Troll Shaman Walkins

After ending the call, Lu Yang leaned against a big tree to rest. He waited until the sun rose before standing up from the ground.

The forest seemed to be full of life in the early morning. The sunlight shone through the leaves and shone on the ground of the forest. One could clearly see a sika deer eating tender leaves with dew not far away. There were also two squirrels looking around on the tree beside it.

At first glance, the Troll Forest looked peaceful, but Lu Yang didn't dare to be careless. Trolls had a very good vision during the day. Moreover, the level difference between Lu Yang and the trolls was too great, so it was very easy for the trolls to discover him.

Just as he was about to walk into the forest, a green figure suddenly jumped down from a big tree 30 yards ahead of Lu Yang.

Green skin, a strong body, red hair, and a sharp spear in his hand. It was a forest troll.

Lu Yang couldn't help but click his tongue. He thought to himself, "Fortunately, I didn't enter the Troll Forest at night. Otherwise, I would have been insta-killed by the forest troll in front of me the moment I entered."

Seeing the forest troll turn around and walk into the forest, Lu Yang raised the Arsonist's Staff and chanted an incantation at the troll's back. 0.7 seconds later, a Flame Burst formed at the top of the staff.

Lu Yang pointed his staff at the troll, and the Flame Burst flew toward the troll's back like a cannonball.


The troll staggered and let out a bloodthirsty growl. He turned his head and stared at Lu Yang like a wolf. He raised the spear in his hand and stood still. He pulled his arm straight and threw it forcefully.


The spear instantly flew in front of Lu Yang.

Ordinary players would never be able to dodge the troll's spears. The troll's spears were extremely fast, and the trajectory of the spears was very flat. As long as the spears were thrown, they could cross a distance of 30 yards and hit players in less than a second.

The damage dealt by the forest troll's spears was extremely high. Almost every strike dealt about 200 HP to players. Even if players reached level 15, other than shield warriors and shield paladins, they would not be able to withstand it.

In his previous life, when a large number of players entered the Troll Forest, many mages, hunters, and other players thought that they could attack first before the warriors could attack. In the end, they were instantly killed by the spears thrown by the trolls. It could be seen how powerful the trolls were.

However, no matter how fast a troll's spear was, it was useless against Lu Yang. This was because the first thing any high-level mage learned in PK was how to dodge an archer's bow and arrow. In his previous life, Lu Yang had participated in countless PK battles. In free mode, he could even dodge an archer's bow and arrow, let alone a forest troll's spear.

With a simple sidestep, Lu Yang dodged the spear and chanted another incantation. Another Flame Blast shot out from the tip of his staff and hit the Troll's head with a bang.

"284." (Critical)

The troll was forced to take a step back. At the same time, the troll's throwing motion was interrupted. The troll could only make a new move. However, when he threw his spear, Lu Yang also cast his third Flame Blast. Lu Yang dodged to the right. While he dodged the troll's attack, he also dealt damage to the troll.

Just like that, Lu Yang used his superior PK skills from his previous life to dodge the trolls' spears while using Flame Blast to attack. In less than 30 seconds, he killed a troll and it lay on the ground.

System Notification: [You have received 321 experience points.]

Lu Yang looked around vigilantly. After confirming that there was no other troll, he went to the troll's corpse and picked up a piece of white equipment. Then, Lu Yang walked into the forest.

The Troll Forest was a very large map, and there were many trolls in it. Lu Yang searched for more than an hour according to his memories from his previous life. After killing dozens of trolls, he finally found the troll camp in the deepest part of the Troll Forest.

System Notification: [You have discovered the troll camp.]

This was a wooden camp. The camp fence was made of pure wood and was about 1.5 meters tall. There were more than 30 buildings in the camp, and there were about ten trolls beside each building.

Lu Yang looked into the distance. In the deepest part of the camp, there was a valley. He remembered that it was Walkins' nest.

"I've finally found you," Lu Yang said.

After killing the two trolls at the entrance, Lu Yang continued forward. While trying his best to avoid the trolls, Lu Yang arrived at the valley. He hid in the grass and looked inside. After finding no other trolls, Lu Yang quickly ran into the valley.

The entrance of the valley did not look big, but it was very wide inside. As the high priest of the troll tribe, Walkins had supreme authority, so he lived alone in this place.

After walking for less than 20 meters, Lu Yang saw a huge round wooden room painted with red paint. At the side of the room, Lu Yang found Walkins.

This was a troll whose entire body was smeared with red dye. It was slightly larger than a normal troll. At this moment, it was standing in a circular pit filled with symbols and praying to the sky. However, according to common sense, trolls worshipped witchcraft. This troll in front of him emitted a violent fire element aura.

According to the information that Lu Yang had gathered in his previous life, the reason why this troll could possess fire element attributes was that he had a fragment of the Demon God's Heart that had fallen on the continent when he died. This was one of the materials that Lu Yang had to use to upgrade the Demon God's Heart.

Recalling how powerful he had become after upgrading the Demon God's Heart in his previous life, Lu Yang couldn't hold it in anymore. He took a big stride and arrived 30 yards away from Walkins. He raised the staff in his hand and cast a Flame Burst on Walkins's body.



Walkins, who possessed demon fragments, possessed extremely high fire resistance.


Walkins was greedily enjoying the power brought by the fire element when he was suddenly attacked. Walkins turned around and angrily blocked Lu Yang.

"Damned human, how dare you come to my territory? I'm going to cleanse you with flames."

System Notification: [Walkins used Fireball on you.]

Two seconds later, a Fireball formed in his hand. However, in these two seconds, Lu Yang had already jumped behind a big tree.

Walkins's spell, which was aimed at Lu Yang, instantly lost its target and could only attack the tree.


The fireball hit the tree in front of Lu Yang, and the tree fell.

"This is the power of fire. Damn human, you can't escape." Walkins did not feel embarrassed that he did not hit Lu Yang. Instead, he felt like a cat catching a mouse.

Lu Yang sneered and chanted an incantation to cast five layers of Scorching on Walkins, increasing his magic damage by 75 points. Then, he cast another Flame Burst on Walkins' body.

Walkins staggered and the spell he was casting was knocked away.