A Sudden Opportunity

A moment later, Mi Cai sent me to Robben's residence. Today, I will be living in peace in this ten-square-meter attic.

I was still dizzy. I went straight to bed and then became dizzy.

With my eyes half-closed, I saw Mi Cai, who was busy. She found an electric kettle, boiled some water, and went downstairs. A moment later, she bought milk powder and honey and made me a cup of honey milk.

"Don't sleep yet. Drink the milk."

I didn't think about it at all and said vaguely, "Put it there first. I'll drink it later."

"It'll get cold later."

I struggled to sit up on the bed. Mi Cai handed me the milk and sat on the chair opposite me, looking at me.

The milk that had just been poured out was very hot. I drank it very slowly. Mi Cai urged me again, "Hurry up and drink. I'll clean up and leave after you're done."

"There's nothing to clean. If you're in a hurry, you can leave first."

"After washing the cup, I'll pour you a cup of hot water." Mi Cai said.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I took a big gulp of milk, but it was too hot for me to swallow.

Mi Cai asked in surprise, "I only made you a glass of milk. Is that good enough for you?"

That's right! Mi Cai only made me a glass of milk with a lift of her hand. Why do I feel that she's very nice?

After a long time, I realized that I had been lonely for too long and that I hadn't had a woman by my side for too long. Every time I drank too much wine, I would only vomit by myself. After vomiting, I would vomit again and again. When I couldn't vomit anymore, I would sleep. There had never been a woman who would brew a glass of milk for me.

Finally, I drank a glass of milk. Mi Cai washed the glass and poured me a glass of water. This time, she didn't urge me to drink it. She placed it on the table beside the bed and said, "I'll leave this glass of water here. Drink it if you're thirsty."


Mi Cai picked up her handbag and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered something and asked me, "Do you remember what you have to do tomorrow?"

"Get up on time for work." I answered without hesitation.

"That's not right," Mi Cai frowned.

"What's then?"

"Think about it carefully. I'll leave first." Mi Cai said as she walked out of the house and closed the door. She instantly disappeared from my sight, leaving her doubts to me.

I lit a cigarette and sat on the bed. After thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of what I needed to do other than work tomorrow. I simply put out the cigarette butt, covered myself with the blanket, and went to sleep again. Since Mi Cai said it was for tomorrow, I'll think about it tomorrow…


The next day, when I woke up, Robben was still asleep. The nature of his work determined that he had to live day and night in reverse. Yesterday, he seemed to have only returned in the early hours of the morning.

After washing up, I found a bowl of noodles in a box in the corner. I boil it for breakfast and hurried downstairs to wait for the bus to the company.

Robben's residence was rather remote, and the bus was constantly on the road. Thus, during the ride on the road, I kept thinking about what Mi Cai had reminded me before she left yesterday.

Finally, I was more awake in the morning. I remembered that Mi Cai had cooperated with me to put on a show last night. Of course, she wouldn't help me for no reason. There must be some exchange between us. I thought along this line of thought and suddenly realized that I had to help her buy some pesticide powder to sprinkle in the bathroom today.

I was afraid that I would forget, so I set a schedule reminder on my phone.

After arriving at the company, before I could make myself a cup of tea, I was summoned by our planning department manager, Chen Jingming.

I went to Chen Jingming's office. He seemed to be in a good mood and invited me to sit down.

"Manager, you called me so early in the morning. Did I mess up something again?" I subconsciously asked if Chen Jingming had been looking for me for the past two years to criticize me.

"Don't be nervous. I have an important mission for you." Chen Jingming smiled.

"What mission?"

"This time, Gucci has set up a counter in our department store, allowing Pola Department Store to officially enter the ranks of the top department stores. The company wants to use this opportunity to launch a comprehensive marketing campaign, striving to attract more international first-tier brands to cooperate with our department store."

"Manager, do you mean that I'll be in charge of the event planning this time? "I asked in shock.

Chen Jingming nodded and said seriously, "That's right. This is a rare opportunity for you. You know, the competition in the traditional retail industry is fierce now. In recent years, we've been under the strong impact of online shopping. The living environment is very harsh. We're going for the high-end route. Branding is the foundation of our Pola Department Store's survival in this industry. We must try our best to attract international first-tier brands to operate in the market and strengthen our Pola Department Store's brand advantage. Therefore, this event is a manifestation of our company's core values. The higher-ups attach great importance to this matter. I hope you can take on this important task."

"Manager, it's not like you don't know what I'm capable of. You should leave such a big event to Fang Yuan."

"Zhao Yang, opportunities don't come often. It's already a certainty that Fang Yuan will be promoted to the position of deputy manager of the Planning Department because he has contributed enough to the company and the Planning Department. If I want to promote you to the Head of the Planning and Copywriting team, I'm afraid others will gossip about it… Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course, I understood what Chen Jingming meant. He wanted to use this event to make me the Head of the Planning and Copywriting Team. This was indeed a rare opportunity for me.

"When will the preparations for this event begin?" I asked after a long silence.

"We'll start preparing as soon as Gucci signs the contract with our department store. Oh right, Gucci is preparing to shoot the opening posters on the 15th of this month." Chen Jingming's expression became more and more serious as he spoke.

"Understood. I'll call her immediately to confirm."

Chen Jingming nodded and said, "Take advantage of this opportunity. Not everyone is lucky enough to encounter it."

"Thank you for the opportunity, Manager." I said sincerely.

After leaving Chen Jingming's office, I immediately called Le Yao and told her the date of the poster shoot. She confirmed that there was no problem, and my hanging heart finally settled down. I really should do something for my life, so I must firmly grasp this opportunity!

This is the first time I'm eager to improve and look forward to a qualitative change in my life after not wanting to improve for more than two years.


After a busy day, it was already past seven o'clock when I came back to my senses. The various lights on the streets began to make the city's night sky dazzling again.

Sitting on the swaying bus, all I could think about was the upcoming event marketing. Chen Jingming was right. This opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. I couldn't afford to be careless.

After a long time, the car was still swaying on the road. I took out my phone from my pocket to check the time, but I realized that my phone had automatically turned off because it had run out of battery.

I looked up at the electronic clock on the bus. It was already 8:30 pm.

8:30! I suddenly remembered that after work today, I had to buy some pesticide for Mi Cai and help her get rid of those cockroaches that she hated!

I remember that in the morning, I was afraid I would forget and specially set a schedule reminder on my phone, but my phone happened to run out of battery. This coincidence was enough to ruin my character and make Mi Cai completely hate me.