I Am Lu Yang

"What?" Zheng Yuan widened his eyes and said, "You still want to bring someone? Who do you want to bring?"

Lu Yang asked, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course, there's a problem. We've already given you the mage equipment. Why are you still bringing people here? Do you think our team is working for you?" Zheng Yuan pointed at Lu Yang and said.

"That's right. If it's someone using an alternate account, you shouldn't bring them. We have 24 people here. They still want to enter the dungeon."

"Even if you're the team commander, you can't do this. We still have to level up."


The other members of Xia Yuwei's team immediately started to make a commotion. These people were all hired players who did as Zheng Yuan said.

"You guys are too much." Wine Breeze knew Lu Yang's identity. He also knew that Chi Mu Old Man wanted to pull him into the guild. When he saw this situation, he immediately stepped forward to defend Lu Yang.

However, before he could finish speaking, Lu Yang patted the shoulder of Wine Breeze indicating for him not to be rash.

Wine Breeze looked at Lu Yang in confusion. He did not understand why Lu Yang did not let him continue.

"If you need people, my boss said that he can send an elite team of the guild to accompany you in the dungeon at any time. Why should we bother with these people?" Wine Breeze secretly sent a message to Lu Yang. He didn't want to reveal to Xia Yuwei and the others that he was the deputy guild master of Chi Mu Old Man's guild.

Lu Yang also did not want to bring Zheng Yuan and the others along. If it were not for Lan Yu, Lu Yang would have already gotten Chi Mu Old Man's elite team to follow him. That way, it would be much easier to clear dungeons and dumb things like this wouldn't happen. However, in order to help Lan Yu, the little sister he was closest to in his previous life, Lu Yang could only endure it.

"Calm down. Let me think." Lu Yang replied to Wine Breeze and turned to look at Xia Yuwei with a questioning look.

Xia Yuwei was instantly embarrassed. She turned around and glared at Zheng Yuan, saying, "Shut up, can you not embarrass me?"

"What, what did I do?" Zheng Yuan argued.

"What do you think?" Xia Yuwei's eyes turned cold.

"Alright, alright, I admit it." Zheng Yuan immediately wilted and did not dare to continue.

Xia Yuwei's expression softened a little and she turned her head to look at the others. The subordinates who had agreed with Zheng Yuan just now quickly shut their mouths.

"From now on, Lu Yang will be the captain of this team. Not obeying him is as good as disrespecting me. Do you hear me?" Xia Yuwei said firmly.

"Alright, we will listen to your commands." Zhang Zibo and the others replied.

"Okay." Zheng Yuan replied weakly, but he still muttered softly, "Let's see what kind of person he brought. If he's useless, he's going to get it from me."

Xia Yuwei couldn't be bothered with Zheng Yuan. She turned to Lu Yang and said, "I'm sorry about this. Please ask your friend to come over. I have no problems here. If you need equipment, we can give it to him."

Lan Yu also walked to Lu Yang's side. She pouted and said, "You're not angry, are you?"

Lu Yang thought to himself, 'If it weren't for you, I would have left long ago. I can't even be bothered to look straight at these people."

"How can that be? Wait for me. I'll call my friend over," Lu Yang said.

Turning on the communicator, Lu Yang said to Xiao Liang, who was already online and killing half-orcs in the cave hall, "What level are you at?"

Xiao Liang looked at the half-orcs that he had killed and said, "Boss, I'm already level 8."

"How's the equipment?" Lu Yang asked.

"I didn't expect the half-orcs to drop level 8 equipment. I've already gathered a set, but it's all white grade," Xiao Liang said.

In the settings of Second World, the level of equipment dropped by monsters on the world map came in intervals for about 8 levels.

"Report the data," Lu Yang said.

"Vitality: 576, Defense: 109," Xiao Liang said.

Lu Yang did some calculations. With this data, it shouldn't be a problem to fight a hidden boss with the Shield Wall.

"Come to me," Lu Yang said after sending Xiao Liang a location.

"I'll be there soon." Xiao Liang immediately used the city return scroll to fly back to St. Gar City.

It was only a minute's walk from the square in St. Gar City to the bank in the eastern district. Lu Yang soon saw Xiao Liang running over from afar.

"Boss, I'm here." Xiao Liang saw Lu Yang from afar and shouted.

Lu Yang smiled and waved his hand.

When Zheng Yuan and the others saw Xiao Liang's tone, they knew that he was an incompetent person. Those with ability would firstly not call others boss, and secondly, they would not use this tone.

"As expected, he's just a freeloader of experience and equipment," Zheng Yuan said unhappily.

Quite a number of people in the team looked displeased. Just as the atmosphere became a little strange, Lan Yu suddenly asked, "What's the name of this friend of yours?"

The corners of Lu Yang's mouth curled up as he said with a mischievous smile, "Why are you asking for his name?"

Yesterday, when they were fighting monsters, Lan Yu had heard Zhang Zibo's analysis of Lu Yang and Black-Armored Warrior. She knew Lu Yang. It was the mage in front of her. Then, Lan Yu thought that there was a high chance that the person Lu Yang called over was Black-Armored Warrior. Now that she saw Lu Yang's expression, she knew that she had guessed correctly.

"I knew you were up to no good," Lan Yu said as she looked at Lu Yang with her big, beautiful eyes.

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "How could I?"

"Then tell me his name," Lan Yu pressed.

Xia Yuwei was a little curious as to why Lan Yu would ask such a question. Zheng Yuan, Zhang Zibo, and the others also looked over curiously. They knew that Lan Yu was not a busybody.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Lu Yang knew that he didn't have to hide it anymore. He couldn't be bothered to pretend anymore. He thought to himself, "This act of deliberately pretending to be a weak person to make the opponent negligent, and then taking the opportunity to win the final victory is indeed not something ordinary people can do. The prep was really tiring. I won't do it again in the future."

"Boss, I'm here." Xiao Liang happened to run to Lu Yang's side.

Lu Yang patted Xiao Liang's shoulder and said, "Come, introduce yourself to everyone. They asked me who you are."

Xiao Liang looked at the 20 pairs of eyes staring at him. Xiao Liang, who had never received so much attention before, immediately blushed and scratched the back of his head, saying, "Hello, everyone. My name is Black Armored Warrior."

Xia Yuwei, Zhang Zibo, and the others were stunned. Zheng Yuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you Black-Armored Warrior?" Xia Yuwei asked.

"That's right."

"As in Black-Armored Warrior ranked second on the level rankings?" Zhang Zibo asked again.

"Yes." Xiao Liang felt that these people were very strange.

"Pfft!" Wine Breeze, Zheng Yuan, and the others couldn't hold it in anymore. They covered their mouths and tried very hard to hold it in. They looked at Lu Yang with surprise and admiration.

Lan Yu, on the other hand, hit Lu Yang's chest "angrily" with her little fist and said, "You baddie."

Xia Yuwei, Zhang Zibo, and the others immediately reacted and looked at Lu Yang at the same time.

"If he's Black-Armored Warrior, then you're… Lu Yang?" Xia Yuwei felt her mouth dry up and couldn't help swallowing.

Lu Yang said, "That's right. I'm Lu Yang."