The Library: Affinities Part 3 SCUFFED




Hello? Librarian? Where are you? … Seriously, did that guy leave to do his other job or something? Ugh, fine! I'll do it alone today, I guess. Ahem. Hello, everyone. Today we're going to continue learning about Affinities, specifically Shadow and Light. And I'll do my best, but uh... I don't exactly understand the magic, 'cause I'm just the Narrator. I know just a bit more than you do—nothing more—so let's get to it, I guess? Also, I can't use magic. I'm just a regular dude.

So, Shadow. How does that work? Well, it works like, uh... you know, shadows. You can manipulate them and stuff. It has a lot of applications, like creating things out of shadows, or even teleporting. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more Shadow Affinity feels like reality manipulation. Did you know you can manipulate gravity with shadow magic? Yeah! Not to the extent you could with actual Gravity Affinity, but you still can. Insane, right?

God, this is so scuffed. I should start off slow, like The Librarian, and build up properly. Okay, so... with low Affinity in shadow, you can do simple things. Like blinding people—shrouding their vision in darkness—or slowing them down, kind of like a sluggish aura that drags their movements. Maybe you could create small objects out of shadows if you practice enough, though I'm not entirely sure about that. Mostly, it's debuff stuff. You know, like in an RPG? It's not flashy, so most people don't see it as impressive, even though I personally think debuffing is one of the most important roles in a party. Like, have you ever played Dragon- Ahh, I'm getting sidetracked! Sorry, let's keep going.

So, medium Affinities. This is where things start getting cooler. That gravity manipulation I mentioned? Yeah, you can start playing with that now. It's not much—you can increase or decrease the gravity around an object or person—but still, super cool. Also, this is probably when you can start creating portals to teleport and stuff. Short range, though, not like the big, dramatic teleports that Ercale does. But still, teleporting is teleporting, right? Who doesn't want to teleport, even if it's just across the room? I'll tell you who: people who are dumb, that's who.

What else can you do at this level? Oh! You can start doing things like the Black Knight, creating shadow clones. They're not gonna be as strong or skilled as his, obviously, 'cause he's really trained in it. But still, having shadow copies of yourself running around? That's pretty awesome, right?

...Is it obvious I don't know how to explain this magic stuff in detail? 'Cause, yeah, I really don't. Why is the Librarian not here right now? So annoying!

Whatever! Now with high Affinity, you can do some real crazy shit, like yeeting people into the shadow rel—wait, is that copyrighted? I shouldn't risk it. To the legally distinct shadow dimension where they're kinda trapped for... well, as long as you want, I guess. Oh! I do know this: there's a place called The Abyss where you can also send people using regular magic. We should have talked about that when we first started this whole thing, but whatever. I'll give you like a quick breakdown: there's magic Affinities, obviously, but there's also learnable magic, which is exactly what it says on the tin. It's magic you can learn and use as long as you have mana. That's different from ritual magic because, fun fact, you can use ritual magic without mana...

For the love of god, I'm going on a tangent again! Okay, back to shadow magic. So, aside from trapping people in shadow dimensions, you can also do other stuff, like melding into shadows—basically disappearing—and even transforming yourself into some weird-ass shadow monster. We're talking kaiju-level stuff here. It's insane what you can do with high Affinity. Anyway, that's the scuffed version of shadow magic Affinity.

Now, let's move on to light. Light's the opposite of shadow, obviously… which, no shit, of course it is. But I mean in the magical sense. Like, where shadow magic at low levels is mostly debuffs, light magic is mostly buffs. And while shadow magic is kinda like reality manipulation, light magic is more like strengthening reality. You can create barriers and stuff. Grace never really used those, though, because she's more of an offensive fighter than a defensive one.

Anyway, let's get into it. With low Affinity, you can shoot lasers, which... eh, could be worse. They'll give someone, like, second-degree burns, but that's about it. You can buff yourself, repair stuff too—which, by the way, I never understood, but hey, it's a thing. Then, with mid Affinity, the lasers actually get dangerous. You can blink from place to place, and you can create light barriers that actually matter.

Now, with high Affinity? Well, you can straight-up shoot someone with the sun. Yeah, just hit a guy with a concentrated beam of the sun and ruin their day. It's hilarious when you think about it—imagine fighting someone and they just decide, screw you in particular and blast you with solar energy just straight from the sun. Of course, you wouldn't be around to see much of anything after that 'cause, y'know... you just got hit with the bloody sun. But still, kinda funny, right?

Anyway, that's shadow and light magic in a nutshell. This was incredibly painful and scuffed as all hell, so... BYE.