Chapter 3

Wait, wait, wait," Tores interrupted, waving his arms dramatically. "You've known Xain since your first patrol?" His tone was laced with disbelief.

Malvin nodded, rolling his eyes. "Yeah. That little shit's been making my life a living hell for the past four years."

Clare, who had been listening intently, rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "So, that's why you two seemed like such good friends after The Shadow Baron case," she remarked, her voice light with realization.

Malvin turned to her with a frustrated glare. "Did you not just hear me? I said he's been ruining my life for four years! Friends? You've lost your mind," he exclaimed, his voice rising with irritation. Clare visibly flinched at the outburst, stepping back slightly.

Meanwhile, Loreen and Jos exchanged confused glances. They had no idea who this Xain person was. Jos finally spoke up. "Uh, could someone fill us in on who you're talking about?" he asked, scratching his head. Loreen quickly chimed in as well, nodding. "Yeah, I don't think we've ever heard of this Xain."

Malvin groaned and leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. "He's the kid I complain about every time I get back from patrol."

Both Loreen and Jos exchanged puzzled looks, trying to recall those moments. But their memories were blurry—after all, Malvin tended to complain about a lot of things after his patrols. Loreen raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't really narrow it down much, Captain."

"Yeah, what she said," Jos agreed, pointing at Loreen.

"He's called the Azure Menace, if that helps," Tores added, helping jog their memories.

"Oh, that kid!" Jos snapped his fingers as it clicked. "Wait, seriously? You've known him that long, Captain?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Malvin replied, his tone flat.

Loreen, finally putting two and two together, asked, "Is that the same boy who left with that elf woman and the older man last time?"

Malvin gave another nod, confirming her suspicion. Now, both Jos and Loreen were fully caught up, though Jos had one more burning question. "Can I just ask," he began, leaning forward, "who the hell keeps coming up with these ridiculous nicknames for these people? 'Azure Menace'? I doubt these criminals are sitting around calling themselves that. That'd be pretty stupid."

Clare, clearly eager to contribute again, raised her hand like a student in class. "I'm pretty sure it's Specialist Don who makes up those names."

Jos's face twisted into even more confusion. "Why would he do that?"

Malvin sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ask him the next time you see him. Now, can you all please shut up and let me continue?" His patience was running thin.

But Jos wasn't quite done. "Hold up a sec," he interrupted again, raising a hand. "We know how you know Xain, but what about these two?" He gestured at Clare and Tores. "How do they know him?"

"I've known about him for a while since I'm on patrol more often, but I only met him after The Shadow Baron case," Tores said with a nonchalant shrug.

Clare chimed in, "I was helping him during The Shadow Baron case, actually. But… well, he sent me away before heading to The Shadow Baron's hideout on his own."

Jos's brow furrowed as he turned toward Clare, bewildered. "Wait, wait, hold on. He sent you away? You're the officer, not him. How'd he manage that? And why weren't any of us—Specialists—involved in that case anyway? You'd think they'd send us, considering how big of a threat The Shadow Baron's organization was."

Clare's face flushed as she fumbled for an explanation. "W-Well, he… he knew magic, okay? And it wasn't just him—it was his brother that told me to leave. And I had to protect the civilians!" she defended, her voice rising in an attempt to justify her actions.

Meanwhile, Malvin chimed in, his tone noticeably bitter. "As for why no Specialists were sent? You can take that up with our Deputy Chief."

Loreen, ever curious, perked up at the mention of Xain's brother and magic. "Wait, what was that about his brother and magic?" she asked, but Malvin waved her off dismissively.

"Don't bother. I'm not going to be able to explain that one," Malvin replied, and Loreen wisely decided to drop the question.

Jos shook his head, incredulous. "Goddess, I've just heard about this kid and my head's already hurting. I can't even imagine what it's been like dealing with him for four years."

Malvin nodded gravely, massaging his temple. "Yeah, it's a real headache. Now, can I please—"

"Hold on, Captain," Jos interrupted once again, causing Malvin to snap.

"What now!?" he shouted, clearly on the edge of his patience.

Jos quickly raised his hands defensively. "I just wanted to point out… someone's been awfully quiet this whole time, don't you think?"

The entire group turned in unison to look at Aeron, who had indeed remained silent the entire conversation. Now that everyone's attention was on him, Aeron finally spoke, his expression as deadpan as ever. "I stayed quiet because the Captain told me to shut up."

Malvin sighed, rubbing his face in frustration. "You're allowed to talk now, Aeron."

"Okay," Aeron said flatly, offering nothing more.

Jos threw his hands up in exasperation. "Say something for crying out loud!"

Aeron blinked and then shrugged casually. "Something."

Jos facepalmed as Loreen leaned in, clarifying, "He means something about Xain, Aeron."

"Ohhh," Aeron said with a nod of understanding. "Okay. I know him."

The room fell into stunned silence, everyone staring at Aeron in disbelief. Malvin narrowed his eyes, leaning forward. "What? How do you, of all people, know that little shit?"

The others leaned in as well, curious. Aeron, as composed as ever, merely shrugged. "Well, he's my younger brother. Of course I know him."

A silence so thick it could be cut with a knife enveloped the room. For a brief moment, no one moved or spoke. Then, as if on cue, the room erupted into a cacophony of shocked voices.
