Joining the Game Again

Shen Mengyao's face instantly turned red. Ever since she was a child, she had had a bad sense of direction and that was the biggest problem in her life. She didn't expect it to be exposed. Luckily, she had reached the girls' dormitory.

Shen Mengyao quickly walked to the door and turned to look at Lu Yang angrily. The little beauty expressed that she was not in a good mood.

"Crybaby, thank you for sending me back to the dormitory," said Shen Mengyao as she stood at the entrance of the female dormitory.

"…" Lu Yang felt awkward.

"I'm not crying. I just had something in my eyes."

"Yes, yes, I know, I know," said Shen Mengyao, but the expression on her face showed that she didn't believe him.

"Alright, Crybaby it is then. My name is Lu Yang. Lu means continent and Yang means sun."

"My name is Shen Mengyao. I'm very happy to meet you today. I hope we can meet again. My roommate is still waiting for me. I can't talk to you anymore. I'm going up now," said Shen Mengyao apologetically.

"Hurry up and go up," Lu Yang said.

Looking at Shen Mengyao's back as she walked into the dormitory, Lu Yang thought happily, "Silly girl, we'll meet soon because we're classmates and you'll come to look for me soon."

In reality, it was only a five-minute walk from the school gate to the girls' dormitory. However, Lu Yang had brought Shen Mengyao around the school on a long detour. He believed that this girl would find out soon enough.

In his memories, the fate between the two of them started from asking for directions in his previous life. He did not expect it to be the same in this life. Lu Yang could not help but clench his fists. He could not leave any regrets in this life.

Lu Yang looked at his phone. There was only half an hour left before the game server opened. He turned around and returned to the gaming helmet specialty store at the school gate.

The gaming helmet was divided into three categories: A, B, and C. They corresponded to the clarity of the screen. Although the cheapest C-level helmet could only allow the user to see 70% of the gaming images, it cost 1,000 credits. Lu Yang did not have much money on hand, so buying a C-level helmet was enough.

After returning home and locking the door, Lu Yang lay on the bed and put the gaming helmet on his head. In an instant, the bioelectric waves in the gaming helmet connected to Lu Yang's brain.

"System detection in progress…"

"First login, brainwave scan, binding… Information entered…"

"Binding the bank card…"

After a series of both familiar and unfamiliar voices from his previous life, Lu Yang entered a hall that emitted a golden light.

A huge screen appeared in front of him, and a mechanical voice could be heard.

"Hello, dear player. Welcome to Second World. Your basic information has already been bound to your gaming helmet. The game will begin in three minutes. Do you want to establish an account?"


The screen flashed, and three castles with bright flags appeared in front of Lu Yang.

"Please choose your race."

In Second World, there were three major races. The first one was the human race. Its main city was St. Gar City, which bears a blue and white flag. The second was the orcs. Their main city was a fortress with a blood-red flag. The third one was the elves. Their main city was Golden City, which had a golden flag.


Seven distinctive characters appeared on the screen.

"Please choose your profession: mage, warrior, thief, hunter, priest, warlock, paladin (exclusive to humans)," the mechanical voice asked.


In his previous life, Lu Yang was a mage and a fire one no less. He had invested too much in this profession. Moreover, he was familiar with all the skills, quests, and techniques of fire mages. He was almost obsessed with them.

"Class selection complete, please enter name…"

"Lu Yang."

"Do you want to adjust your appearance?"

Players could adjust the appearance of the character on their own, but there was only one chance. Lu Yang thought about it and decided to change his appearance to match the one he had used in his previous life. Wherever Lu Yang fell, he would stand up again.

"Appearance modification complete."

"The system is being automatically generated. Please wait patiently…"

Three seconds later, a mage from the human race dressed in apprentice clothes and holding an apprentice staff appeared on the big screen.

Next to it were the various attributes of a mage.

Name: Lu Yang

Profession: Mage

Level: 0

Endurance: 3

Strength: 1

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 3

Physique: 4

Health: 64

Magic: 120

Physical Damage: 1-1

Magic Damage: 10

Defense: 3

Physical Critical Hit: 0

Magic Critical Hit: 0.1%

Mana Recovery Speed: 1 point/5 seconds

"Character creation is complete. Countdown to server launch."






"The game has begun. Would you like to enter the game?" the mechanical voice asked.

Lu Yang said firmly, "Yes."

The scene changed. Lu Yang merged with his character and was teleported to an extremely huge city: St. Gar City.

The familiar scene from his previous life appeared in front of him again. The blue mage tower that towered into the clouds, the solemn golden cathedral, the warrior training ground filled with passion, the cold assassin base, and the huge and magnificent king's castle.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

"It's a big city."

Many players appeared in the square and praised the beauty of the buildings in St. Gar City.

Looking around from the plaza, the four straight streets stretched as far as the eye could see. The streets were filled with NPCs chatting, trading, and engaging in other actions that were no different from ordinary people.

"This character is too realistic." A player tried to talk to an NPC and found that the NPC's conversation mode was almost no different from a real person. He could answer all the information he knew about the city. If not for the existence of others, the player might have thought that this was reality.

Looking at the increasing number of players and the endless sighs, a reminiscent smile appeared on Lu Yang's face.

"It's been a long time, St. Gar City. I'm really back."

Without sighing much, Lu Yang ran towards the north of St. Gar City. Lu Yang knew all the early-stage novice missions and monster-fighting locations, but he did not intend to do these missions.

After being reborn, wouldn't it be too lousy to do missions and level up like ordinary people?

What Lu Yang wanted to do now was a mission that he had regretted for ten years in his previous life. Only by obtaining the reward of this mission first, would Lu Yang have a chance to save himself and his family. It could also be considered as removing the curse on him.

St. Gar City was located on the vast Flower Whisper Plains. At the intersection of the northern gate of the city and the plains, there was a huge bottomless canyon.

Lu Yang ran all the way to the edge of the cliff. Seeing that there was no one around, he arrived at the location just as he did in his previous life and decisively jumped down.

Logically speaking, he would definitely die if he jumped down from the bottomless cliff. However, not long after Lu Yang fell, he was blocked by the branches growing out of the cliff.

Crack! The tree branch snapped.


Although it could not stop Lu Yang, it slowed down the speed of his fall. He continued to fall and soon collided against another thick tree branch.




Every time he hit a tree branch, Lu Yang would be injured. Just as Lu Yang was about to die, he finally landed on the ground. The -20 damage left Lu Yang with just the last drop of blood.

Lu Yang could not help but pat his chest. He thought to himself, "Fortunately, I still remember where I fell from in my previous life. Otherwise, I would have fallen to my death five to seven times before I could come down."

System Notification: [You have discovered Sunset Canyon.]

Looking at the environment of the valley, just like in his previous life, the valley was surrounded by cliffs. At the bottom of one of the cliffs, there was a huge golden-yellow tree which had round golden fruits. The outer skin of the fruits was thin and transparent, and the juice in them was clearly visible. Even those who were not thirsty would get tempted and want to sample the fresh fruit juice and see how it tasted.