Arsonist's Staff

Lu Yang's eyes turned green. If it weren't for the bison respawning around him, Lu Yang would have jumped down immediately.

In Second World, equipment was divided into white, bronze, iron, silver, gold, dark gold, epic, and legendary.

Generally speaking, normal monsters would only drop white-grade and bronze-grade equipment. Normal elite monsters would drop bronze-grade and iron-grade equipment. Boss-grade monsters would drop iron-grade and silver-grade equipment. As for the Infant Golden Dragon, it was a special boss in the beginner village. The Arson Staff that dropped made Lu Yang look forward to it.

After spending an hour clearing the surrounding monsters, Lu Yang jumped down from the rope and quickly picked up the arsonist's staff and other equipment before returning to the mountain.

Arsonist's Staff (Gold)

Attack: 4-8

Physique: +2

Intelligence: +10

Magic Damage: +24

Magic Critical Hit: +12 points

Spell hit rate +12 points

Additional Spell: Fire Wall

Looking at the top-notch attributes of the Arsonist's Staff Lu Yang could not help but laugh out loud. "I knew it. I'm very lucky to have been reborn."

Among all the equipment in the beginner village, the equipment of the other professions was all bronze or iron, and the highest was silver. Only the mage had a gold-level staff, but the drop rate was less than one in 100,000. Lu Yang did not expect to be so lucky to get this staff.

The attributes of this staff were simply mind-blowing at this level. 10 points worth of Intelligence was equivalent to adding two levels of Intelligence for a mage. Moreover, it also had 24 magic damage. Normally, a bronze staff of the same level only provided 4 additional points of magic damage. This was already very impressive. This meant the staff had six times more magic damage.

Most importantly, the last skill attached to the Arsonist's Staff was the Fire Wall spell. This was the only area-effect attack spell in the beginner village.

Rain of Fire

Type: Fire Spellcasting

Consumption: 30 manage

Duration: 30 seconds

Distance: 30 yards

Description: Casts a 2 by 2 firewall to the area, dealing 36 fire magic damage each time.

With this skill, Lu Yang believed that his leveling speed would definitely increase greatly. In his excitement, Lu Yang hurriedly equipped the staff on himself, and his spell damage immediately increased to 77 points.

Lu Yang walked out of the valley's concave area and found a place full of bison. He raised his staff and released a Fireball to make the bison gather under him. Then, he released a Fire Wall. Not long after, dozens of bison below lit up from the Fire Wall at the same time. The words "-71" appeared above the heads of the bison.

When casting area-of-effect spells, if there were too many monsters, the magic damage would be dispersed. In fact, the formula for calculating magic in "Second World" did not only include basic skill damage + magic damage. Instead, it was actually, basic skill damage * skill level + magic damage.

This magic coefficient was a floating value, depending on the number of monsters. If there was only one monster, the magic coefficient would be 1. When there were many monsters, the lowest magic coefficient would be 0.6.

While he was casting the spell, Lu Yang opened the equipment bar and looked at the other items dropped by the Infant Golden Dragon.

Hexagonal Ring (Iron)

Magic Damage: 2-5

Intelligence +2

Equipment Level: 3

Unexpectedly, another top-grade mage equipment appeared. Lu Yang's level was just right. After casting the Rain of Fire, Lu Yang equipped the Hexagonal Ring on his body, increasing the magic damage by 3 points.

He continued to look at the other equipment, but just as he looked down, Lu Yang's eyes widened again. Lu Yang could not believe that he was so lucky to get an Infant Dragon Shield, and it was even a silver grade one.

Infant Dragon Shield (Silver)

Defense: 7-22

Strength: +2

Physique: +3

Block: +8

Shields had always been sold at a high price in Second World, especially in the early stages of the game. The various large guilds' purchasing price for this shield had even exceeded the price of the Arsonist's Staff. This was because in order to pass through a high-level dungeon, the main defensive force had to have a good shield. In the beginner village, the Infant Dragon Shield was undoubtedly the best shield.

Black Iron Helmet (Iron)

Defense: 3–6

Strength: +1

Physique: +1

Although its attributes were average, it was definitely one of the best pieces of equipment at this stage. It could be sold for a good price when he returned to the beginner village.

Among the remaining items was a fire mage skill book for Scorching. Lu Yang immediately learned the technique.


Type: Fire Spellcasting

Consumption: 12 MP

Casting Time: 1.5 seconds

Distance: 30 yards

Description: Casts a flame at the target, causing the target's entire body to be engulfed in flames and more vulnerable to fire damage. It can be stacked up to 5 times. Each time, it increases fire magic damage by 15 points and causes 10 fire magic damage. Duration: 30 seconds.

This skill was currently useless. It was only effective when killing bosses. The other items were six small bottles of instant mana recovery potion and seven small bottles of instant healing potion.

Small healing potion: Instant recovery of 60 HP.

Small mana recovery potion: Instantly restores 80 mana points to the player.

Compared to other items, Lu Yang was more concerned about these 13 bottles of red and blue instant recovery potions. He only had 100 HP in total. One small bottle of healing potion could recover more than half of his HP. This was something that could turn the tide of the battle in the early stages of the game. He carefully placed it in the potion column and continued to fight monsters…

Lu Yang was leveling up steadily, but what he didn't know was that the outside world was going crazy again.

When Lu Yang used two hours to kill the Infant Golden Dragon, Lu Yang was overtaken by other players and fell out of the top 100 of the level rankings. After the Infant Golden Dragon was killed, Lu Yang was only given 1,100 EXP, but it still did not allow Lu Yang to overtake other players. However, when Lu Yang used Fire Wall in combat, he could attack 20 to 30 bison at once, which was equivalent to having 20 to 30 people helping him kill monsters. The speed at which he leveled up immediately rose vastly.

An hour later, Lu Yang returned to the 100th place on the level rankings.

Three hours later, Lu Yang became 10th on the level rankings.

Five hours later, Lu Yang returned to first place. At the same time, he reached level 4, a whole level higher than Peerless Storm.

At first, everyone thought that Lu Yang was lucky to be ranked first on the level rankings and did not pay much attention to him. Now, everyone was certain that Lu Yang must have found a pretty good bug that allowed him to level up quickly.

At this time, the leveling speed of Peerless Storm and the other guild leaders had decreased. Level 3 monsters were very difficult to kill, and the experience required to level up was five times that of level 1. Most importantly, even though his level had increased, his subordinates' levels had not.

Facing this situation, Peerless Storm said to the people around him, "Find out more about Lu Yang immediately. If we can get first place on the level rankings on the first day, we can get the best players. We cannot let the other guilds take it away before us."

Purple Gold Dynasty's guild leader, Chi Mu Old Man, issued the same order.

The same was true of other guilds.