Chapter 21

After giving his declaration, Zac Van Hush raised his right hand and clenched his armored fist. A small slot under his forearm opened with a metallic click, and a ten-foot chain dropped from within, splashing into the murky swamp water below. The chain's edges were razor-sharp, and its tip was shaped like a menacing blade. Suddenly, the sound of gears turning filled the air, accompanied by a burst of sparks as the chain retracted, tightening and transforming into a four-foot-long blade under his armored forearm.

*I wonder how many gadgets he has in that thing,* the black knight thought, watching with narrowed eyes as the transformation completed. Without warning, Zac Van Hush sprinted towards him, moving with an agility that belied the weight of his ornate armor. The Noble's blade gleamed in the dim light, a blur of motion as he closed the distance with deadly intent.

The black knight raised his greatsword just in time to intercept the attack. The two weapons collided with a resounding clang that reverberated through the swamp, sending ripples across the stagnant water. The force of the impact sent a shudder through the black knight's arms, and he felt himself being pushed back. 

"Damn, you're strong!" he exclaimed, bracing himself as shadowy tendrils snaked out from beneath his armor, wrapping around his legs to anchor him. With a surge of effort, he pushed Zac Van Hush back, forcing the Noble to stagger a few steps.

Zac quickly recovered, his movements fluid and precise. He swung his forearm blade in a wide arc, aiming for the black knight's side. The black knight parried the blow with his greatsword, the dark metal of his weapon absorbing the impact. Without missing a beat, Zac pivoted on his heel, his chain blade whirling around for another strike, this time aiming lower. The black knight dodged to the side, his shadow magic coiling around his feet to help him glide over the water's surface.

"Those vile shadows won't help you survive for long," Zac spat as he lunged forward, his chain blade extending in a blur. The black knight quickly shifted his stance, bringing his greatsword up just in time to intercept the strike. The force of the impact sent vibrations up his arms, but he held his ground.

"You underestimate how much I've trained using shadow magic to do just that," the black knight replied, his voice calm despite the tension in his muscles. Zac twisted his body mid-air, his chain blade whipping around in a tight arc aimed at the black knight's midsection. With a swift movement, the black knight parried, sliding his greatsword along the length of the chain. Sparks flew as the steel screeched against steel, a bright flash in the dim swamp light.

The black knight retaliated with a low swing, aiming for Zac's legs. But the Noble was too quick; he leaped back with a grace that seemed supernatural, his armored boots barely disturbing the murky water beneath him. "Magic like yours violates our world," Zac hissed, his voice dripping with disdain. "No matter how proficient you are, your death by my hands is inevitable."

The black knight pressed forward, not giving Zac a moment to regain his footing. He swung his greatsword in a powerful overhead arc, putting all his strength behind the blow. Zac raised his armored forearm, catching the strike on his reinforced gauntlet. The impact caused a loud clang that echoed through the swamp, and Zac used the momentum to spin, his chain blade snapping out toward the black knight's exposed side.

The black knight ducked instinctively, feeling the blade whistle past just above his head. "You talk like a villain from a fantasy story," he said, his tone joking even as he thrust his greatsword forward in a swift counterattack aimed at Zac's torso.

"Irrelevant!" Zac spat back, his voice a growl of anger. He sidestepped nimbly, his armor plates shifting with a seamless fluidity that spoke of masterful craftsmanship. In one fluid motion, he retaliated with a quick jab of his chain blade. The black knight twisted his body just in time, feeling the point graze his armor as he conjured a tendril of shadow. The tendril whipped out, pushing Zac's arm aside with a force that made the Noble stagger.

"I think that's plenty relevant," the black knight quipped, seizing the moment. He swung his greatsword in a wide, sweeping arc, forcing Zac to leap back once more. The Noble's feet barely touched the swamp's surface before he sprang forward again, his movements a blur of speed and aggression.

"Stop speaking and die!" Zac growled, his mechanically distorted voice loud and menacing as he launched another series of attacks. His chain blade became a flurry of motion, each strike precise and deadly. The black knight met each assault with calculated parries, his greatsword moving in tight, controlled arcs. Shadows coiled around his wrists and forearms, reinforcing his strength as he blocked and countered.

Zac spun on his heel, bringing his chain blade around in a sweeping strike aimed at the black knight's side. The black knight ducked low, feeling the blade pass over him with a rush of air. He countered with an upward slash, a powerful strike that Zac narrowly avoided by bending backward, his armor's joints flexing unnaturally to accommodate the movement.

*This is tiring,* the black knight thought, feeling the strain in his muscles. But he couldn't afford to show weakness. He followed up with a thrust, driving his greatsword forward with all his might. Zac twisted his body, his shoulder armor brushing against the blade as he turned sharply to the side. He countered immediately with a downward slash of his chain blade, aimed to cleave the black knight in two.

The black knight brought his greatsword up to block, bracing himself for the impact. Zac's blade crashed down with tremendous force, sending a shockwave through his arms and nearly knocking the weapon from his grip. Water splashed up around them as they paused, staring at each other, each calculating their next move in this deadly dance.

But then, suddenly, the black knight let out a sigh of relief, his posture relaxing ever so slightly. "Ah, finally," he muttered, sounding tired but also somewhat relieved.

Zac Van Hush, still poised to strike, glared down at him. "What are you muttering, filth?" he demanded, his voice dripping with contempt.

The black knight simply pointed to his right, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth under his helmet. Zac turned, hearing the sound of water splashing, just in time to see a blur of motion. Before he could react, a powerful hand grabbed his face and slammed him into the swamp water with a resounding splash. The next thing Zac knew, he was being dragged through the muck, then hurled with incredible force through several trees, each impact sending shards of wood flying.

"You okay?" Lennix asked, turning to the black knight, who gave a weary thumbs-up as he caught his breath. Lennix then glanced back in the direction he had thrown Zac. "Think I overdid it?"

The black knight walked up beside Lennix, shaking his head. "I severely doubt it," he replied. His skepticism was proven correct a moment later when Zac leapt back into view, landing with a heavy thud, his yellow orbs blazing with fury.

Zac's gaze zeroed in on Lennix, and he growled, "You have no heartbeat. You're undead." His armored body tensed, and he clenched his left fist, causing a hidden slot on his gauntlet to open. A small tube extended above his hand, and Zac's rage seemed to intensify, his entire form radiating a murderous energy. "You're both filth that needs to be cleansed from this world!" he shouted, his voice echoing with a mechanical distortion that made his fury sound even more menacing.

The black knight sighed, shaking his head as he muttered under his breath, "And here I was hoping this day would be uneventful."