Picking up Treasure

Xiao Liang was dumbfounded. He walked over and said, "Boss, you're amazing. You won one against five without losing a single HP."

"They're just a bunch of trash. Killing them is like a game," Lu Yang said.

"But boss, how come your spells are different from others? I noticed when other mages use Fireball, it only lasts for three seconds, and their Fireballs are not as big as yours," Xiao Liang asked.

"There's no harm in telling you, but you have to keep this a secret," Lu Yang said. "Just now, the skill I released that was even bigger than Fireball is called Flame Blast. Its damage is 50% higher than the Fireball. However, the normal casting time for this skill is 5 seconds. Generally speaking, no mage will use this skill in monster fights or team battles, but it's different for me. When I first entered the game, I had some opportunities to learn a simplified incantation. Others need 5 seconds to cast it, but I only need 0.7 seconds to cast it."

"Ah~~" Xiao Liang widened his eyes in surprise and said, "In such a short time."

Even if Xiao Liang didn't know how to play games, he could understand the meaning behind this. For every Flame Blast released by normal players, Lu Yang could activate it seven times. This meant that Lu Yang's damage output was equivalent to seven people.

"What do you think? Are you interested in switching to the mage class? I'll teach you simplified incantation," Lu Yang asked with a smile.

Xiao Liang's eyes were filled with anticipation, but he quickly became determined. "No, I want to be a warrior."

The reason why Xiao Liang chose to be a warrior was because he wanted to defend Lu Yang. Anyone who wanted to beat Lu Yang would have to get past him first. However, Xiao Liang could not say such words, so he could only use his actions.

Lu Yang did not force Xiao Liang. Playing games still depended on one's preferences. Some people were born to play mages, just like Lu Yang. There were also some people who were born to play warriors and liked the feeling of cutting people.

"Alright, it's up to you. If you want to become a mage one day, I won't be stingy. I'll definitely teach you all the fire spell simplification incantations," Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Xiao Liang nodded.

"Let's go take a look at the equipment and see what equipment these people dropped," Lu Yang said.

Warrior Golden Eagle and the others all had red names. According to the system's rules, if players with red names died, all the items in their backpacks would be dropped. There was also a high chance that their equipment would drop.

Xiao Liang came to the place where the five of them died and said, "Boss, they brought a lot of good stuff with them."

The ground was covered with various potions and equipment that shone with bronze light.

Lu Yang walked over to take a look and said, "Black Blood's guild must be full of assholes. How many players must they have killed to get their equipment?"

Black Blood always leveled up through player-to-player fighting. From level 0 onwards, he would lead his subordinates to kill people and plunder any items on the players for money. Although this method was despicable, it attracted a large number of players who liked PK to join Black Blood's guild. Black Blood gradually became stronger because of these players. Even though these players later discovered that Black Blood's character was not good, and left the guild one after another, that was a story for another time.

Xiao Liang picked up the equipment one by one. When he came to the front of the Warrior Golden Eagle, Xiao Liang saw a bead that was shining with a green light. After picking it up, he asked Lu Yang curiously, "Boss, this bead is very strange. What is it used for?"

Lu Yang looked up and his eyes widened in surprise. "Snake Poison Pearl? How is that possible? How did they get a Snake Poison Pearl at this level?"

"Snake Poison Pearl? What's that?" Xiao Liang did not understand. In the game's official settings, special items were not introduced. Players had to figure out its function for themselves.

Lu Yang said excitedly, "Brother, this is a treasure."

If there was anything that caught Lu Yang's attention in the early stages, the Arsonist's Staff and the Demon God's Heart would be one of them. Other than these two, the Snake Poison Pearl in Xiao Liang's hand would be the other.

"No wonder Black Blood and the others could rise so quickly in my previous life. It turns out that they had obtained this treasure so early," Lu Yang muttered to himself.

"What past life?" Xiao Liang asked in confusion.

"Nothing." Lu Yang said to Xiao Liang, "Brother, you just struck it rich. This Snake Poison Pearl is a special treasure that can level up. Let's not talk about what it will be after leveling up. Let me tell you how powerful it is now. It can release a 10x10 range of poisonous fog. When the target is attacked by the poisonous fog, it will lose 10 HP every second for 5 minutes. The cooldown is 2 minutes."

"Huh? Is it so strong?" Xiao Liang asked in surprise.

Lu Yang said, "That's right. Perhaps when it comes to fighting players, players might have healing skills and can also consume potions and bandages. They can also break this skill if they escape the range of the poisonous fog. However, the monsters can't. Whoever carries this equipment will have a divine weapon that can help them quickly level up."

"Boss, doesn't that mean that we can level up quickly?" Xiao Liang said in surprise.

Lu Yang said, "Of course. Take this Snake Poison Pearl and change into this set of bronze equipment. I will bring you to level up."

Originally, Lu Yang wanted to go to the troll camp to complete a special mission. However, now that he had the Snake Poison Pearl, he decided to bring Xiao Liang to the half-orc camp first.

Lu Yang and Xiao Liang ran all the way to the northwest of St. Gar City along the Flower Whisper Plains. After spending more than three hours passing through the level 3 to level 9 monster area, Lu Yang brought Xiao Liang into the Silent Forest.

"Boss, this is a level 10 monster area, right?" Xiao Liang asked with a trembling voice. He was a level 0 noob who had just entered the game, but he had actually run into such a high-level map. He was extremely afraid.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, we're not here to fight monsters."

Xiao Liang asked dumbfoundedly, "Boss, you mean we still have to go forward?"

Lu Yang was amused and said, "Not bad. Your reaction was quite fast."

Xiao Liang looked at the huge body of the level 10 black bear in the distance and could not help but swallow his saliva. He said, "Yes, this is in line with Boss's style."

Lu Yang could not help but laugh. He patted Xiao Liang's shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid of these monsters. Follow me. As long as we find a suitable method, we won't alarm them."

Although level 10 black bears were huge, their greatest characteristic was that they did not like to move much, especially at night. These black bears habitually stayed in fixed positions and did not go to the main road in the game.

Lu Yang and Xiao Liang waited until the sunset and the moon hung high in the sky. At this moment, the Silent Forest looked exceptionally terrifying under the night sky. Bats constantly flew past the top of the trees, and in the distance, there were the terrifying cries of owls. However, the black bears had all returned to the depths of the forest and were wandering in a fixed location.

"We can go now," Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Xiao Liang also realized that the black bears had disappeared. He said excitedly, "Boss, how did you know about dealing with them?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "There's a game library on the game's official website. There's an introduction to this."

In fact, this method was not found in the game library at all. It was discovered by the players themselves.

In his previous life, when he entered the game, it was the time when the various studios were expanding in the game. In order to obtain high-level medicinal herbs, the studio required the players under them to enter high-level maps in advance to collect medicinal herbs. The price of high-level medicinal herbs was several times higher than that of ordinary medicinal herbs. In order to obtain high-level medicinal herbs, the players often took risks. After paying a large number of sacrifices, some players discovered this method.

As Lu Yang ran on the road, he could not help but recall his experiences in that era. It could be said that it was an era where lots of great players emerged.