Killing Monsters Above Level 15

As they killed monsters along the way, Lu Yang brought Xiao Liang into the cave hall and looked through the walls. The entire cave hall was very wide and flat, about 2,000 square meters.

Fire torches were placed on the ring-shaped walls around the hall. There was also a huge fire in the middle of the hall. Hundreds of half-orcs were scattered inside.

"Boss, the monsters here are too dense. How do we fight them?" Xiao Liang said worriedly.

In Second World, NPCs had high IQs. In such a high-concentration environment, hitting a monster would at least attract dozens of monsters to rush over at the same time.

Lu Yang said, "Don't be afraid. Do you see that big rock in the left corner of the hall?"

Xiao Liang nodded. The huge rock in the left corner was very obvious.

Lu Yang said, "That's a bug point. I'll lure the monsters later. When I tell you to run, immediately run there and jump behind the rock."

"Huh? Boss, how did you know?" Xiao Liang asked curiously.

Lu Yang had already thought of a countermeasure for this problem. He said, "Because I'm a closed beta player."

"A closed beta player?" Xiao Liang immediately understood and said excitedly, "No wonder you can be ranked first on the level rankings."

Lu Yang nodded satisfactorily and said, "Listen to my instructions later. You only have one chance. If you fail, you'll be in trouble."

Although there was only a distance of dozens of meters between here and the big rock, if Xiao Liang ran at the wrong time, he would be killed by the half-orcs if he ran too early or too late.

The death penalty in Second World was very severe. Moreover, there was no resurrection point in the orc camp. Once a player died, they would have to run for another three hours to come here again. It was very troublesome.

"Yes, I'll try my best." Xiao Liang looked at the big rock nervously.

"Boss, if I run over, what will you do?" Xiao Liang suddenly asked.

"I have my ways." Lu Yang activated his free mode. His ability to stay alive was very strong. After observing the movement of each monster and calculating the distance, Lu Yang patted Xiao Liang's shoulder to signal him to be prepared.

After Xiao Liang nodded, Lu Yang chanted an incantation and accurately shot a Flame Burst at a half-orc who was ten yards away from the boulder on the left.


The half-orc roared and charged at Lu Yang. At the same time, because of his roar, all the half-orcs within 10 yards of the big rock on the left rushed toward Lu Yang. Instantly, the monsters around the big rock on the left disappeared.

After Lu Yang finished casting the incantation, he quickly ran into the hall. When the half-orcs saw that Lu Yang had changed directions, they also chased after him.

When Lu Yang saw that there were no more monsters on his left, he immediately shouted to Xiao Liang, "Run!"

Xiao Liang zipped into the hall and ran towards the big rock on the left. If there was a monster that was not lured by Lu Yang at this time, Xiao Liang would definitely die. Fortunately, Lu Yang was an experienced player and his ability to pull monsters was quite good. Without leaving a monster behind, Xiao Liang easily ran to the side of the big rock.

"Boss, I'm here. Come over quickly." Xiao Liang climbed up the big rock and shouted.

At this moment, Lu Yang was still running around the hall with the monsters. He had also attracted the aggro of the half-orcs in the other areas of the hall.

The movement speed of the half-orcs was slightly faster than Lu Yang's. If he ran inside the forest, Lu Yang believed that he could shake off the half-orcs. However, in this flat circular hall with monsters in front, every time Lu Yang dodged the bone clubs of the half-orcs in front of him, he would waste some time. As a result, the half-orcs behind him quickly caught up.

Lu Yang saw more and more half-orcs around him, but he also attracted the hatred of all the half-orcs in the hall. Just as Lu Yang was forced to the right corner of the hall by the half-orcs and had nowhere to hide, Lu Yang knew that he had no choice but to run. He chanted an incantation, Blink. In an instant, a white light flashed, and the bone sticks missed.

The half-orcs looked at Lu Yang, who had disappeared, in confusion. They did not understand why their clubs did not kill Lu Yang.

Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps came from behind. One of the half-orcs looked back and saw Lu Yang running towards the big rock in the lower left corner of the hall.


The half-orc roared and attracted the attention of his companions. He led the other half-orcs and rushed towards Lu Yang. At this moment, Lu Yang no longer had any life-saving skills. If these hundreds of half-orcs caught up to him, he would definitely die.

Fortunately, the Blink distance was 30 yards. Facing the half-orcs less than 20 yards ahead and 30 yards behind him, Lu Yang ran with all his might.

After arriving in front of the big rock, Lu Yang jumped. Xiao Liang reached out and grabbed Lu Yang's arm. He pulled him up and Lu Yang easily jumped onto the rock. At this moment, the monster closest to Lu Yang had just arrived beside the rock.

The half-orc raised the bone club in his hand and smashed it at Lu Yang.

"Jump." Lu Yang hurriedly pulled Xiao Liang and jumped into the gap between the rocks. The gap between the rocks was huge enough to accommodate two people.

The half-orc did not expect Lu Yang and Xiao Liang to be able to jump behind the stone. After missing, it angrily picked up the bone club and stabbed it into the gap in the stone.

The other half-orcs came to the side of the stone and also took their bone clubs to stab into the cracks in the stone. They had the intention to stab Lu Yang and Xiao Liang to death.

As soon as Lu Yang and Xiao Liang entered the gap between the rocks, the bone club stabbed at them. Xiao Liang thought that he was safe, but when he saw the bone club coming over, he was stunned on the spot. Lu Yang hurriedly pulled Xiao Liang to the side near the corner of the wall and dodged the fatal blow.

"Phew, it's too dangerous." Xiao Liang patted his chest in fear and said gratefully to Lu Yang, "Boss, thank you."

Lu Yang said, "Be careful. Remember this in the future. No matter when, as long as you don't completely succeed, don't relax."

"I'll remember that." Xiao Liang nodded.

Originally, Lu Yang was just saying it casually. However, he did not expect that in the later game, Xiao Liang would always remember Lu Yang's words. Moreover, he successfully foiled a certain country's plot in an international tournament. When the other party asked, Xiao Liang said this proudly.

Of course, that was a story for another time.

Xiao Liang asked, "Boss, what should we do now?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course, it's to kill monsters. Take out the Snake Poison Pearl. I'll tell you how to use it."

"Oh, okay." Xiao Liang hurriedly took out the Snake Poison Pearl.

In his previous life, when Lu Yang saw the effect of the Snake Poison Pearl, he was so envious that he could not sleep at night. Now that Lu Yang finally had the Snake Poison Pearl, he wanted to give it a try and kill 200 monsters at once.