's actual demonic energy, the equivalent of mana for demons, is very low.

Likes: Honor, learning, serving

Dislikes: Dishonor, dirty fighting, wrath


Noble Demon: Kazon was named at birth due to his family's noble status among demons.

Face Seen: The only demon from Malvorr's group to have seen his face is Bilmoth.

Strongest: Considered the strongest of Malvorr's demons.

Loyal but Unrespectful: Despite his loyalty, Kazon didn't respect Malvorr too much.

Dream Achieved: His dream of becoming a Demon Knight is accomplished.

Character Profile: Bilmoth

Name: Bilmoth

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Magenta

Height: 5'7" (170.18 cm)

Age: 422

Occupation: Demon Soldier


Trained Unarmed Fighting: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

Dueling: Proficient in one-on-one combat.

Dancing: Talented dancer.

Equipment: None


Miragos: A technique allowing Bilmoth to create illusions. He has heavily modified this technique using Equivalent Exchange, making his illusions affect the physical world. However, he can only create illusions of himself or on himself, and they only work on the person he is staring at. This is highly effective in one-on-one combat but less so against multiple opponents. In demonic terms, it translates to illusions.

Spaer Stoler: A technique that allows him to steal the spirits of others. Unlike normal spirits that take in mana from the atmosphere, the spirits he steals power themselves by consuming his demonic energy, making it unsuitable for long fights. In demonic terms, it translates to spirit stealer.

Mid Demonic Energy: Bilmoth's demonic energy level is average for a demon.

Likes: Kazon, sweets, mischief

Dislikes: Nothing in particular


Elf Pretender: Likes to pretend to be an elf to scare demons.

Noble Demon: Named at birth due to his family's noble status among demons.

Trusted Ally: The only demon Kazon fully trusts.

Unknown Dream: His dream is unknown.

Character Profile: Erkag

Name: Erkag

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: Orange

Height: 5'9" (175.26 cm)

Age: 499

Occupation: Demon Engineer


Engineering: Expertise in building and designing.

Cybernetics: Skilled in integrating machinery with living beings.

Crafting: Proficient in creating various tools and devices.


His Entire Body: Erkag's body is almost entirely machine, making it difficult to harm. It is equipped with various tools for fighting, such as claws, cannons, daggers, and more. The body uses demonic energy as fuel, with consumption varying based on activity. For instance, moving his limbs at twice their regular speed consumes a significant amount of fuel and can jam the limb. The cannons drain the most demonic energy, almost matching Even's mana blast in power. If Erkag runs out of demonic energy, his life support systems will cease, leading to his death.


High Demonic Energy: Erkag has a high amount of demonic energy, enough to last him for a three-hour-long fight if he uses his cannons. Without using the cannons, his energy can last for two days.

Likes: Making new things, learning new things, discovering new things

Dislikes: Fighting


Weakest: Erkag is the weakest of Malvorr's demons.

Smartest: Erkag is the smartest of Malvorr's demons.

Naming: He got his name when Malvorr saw his creations and was impressed.

Dream: He dreamed of creating something that would change inner Hell forever.

Character Profile: Argath

Name: Argath

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: None

Height: 6'4" (193.04 cm)

Age: 356

Occupation: Demon Soldier

Skills: None


Makes His Own: Argath uses his ability to manipulate bone to create whatever tool or weapon he may need.


Bone Manipulation: Argath can conjure and shape bones as he desires. He typically uses this ability in a very orthodox manner, though he became more creative with it during his fight against Maverick.

Low Demonic Energy: Argath has low demonic energy, but his ability requires minimal energy to use, so it does not hinder him significantly.

Likes: Nothing in particular

Dislikes: Angels, being called weak


Weakness: He is the second weakest of Malvorr's demons but would likely still lose to Erkag.

Purpose: Malvorr named and used him for entertainment, nothing more.

Dream: His dream is considered irrelevant.

Character Profile: Reykur

Name: Reykur

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: None

Height: Variable

Age: 254

Occupation: Demon Soldier


Magic Tricks: Skilled in performing magic tricks.

Ventriloquism: Proficient in ventriloquism.

Puppetry: Adept at puppetry.

