Killing Monsters of a Higher Level

Xia Yuwei nodded and said, "This person is indeed extraordinary. His aura is like a sharp sword unsheathed, but he gives off a very calm feeling. He will be a master in the future. Oh right, has he told you how to get the electric eel recipe?"

Lan Yu nodded.

"That's great. Let's return to the city immediately. After we get rid of the people around us, we'll gather under the tree in the south of the beginner village and do the mission together. Let's see if the method this person gave us is real." Xia Yuwei was afraid that the other players would hear her, so she sent a message to everyone.

Everyone nodded and agreed. Only Zheng Yuan still said indignantly, "I think he definitely won't tell us the real method. There's no point in going."

Everyone who was about to leave heard Zheng Yuan's words and could not help but freeze. The players who had signed the contract looked at Zheng Yuan and Xia Yuwei awkwardly, not knowing who to listen to.

Xia Yuwei frowned and looked at Zheng Yuan unhappily. "Are you going or not?"

Seeing that Xia Yuwei was angry, Zheng Yuan didn't dare to cause any more trouble and hurriedly said with a smile, "Go, I'll go."


Lu Yang returned to the town and disappeared into the crowd. From the north gate of Giant Town, he followed the crowd out of the city and walked all the way to the area of level 5 monsters. With the electric eel meat, Lu Yang finally had the ability to kill level 5 monsters.

Of course, Lu Yang would not be stupid enough to fight a level 5 monster head-on. In the setting of Second World, every time a monster went a level higher, its attributes would increase a lot. Normally, a level 0 player would definitely die when facing a level 3 monster, let alone a level 0 noob like Lu Yang killing a level 5 monster.

However, Lu Yang had his own unique method. He ran along the main road of the beginner village for more than an hour and arrived at the Silent Plains. This was the border between level 2 and level 3 monsters. So far, only a small number of players had formed teams to fight here.

In a tent in the plains, Lu Yang found the shepherd Fleck, who was blaming himself.

"Why, why didn't I tie her properly? Oh, God, how can I live without her…"

Lu Yang approached Fleck and asked, "Sir, you look worried. Did something happen?"

"My adorable mare was snatched away by a wild horse on the grassland. Can someone help me find my mare? She's my only mount," Fleck said regretfully.

Lu Yang said regretfully, "Although I really want to help you, I don't have any tools."

Fleck hurriedly handed a long rope to Lu Yang from his waist and said, "Honorable adventurer, please help me. This is the rope I use to lasso my horse."

"Don't worry, leave everything to me."

System Notification: [You have accepted the shepherd's request to find his lost mare.]

[You have obtained the shepherd's harness.]

Lu Yang looked at the rope in his hand with an excited expression. The item given by this quest actually contained a bug. In his previous life, Lu Yang had read an article in the guide. In regards to the magical effects of various items in Second World, this rope was mentioned.

There was a steep mountain at the intersection of the level 2 and 3 monster area. Normally, players could not climb it with their bare hands.

In his previous life, there was a player who followed the mare to the bottom of the cliff. The mare was not caught, but the rope was tied to a protruding part of the cliff.

The player did not expect such a situation to happen. In his boredom, he tried to climb up with the rope. In the end, he really reached the top of the mountain. When he arrived at the top of the mountain, he realized that the other side of the mountain was actually a level 5 monster area. What surprised the player, even more, was that when he stood on the top of the mountain and fought the level 5 bison on it, his attacks were considered effective.

This made the player overjoyed. He immediately used this bug to level up. Although this player entered the game three days later than others, he relied on this bug to quickly catch up to the first-tier players and rushed into the top ten of the level rankings.

Lu Yang took the rope and jogged all the way. He carefully passed through the level 2 monster area and arrived at the bottom of the cliff. He threw the rope up and wrapped it around a protruding rock on the cliff. Then, he immediately climbed up. When he reached the top of the mountain, Lu Yang found the concave terrain mentioned in the guide. Looking at the level 5 bison all over the bottom of the cliff, Lu Yang could not help but be excited.

The bad-tempered bison was the monster with the highest physical damage output and the best ability to insta-kill people at this level. Usually, when there were no warriors or paladins playing together, no one would fight them.

The bison knew how to charge and liked to walk in groups of three to five. When they encountered an enemy, three to five bison would charge together. The mages would be insta-killed, and the warriors with poor skills would not be able to withstand it. However, Lu Yang could use this bug to solo here.

Of course, Lu Yang's leveling speed was much slower than when he was fighting level 1 monsters. However, killing monsters of a higher level gave him a bonus EXP. Lu Yang's leveling speed was definitely much faster than fighting countless players outside for level 1 monsters.

Aiming at a strong bison, Lu Yang decisively cast a fireball.


Type: Fire Spellcasting

Consumption: 12 MP

Casting time: 3 seconds

Distance: 30 yards

Description: Fires a blazing fireball at the target, dealing 14-22 fire damage to the target.

In the game, one point of Intelligence was equivalent to one point of magic damage. Lu Yang already had 10 points of Intelligence, Demon God's Heart added another 10 points of Intelligence. Coupled with the 5 points of Intelligence bonus from the crispy electric eel meat, it was equivalent to 25 points of magic damage. Therefore, the actual damage caused by the attack was 39 to 47 points.

Three seconds later, a fireball formed in Lu Yang's hand and accurately hit the nearest bison, taking away 42 HP.

The bison, which was eating grass, was suddenly attacked by the fireball. It neighed in pain and suddenly turned its head to glare at Lu Yang with its blood-red eyes.

The surrounding bison were also awakened by this neigh. They widened their blood-red eyes and looked in Lu Yang's direction. Then, six or seven bison charged at Lu Yang at the same time.

If they were on flat ground, players with low mental fortitude would probably be sent flying by the wild buffalo before they could even defend or dodge. However, Lu Yang was not worried.

With a loud bang, the six or seven wild buffaloes hit the wall below the cliff and bounced back. The wild buffaloes had low intelligence. Seeing that they could not reach Lu Yang by mere charging, they could only run back and forth under the cliff anxiously, but there was nothing they could do.

The level 5 bison had 580 HP. Lu Yang cast 15 Fireballs in a row and killed the bison in the valley.

System: [You have killed the bison and gained 75 experience points (25 experience points for killing monsters above your level).]

The experience required to level up from level 0 to level 1 was 5,000 points. Lu Yang calculated that killing a bison would give him 75 points. On average, it would take 45 seconds to kill a bison. In other words, including the recovery time, Lu Yang could level up to level 1 in about two hours. This was several times faster than ordinary players who needed more than four hours.

When most players were helplessly fighting for monsters to level up in the level 1 or 2 monster area, Lu Yang could level up in the level 5 monster area unscathed. Just thinking about it made him feel good.

While Lu Yang was leveling up quickly, Lan Yu brought Xia Yuwei and the other members of Frost Studio to the river bridge that Lu Yang mentioned.

Lan Yu said, "It's here."

Xia Yuwei waved her hand and said, "I need two people to go down and see if there are electric eels."

Everyone nodded. Immediately, two players hired by the studio jumped into the river to search.

On the riverbank, Zheng Yuan could no longer hold back his young master's temper and said angrily, "I don't think there's any at the bottom of the river. That person must be lying to us. Just you wait. The next time we meet him, I'll definitely teach him a lesson."

Xia Yuwei, Lan Yu, and the others ignored Zheng Yuan. Just as Zheng Yuan continued to complain, a studio member popped up from the bottom of the river with an electric eel in his hand and said excitedly, "Found them. There really are electric eels at the bottom of the river."

Zheng Yuan stood on the spot awkwardly.