Chapter 30

*I knew it! I was right! This isn't going anywhere that I like!!!* Azure's mind raced in panic as he stood awkwardly in the same lavish living room where Malvin, that absolute jerk, had first dumped him into this chaotic life. Instead of lounging on the comfortable sofa like back then, he was now stuck standing alongside the rest of the staff. Positioned between Eirv and Malissa, everyone around him looked perfectly composed, standing with professional poise. Meanwhile, Azure was visibly trembling, his nerves on full display as he stared in sheer dread at his employer, Viktor, and more importantly—his guest.

*Why are you here!?* Azure screamed internally, eyes wide with a mix of terror and disbelief.

Viktor, ever the calm and controlled figure, extended his hand toward the platinum-haired man sitting across from him. "I'm glad you were able to come here on such short notice, Mr. White," Viktor said, offering a polite but calculated smile.

The guest, Valien White, clasped Viktor's hand and gave a firm shake, mirroring his thin smile. "Please, call me Valien. No need for formalities."

As the two men sat back down, Valien continued, his voice smooth and calculated. "As for arriving so promptly—well, it seems I am now without a reliable yet abusive employer. Like everyone else, I need coin, so naturally, I came as quickly as I could." He paused, his gaze drifting over to Azure, locking onto him with a calm intensity that made Azure's stomach flip.

Valien's thin smile widened just a touch. "And besides," he added, "you've already hired one of my former colleagues. I suspect I'll fit right in."

Azure could feel his soul leaving his body as Valien's piercing eyes remained fixed on him. *We barely know each other, you beautiful prick!* he mentally screamed, trying to hold himself together as he stood there, desperately attempting to blend in with the rest of the staff. But his visible panic made him stand out like a sore thumb. (Plus the green hair, don't forget about the green hair.)

Victor let out a light chuckle as he waved lazily in Azure's direction. "Oh, him? Just something I picked up a couple days ago," he said casually, before taking a leisurely sip of tea from the table. "Unlike you, Valien, who I've had my eyes on for quite some time."

*Why does everyone treat me like some stray animal!?* Azure fumed internally, glaring at the polished floor. *First it was the circus comments because of my hair, and now this? Why won't anyone take me seriously!?* His irritation grew as his eyes began to itch again, forcing him to rub them for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"Keep your posture," Eirv's stern whisper cut through his thoughts, causing Azure to stiffen immediately, though his hands still hovered near his face. With trembling effort, he shakily straightened up again, though the itch persisted.

Meanwhile, Valien leaned back on the sofa, getting far too comfortable for Azure's liking. "Well then," Valien began, stretching slightly as he spoke, "may I ask why you're hiring me and not someone else? I'm sure there are more professionals in Ironhelm you could hire—ones with far fewer... issues. You know, like a high body count, a touch of mental instability, and let's not forget the minor detail of me being an assassin and a known criminal," he said with a casual smirk.

Victor let out a long exhale, setting his cup down as he motioned toward Eirv. "To be honest, Eirv here can do everything you can do, probably even better. But there's a catch—he can be traced back to me. Same goes for any of the professionals I'd officially hire. You, on the other hand, are a different story."

Victor's smirk grew a little wider as he added, "And then there's your unusual... condition. I once heard you got shot in the heart and yet lived."

Valien took a small sip from his cup, appearing unfazed. "Hmm, that's all very nice, but what makes you so sure I won't be traced back to you?" he asked, settling further into his seat.

Victor leaned back, clearly enjoying the negotiation. "Because you won't let yourself be traced back," he said, his voice taking on a knowing tone. "You've got a little family to protect, don't you?"

For a moment, Valien froze, the smirk fading ever so slightly as he placed his cup back on the table. A moment passed before his thin smile returned. "I see. Well then, it seems you've got yourself a hire, Mr. Lovern."

Victor chuckled, clearly pleased with the result. Meanwhile, Azure's nerves were frayed, his head swimming with relief that the tense meeting appeared to be winding down. *Is that it? Can I please leave now?* he thought desperately, his heart still racing. Honestly, he had expected Valien to kill everyone in the room from the little he knew about the assassin, but things had remained surprisingly... civil.

Suddenly, the itching in his eyes flared up worse than ever, and although Azure did his best to maintain his posture, it was too much. He caved, rubbing his eyes furiously, unable to hold back any longer.

But no matter how hard Azure rubbed at his eyes, the maddening itch wouldn't stop. "I told you to keep your pos—" Eirv started to scold, but he never got the chance to finish.

With a deafening crash, Eirv was violently thrown across the room, slamming into the mansion's ornate walls. The impact was so sudden and forceful that it silenced the room. Everyone froze.

"What the hell?" Malissa gasped, her eyes wide in shock. Azure let out a pained yell, clutching his head as he stared at the ground beneath him, which slowly began to crack and warp under an invisible pressure.

"Azure, what's wrong?" Malissa called out, rushing toward him. Azure instinctively turned to her, eyes wide with confusion. As soon as he did, she too was hurled back, crashing into the wall. As she hit, a fleeting thought crossed her mind. *Wait... were his eyes always orange?*

The rest of the maids panicked, rushing to check on Malissa, who was dazed but conscious. Viktor, meanwhile, rose from his chair with a slightly nervous look on his face, his eyes narrowing as he began to back away. "Well, it's started," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else. He turned toward Valien. "Valien, your first task: subdue my employee. Do try not to harm him, though." As he stepped behind the sofa and hid, he added, "Oh, and cover his eyes while you're at it."

Valien, confused but unfazed, nodded. Whatever was happening, orders were orders. He approached Azure, but the chaos in the room only seemed to intensify. Azure, panicking, fought to keep his eyes shut, desperately trying to cover them with his hands. But some unseen force within him kept them wide open, as if his own body was no longer his to control.

"Wha-what's happening to me?" Azure yelled, fear gripping him. His vision blurred, and when it refocused, Valien was closing in on him. Instinctively, Azure's panic flared, and he turned to Valien. In an instant, Valien was sent flying backward—far more violently than the others.

The air around Valien seemed to crush in on him, the pressure so intense that he felt his ribs begin to crack under the invisible force. Yet, before he could be thrown across the room like the rest, Valien acted. With a swift motion, he pulled out his dual hookblades out of nowhere, anchoring them deep into the floor to stop his momentum.

Valien smirked, his eyes glinting with something like excitement. *This is going to be fun.*