Equipment: None


Smoke Manipulation: Reykur can conjure and manipulate smoke. As the saying goes, "where there is smoke, there is fire," and their body and the smoke they conjure are strong enough to melt skin and liquefy bones. They can enter people's bodies and melt them from the inside if desired.

Extremely High Demonic Energy: Reykur had the third highest demonic energy volume of Malvorr's demons.

Likes: Killing, killing more, killing even more

Dislikes: Not killing


Power: Reykur was an extremely powerful demon but had the misfortune of facing The Wandering Calamity, who ignored their attacks.

Naming: Malvorr named them after discovering they had killed demons from outer Hell.

Bloodlust: None of the other demons b liked them due to Reykur's bloodlust.

Dream: Their dream was to kill everything. What this implies exactly is unknown.

Character Profile: Arnan

Name: Arnan

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Height: 6'1" (185.42 cm)

Age: 487

Occupation: Demon Soldier

Skills: None

Equipment: None


Zorathin: This technique allows Arnan to steal and manipulate souls. He can use these souls to attack and defend, but doing so destroys the souls, erasing them from existence. He typically attacks by either burning the souls and launching them as blasts or vibrating them like a chainsaw and lashing them like a whip. In demonic terms, it translates to "Soul Slave."

Hellscape: Arnan's Hellscape, called "Soul of Sorrowful Agony," transports Arnan and those within its range into a hellish colosseum with tormented souls as spectators. This Hellscape targets the very souls of its victims, weighing them down, draining them, ruining them, breaking them, and corrupting them before swallowing them whole. If one dies via this, they are forever lost, never able to come back.

Extremely High Demonic Energy: Arnan had the second highest demonic energy volume of Malvorr's demons.

Likes: Killing humans, enslaving humans, hating humans, doing every single bad thing possible to humans

Dislikes: Humans


Nobility: Was named at birth as his family is demon nobility.

Human Hatred: There is no reason as to why he hates humans; he just does. He's simply a hater.

Source of Souls: He usually gets souls from those being tortured in Hell, depriving them of an afterlife.

Dream: His dream was to become Demon King.

Character Profile: Daymier

Name: Daymier

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: Black

Height: 7'0" (213.36 cm)

Age: 694

Occupation: Demon Soldier


Trident Mastery: Highly proficient in wielding a trident, capable of using it with exceptional skill and strength.

Contortionist: Possesses the ability to bend and twist his body in unnatural ways, useful for evading attacks and escaping restraints.


Iron Trident: An iron trident made using iron found in Hell, making it more durable. However, it is heavy and can only be used properly by Daymier or someone else as naturally strong as he is.


Gluttony: Daymier can eat magic, which refreshes his demonic energy instantly. There is an upper limit, however; if the mana is too pure or there is too much of it, it tastes "too sweet," and he can no longer eat it. If he still tries, he will vomit, expending more demonic energy than gaining it.

Extremely High Demonic Energy: Daymier has the highest demonic energy volume of Malvorr's demons.

Likes: Eating meat, eating magic, eating anything

Dislikes: Nothing in particular


Older Than Malvorr: Daymier is a demon older than Malvorr and was named before he became a Demon Lord.

Good Relationships: Daymier has the best relationship with all the other demons.

Similar Ability: He has a similar ability to the strongest Demon Lord in history, who is not Ercale.

No Dream: He didn't have a dream or goal other than to live as long as possible.

Character Profile: Sazomon, Hunter of the Wilds, Slayer of Hell Beasts, and Tamer of Monsters!

Name: Do you not know!? It's Sazomon!

Hair Color: The greatest color befitting of Sazomon!

Eye Color: The unique black-ish red fitting of Sazomon!

Height: 5'3" (160.02 cm) Tremble beneath Sazomon!

Age: 421

Occupation: Being Sazomon!

Skills: Everything! Sazomon knows all!


Beast Armor: Made from hellish beasts Sazomon has hunted himself!


Omnipotent: Sazomon is all-powerful!

Omnipresence: Sazomon is everywhere!

Omniscience: Sazomon sees all!

Likes: Sazomon! Sazomon!! Sazomon!!!

Dislikes: All who don't like Sazomon!






