There are Bad People Among the Crowd

A moment later, Fang Yuan and I went downstairs together. He got into the company's business car while I sat in Yan Yan's car.

My nerves sank into an inexplicable pain. In my heart, I even blamed Fang Yuan for telling me so suddenly that Jian Wei would return. After three years, I no longer knew how to face her.

I've gone crazy for countless days and nights wanting to see her, but I'm afraid to see her… I was afraid the silence and awkwardness after the meeting would be too painful.

Yan Yan started the car and looked in the rearview mirror. After changing lanes, she asked me, "Zhao Yang, why do you look so troubled?" After asking, she shook her head and added, "... It doesn't look like you!"

I smiled, "Do I have to be heartless to be like me?"

"Did Fang Yuan tell you Jian Wei would be back?"

"Yes." I responded and opened the window to light a cigarette.

"No wonder. In this world, other than Jian Wei, no one can pry open your melancholic nerves!" Yan Yan sighed.

"You're thinking too much. She's not that invincible, and I'm not that vulnerable." I replied with a smile.

Yan Yan shrugged and said, "Zhao Yang, you know your own feelings. The brighter you smile, the more hurt you feel."

"You make it sound like you know me very well." This time, I finally put away the smile Yan Yan thought was fake to prove I wasn't as hurt as she said.

"We've been friends for so many years. If I don't understand you, who will? Zhao Yang, let's be honest. Although we all feel sorry for you and Jian Wei, but... I have to tell you, when a woman has a change of heart, the man she once loved will become a second-hand smoke that has been inhaled. She can no longer feel the pleasure of breathing it, and her eyes will turn red from the smoke. At this time, the only thing she can do is to abandon this second-hand smoke. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Why are you telling me this?" I took a deep puff and asked.

"I hope you can be more carefree."

I was silent for a long time and asked with a hint of unwillingness, "What do you think love is? Wasn't it just a promise and then a lifetime of persistence? Why did they not have the courage to persist even though they had promised the other party?"

"Zhao Yang, love is not as simple as you think. You should understand why Fang Yuan and I can make it to the end, but you and Jian Wei can't."

I fell silent again. I indeed understood that although Fang Yuan and Yan Yan weren't from wealthy families, their families weren't bad either. It could be said that they were of equal status. As for Jian Wei and me… I clearly remember that before Jian Wei went abroad, her father bought her a Cadillac CT as her graduation gift… But should love really be measured by material things? I don't understand!

Yan Yan continued, "Jian Wei really loved you. You also know that she went to study in the United States to avoid her parents' forced marriage. She hoped to stay for three years. When she returned to the country, her parents would accept the fact that she was with you. But why did she break up with you after she arrived in the United States? I don't understand it either… Maybe it's really because..."

I didn't want to relive the feelings I had when we broke up, so I interrupted Yan Yan, "Stop. Just like you said, when she has a change of heart, she treats me as second-hand smoke that can't give her pleasure."

"I said that her change of heart was just an analogy…" Yan Yan comforted him.

There was a type of person in this world who had a special ability to comfort someone who wanted to die until they really died. Without a doubt, Yan Yan was one of them.


During the day, I accompanied Yan Yan to buy the items that they needed for their wedding according to Fang Yuan's list. It was only in the evening that I had a simple meal with Yan Yan before we went our separate ways.

Even though I didn't sleep last night and worked hard all day today, I didn't feel sleepy at all when night fell. Walking on the street, every time I saw a couple snuggling up to me under the neon lights, I felt endless loneliness and emptiness.

I still wanted to go on a rampage, as if my night belonged to the nightclub. I told myself, perhaps I would sleep better tonight after drinking some wine.

Listening to the explosive music of the bar, watching the flickering lights and the people twisting their waists crazily, I had already downed a few bottles of beer in a short while. I felt a little dizzy. I liked this feeling. There was no worry, no love, no hatred, only a hazy and illusory feeling.

There are two resident bands in this bar. The two bands take turns performing every night. Today, Robben's "Tearing Nerves" band is performing. Robben and I have a good relationship. Sometimes we play music together.

Robben used his fingers to grip the guitar strings, making a noise similar to friction. He smiled teasingly at me and said, "Zhao Yang, come up and play…"

I put down the beer bottle and jumped onto the stage. I took the guitar from Robben and said to the other band members, "Return to the Sun."

Everyone nodded, and various instruments began to play. Under the flashing lights, heavy metal music began to expand.

With the venting of my drunkenness, I stepped on an ammunition box-shaped prop with one foot and began to play the electric guitar crazily. I sang with a loud burst, "The hand of fantasy held the flag, and my bones were hidden in the coat. I desperately tried to recall the route I took when I came here, and I turned around and smashed into the wall. Mother, I can't come back. Mother, you have to be tired. Mother, give birth to me quickly. Give birth to me… Raise your voice and open your neck…"

Halfway through the song, a hooligan-like young man with long hair, a black jacket, and a gold chain glared at me and shouted, "You country bumpkin, what the hell are you singing... Hurry up and change the song…"

I stopped and narrowed my eyes at him, "Say it again, you, Grandson."

Long Hair kicked the nearest drum set and said, "You idiot, I'm telling you to change the song!"

"F*ck you…" I stood high up and kicked Long Hair's face. It was as if I had found the pleasure of venting. Then, I jumped down from the stage and smashed the guitar. In the blink of an eye, the guitar was smashed into pieces. Long Hair was also beaten until he hugged his head and curled up on the ground, screaming in pain.

A few people with long hair rushed towards me with beer bottles, but they were blocked by Robben and the band members. In the chaos, I saw someone call the police, then threw away the remains of the guitar and ran out of the bar.


In the interrogation room of the police station, the light shone on me. Sitting opposite me was an elderly police officer who looked quite friendly.

"Name, gender, age, and workplace."

"No, it's not... Police officer, that grandson really needs a beating. He was the one who kicked our drum set first. You know we play music, and the instrument is our biological brother. He hit my biological brother, how can I live with it?... Officer, it's not that I want to fight, but there are bad people in the crowd!!" I cried.

"Stop talking nonsense. No matter how many reasons you have, it's wrong to fight. The law doesn't give you this right, understand?"

"Police officer, I know my mistake. I have already done a deep self-reflection and self-reflection. I shouldn't have ignored the dignity of the law. In the future, I will definitely raise my awareness and be a good citizen who abides by the law. I will definitely not drag down a harmonious society!"

"All right, stop being so stupid! Go and pay the fine."

"We won't detain him, right?" I asked carefully.

"The young man who was beaten up by you only suffered some superficial injuries. He agreed to settle it privately. You have to compensate him for the cost of going to the hospital and the loss of work."

"6000!!!... Officer, I don't have that much money on me!"

"Call your family and friends."

When I heard the words 'family and friends', I suddenly felt lost. At this moment, I really felt that I was so lonely in this city I had lived in for two years.

I definitely can't look for Fang Yuan or Yan Yan. Firstly, they're about to get married and I don't want to cause trouble for them. Secondly, they've expressed their hope for me to live a stable life countless times. It's better not to let them know about this, I'm afraid they'll be disappointed!


After thinking for a long time, that extremely beautiful face that hated me appeared in my mind.

Find Mi Cai, right, find Mi Cai! Anyway, I'm a scumbag in her eyes. I have no image to speak of. I'll let her pay the fine for me first. When I get my salary next week, I'll return the money I owe her.

At this moment, I was thrilled I had memorized her phone number in the morning.

I took out his phone from his pocket, found Mi Cai's number, and dialed it.