Easily Killed

"Watch me," Lu Yang said.

After jumping out of the bug point, Lu Yang slowly approached the Half-Orc Warrior. When he was 30 yards away from the other party, Lu Yang chanted an incantation.

"Flame Blast."

A huge flame flew out of Lu Yang's hand and accurately hit the orc warriorHalf-Orc Warrior's head.


The Half-Orc Warrior roared in pain. He raised his axe and said to Lu Yang, who had turned around to run, "Damn human, I'm going to kill you."

System Notification: [Half-Orc Warrior has activated Charge on you.]

Lu Yang only felt the sound of wind behind him. The huge body of the Half-Orc Warrior left a shadow on the road and rushed in front of Lu Yang in a flash. Just as it was about to hit Lu Yang, a white light lit up on Lu Yang's body and he used a perfect Blink to avoid the Charge.

This was the standard skill that mages used to crack warriors in his previous life. Although it was just a simple Blink, it was not that simple to use. If the timing was too early or too late, it would not have any effect.

If the Blink was too early, the system would determine that the distance of Charge could be extended according to the rules of the game. In other words, even if the furthest distance of Charge was 30 yards, the player could still use Charge after the target had used Blink. When the target used Charge, the target could still charge in front of the player. If the Blink was too early like Lu Yang, the Half-Orc Warrior could actually charge a distance of 60 yards.

If the Blink was too early, the system would determine that the distance of Charge could be extended according to the rules of the game. In other words, even if the furthest distance of Charge was 30 yards, the player could still use Blink after the target had used Charge. When the target used Charge, the target could still charge in front of the player. If the Blink was too early like Lu Yang, the Half-Orc Warrior could actually charge a distance of 60 yards.

Therefore, although Blink seemed to be very simple to dodge Charge, it actually required players to have precise calculations, swift reactions, and the ability to predict the game.

It was almost impossible for new players to do this, but for Lu Yang, this was something that he had repeated countless times in his previous life. It was incredibly easy.

After the Blink, Lu Yang was only 20 yards away from the bug point on the left. After the Half-Orc Warrior realized that his charge had failed, he raised his axe and charged at Lu Yang even more angrily.

In the settings of Second World, players' initial movement speed was 325 points. Some of the elite monsters in the wild moved 50% faster than players, which was 487 points. Among them were Half-Orc Warriors. Although Lu Yang had used Blink to move 30 yards away, the Half-Orc Warriors were still able to quickly catch up to him in the remaining 20 yards.

"Boss, be careful." Xiao Liang stood on the big rock and shouted.

Just as Lu Yang was two steps away from the boulder, the Half-Orc Warrior caught up to him. First, he was attacked, then his target avoided him using Blink. Feeling humiliated, the Half-Orc Warrior raised his axe angrily.

If this axe had landed, Lu Yang would definitely have died. However, at this moment, Lu Yang suddenly turned around and used an instantaneous spell on the Half-Orc Warrior, Flame Impact.


A ball of fire exploded from the half-orc's head, and the half-orc was knocked unconscious on the spot.

"Boss, give me your hand." Xiao Liang stretched out his arm and shouted.

After Lu Yang threw out the Flame Impact, he did not look at the result. He jumped and grabbed Xiao Liang's arm. Xiao Liang pulled hard and pulled Lu Yang to the top of the stone.

Just as Xiao Liang was about to catch his breath, Lu Yang pulled Xiao Liang and jumped into the crack in the rock. The two of them fell into the crack in the corner of the wall. Before Xiao Liang could ask why, a huge sound of metal colliding could be heard.


Xiao Liang looked up and saw that the half-orc's axe had sunk deeply into the rock.

"Boss, how did he wake up so quickly?" Xiao Liang asked dumbfoundedly. He had seen Lu Yang's Flame Impact before, which could knock out the target for two seconds.

Lu Yang said, "This is an elite monster. According to the system's rules, the duration of control of an elite monster is halved. These monsters are immune to control."

Xiao Liang nodded and asked, "Boss, can this big guy break the rock?"

The Half-Orc Warrior's axe was too huge. He could not stab into the cracks in the rock like the bone club in the half-orc's hands. When he could not hit Lu Yang, he angrily used the axe to chisel at the rock.

Lu Yang recalled the video of the thief killing the boss in his previous life and said, "Don't worry, this guy will never be able to break this rock. The two of us can attack without worry and kill this big guy easily."

"That's great." Xiao Liang excitedly took out the Snake Poison Pearl and released the poison, dyeing the Half-Orc Warrior green.

Lu Yang raised the staff in his hand, and four Fire Walls appeared under the feet of the Half-Orc Warrior and on both sides of him. Then, Lu Yang chanted the incantation of Flame Blast.





As a level 15 elite monster, the Half-Orc Warrior had 20,000 HP, high defense, high damage, and very fast HP recovery. Normally, to kill the Half-Orc Warrior, two teams of players above level 15 would be needed. But now, as long as Lu Yang and the others stood at the bug point, they could easily kill the Half-Orc Warrior. Meanwhile, the Half-Orc Warrior could only helplessly walk around the big rock, unable to cause any damage to Lu Yang and the others.

After an hour and a half of Flame Blasts and furious roars, the Half-Orc Warrior finally lay on the ground reluctantly.

System Notification: [You have received 3,142 experience points.]

"Boss, we really killed the Half-Orc Warrior!" Xiao Liang shouted excitedly. This was the first boss he had killed since entering the game. Although he could not see the Half-Orc Warrior die, he could see the increase in experience.

Lu Yang said nonchalantly, "Don't be in a hurry to go out and pick up the equipment. There are lots of half-orcs outside now."

After more than an hour, the half-orcs outside had already spawned four waves. The entire cave hall returned to the state when Lu Yang came. There were hundreds of half-orcs walking around.

Xiao Liang lay on the rock and looked at the Half-Orc Warrior's corpse that was blocked by the half-orcs outside. He said, "How depressing. I really want to see what equipment it dropped."

Lu Yang could not help but laugh. However, he could understand Xiao Liang's current feelings. A 16-year-old boy was very curious. Back then, when Lu Yang killed the first boss, he was just as anxious as him to see what equipment the boss had dropped.

After eating two pieces of crispy electric eel, Lu Yang recovered his magic. He stood up and used Flame Blast to lure the nearby half-orcs over. After the two of them worked together to kill the monsters with Fire Wall and Snake Poison, the surrounding monsters were cleaned up.

Only then did Lu Yang bring Xiao Liang out of the bug point. When he saw the items dropped by the Half-Orc Warrior, Lu Yang could not help but widen his eyes.

"It's actually a skill book. Hurry up and see what it is."