Character Profile: Chimera

Name: Deadra

Hair Color: Brown, kind of.

Eye Color: Hazel.

Height: 6'5" (195.58 cm)

Age: 367

Occupation: Demon Soldier


Hunting: Skilled at tracking and hunting prey with precision and efficiency.

Tracking: Expert in following trails and signs left by others.

Brutal Fighting: Proficient in savage, close-quarters combat.

Equipment: None.


Chimera: Being a chimera, Deadra is a mix of several different animals. He has the head and mane of a lion, the eyes of an eagle, and the body of a white bear adorned with crocodile-like scales on his back. His arms are striped like the legs of a tiger, his legs are spotted like those of a cheetah, and he has the stinger of a scorpion.

Blunt Resistance: Like all chimeras, Deadra is very resistant to blunt force trauma, requiring stabbing or slashing to be truly injured.

Very Low Demonic Energy: Deadra has little demonic energy, making him generally weak, but his natural abilities make up for it.

Likes: Hunting, killing the weak, sucking up to the strong.

Dislikes: Weaklings, mortals, being hit.


Named: Was named after delivering the head of an outer Hell beast to Malvorr.

Loyalty: He was the second most loyal of Malvorr's demons.

Dream: He dreamed of being the greatest demon warrior to ever have lived.

Character Profile: Eriza

Name: Eriza

Hair Color: Black (Can change)

Eye Color: Black (Can change)

Height: 5'4" (162.56 cm) (Can change)

Age: 504

Occupation: Demon Infiltrator


Manipulation: Expert at influencing and controlling others to achieve her goals.

Acting: Proficient in taking on different roles and personas convincingly.

Lying: Skilled at fabricating stories and deceit.

Equipment: None.


Fire Magic: Eriza has low fire magic affinity, allowing her to shoot bolts of fire. These are generally weak unless hitting a weak spot or used in a sneak attack.

Ritual Magic: She knows one ritual, which was responsible for the magic affecting the mansion after the demons' arrival.

Memory Manipulation: As a Zythoraiel, which literally means "manipulator" in demonic, Eriza can manipulate memories and implant specific commands. These commands can make her victims remember or forget something, but enough willpower can break out of this.

Shapeshifting: Eriza can shapeshift, though it takes her more time than other demons. She needs flesh from whatever or whoever she's shapeshifting into before doing so.

Likes: Malvorr.

Dislikes: Verandez, everyone who's not Malvorr.


Gift: She was a gift from the Demon King to Malvorr.

Loyalty: She is the most loyal demon of Malvorr.

Purpose: Her entire life purpose was to serve Malvorr, being created for that sole reason.

Dream: Her dream was to forever be beside Malvorr.

Character Profile: Azid

Name: Azid

Hair Color: Jet black

Eye Color: Pale blue

Height: 6'6" (198.12 cm)

Age: 112

Occupation: Demon Soldier


Strategy: Skilled in devising plans and tactics for battle.

Spear Fighting: Proficient with spear combat.

Open Field Warfare: Experienced in large-scale battles and maneuvers.

Multiple Opponents: Adept at fighting numerous enemies at once.


Iron Spear: Similar to Daymier's trident but is instead a spear.


Shapeshifting: Azid can shapeshift between three forms:

Humanoid Form: His default, human-like appearance.

Centaur Form: The form he used in the battle against the Aeruna soldiers.

War Form: Fully transforms into a 15-foot-tall panther.

Healing Factor: Azid has a superb healing factor, allowing him to heal most grievous injuries in seconds, though not on the level of Zalathor.

High Demonic Energy: Azid has high amounts of demonic energy, which he mainly uses to enhance himself.

Likes: Mortals, angels, demons, fighting.

Dislikes: Nothing in particular.


Friendly Demon: Azid is the friendliest of Malvorr's demons.

Named by Malvorr: Malvorr named him for having a fun personality.

Captured: He isn't dead but was captured by Mark and the others who arrived.

Fight and Fun: He was originally supposed to fight Xain, and then help him fight the rest of the demons for fun.

Curiosity: He wants to experience the material world and learn magic.

Dream: His dream is yet to be revealed.