chapter 12: Mother and Sister joy

Oliver woke up with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to embark on another day of his entrepreneurial journey. After completing his daily activities, he made his way to the workshop where the soap molds awaited. Today, he had a special plan in mind – to surprise his mother and sister with his luxurious creation.

In the Kingdom of Valeria, polygamy was not uncommon, but Oliver's father, Lord Cedric, had always remained devoted to Lady Amelia, Oliver's mother. Their love and commitment to each other were evident in the way Lord Cedric treated her with utmost respect and affection. He had never taken any concubines, a rare display of monogamy in those times.

Knowing his mother's fondness for elegance and luxury, Oliver carefully selected the finest Eliza Soap, delicately scented with the fragrances of rose and lavender. The soap was packaged in an exquisite box, adding to its allure. Oliver wanted to create a moment of surprise and delight for his mother and sister, showcasing his entrepreneurial success and making them feel cherished.

With the soap in hand, Oliver made his way towards his mother's courtyard. His anticipation grew with each step, imagining their astonishment and joy upon receiving such a thoughtful gift. He couldn't wait to see their reactions and share in their happiness.

As he approached his mother's quarters, Oliver's heart raced with excitement. The possibilities that lay ahead, both economically and personally, filled his mind with anticipation. This small act of surprising his mother and sister was just the beginning, a glimpse of the potential growth and success he envisioned for his entrepreneurial endeavors.

With determination and a sense of accomplishment, Oliver knocked gently on his mother's door, eager to present his gift and witness the impact of his efforts on those he loved. Little did he know that this seemingly simple act would set in motion a series of events that would shape not only his own future but the destiny of his family and the kingdom as well.

Oliver's presence did not go unnoticed, as his mother's elderly maid spotted him and hurriedly guided him to Lady Amelia's presence. As he entered, he was delighted to see his mother, Lady Amelia, elegant and poised as always, and his older sister, Rose, who was already seated and getting ready to have breakfast.

The warm morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the room. Lady Amelia, radiating grace and maternal affection, welcomed Oliver with a smile, her eyes sparkling with love and pride. Rose, his older sister, greeted him with a warm embrace, expressing her surprise and joy at his unexpected visit.

Oliver couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and belonging as he stood before his mother and sister. Their unwavering support and love had always been his anchor, and he cherished these moments of togetherness.

Oliver couldn't contain his excitement any longer. With a gleeful smile, he reached into his pocket and presented the carefully wrapped box containing the Eliza Soap to his mother and sister. Their eyes widened in surprise and delight as they unwrapped the package, taking in the enchanting scents of rose and lavender.

As Lady Amelia and Rose unwrapped the box containing the Eliza Soap, their eyes widened in astonishment. The sweet fragrance of rose and lavender filled the air, adding to their curiosity and intrigue. They exchanged excited glances, and a hushed conversation ensued between them.

Lady Amelia, her voice filled with wonder, leaned towards Rose and whispered, "Rose, have you ever heard of such a thing? This soap, they say it is meant to cleanse and nourish the skin. It seems to be a luxury we have yet to experience."

Rose, equally intrigued, nodded and replied in a soft voice, "Indeed, Mother. I've heard tales of soap from distant lands, but to have it here, in our own hands, is truly remarkable. Oliver has always been full of surprises."

Their eyes turned to Oliver, who beamed with pride at their fascination. Excitement danced in his voice as he explained, "Mother, Rose, this soap is made using a special process with ingredients such as animal fat and alkali substance called lye. It's designed to cleanse and moisturize the skin, leaving it soft and refreshed."

Lady Amelia's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she gently touched the soap, observing its smooth texture. "And how do we use it, my dear Oliver? Is it different from our usual bathing routines?"

Oliver's face lit up with enthusiasm as he replied, "Yes, Mother. To use the soap, you simply wet your hands, lather it up, and apply it to your body. It creates a rich, foamy lather that gently cleanses away dirt and impurities. Afterward, rinse with water, and your skin will feel rejuvenated."

Rose, her curiosity piqued, asked with eagerness, "And what about the scents? It smells divine!"

Oliver nodded, delighted by their interest. "Indeed, sister. I've added the scents of rose and lavender, known for their soothing properties. Using this soap will not only cleanse but also provide a moment of relaxation and indulgence."

The conversation continued, with Lady Amelia and Rose expressing their gratitude and excitement for the gift of Eliza Soap. They eagerly discussed the possibilities and benefits it would bring to their daily routines, envisioning a new level of pampering and self-care.

Oliver couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment and joy as he witnessed their enthusiasm. The simple act of introducing soap to his family had opened up a world of possibilities and new experiences. It was a testament to his dedication and the impact his entrepreneurial spirit could have on their lives.

With their curiosity ignited, Lady Amelia, Rose, and Oliver decided to put their new knowledge of soap to the test after their breakfast. They couldn't wait to experience its promised benefits firsthand. As they indulged in a hearty meal, their minds wandered to the upcoming afternoon, filled with anticipation of the soap's luxurious touch on their skin.

In the afternoon, Lady Amelia and Rose retreated to the privacy of their elegant bathroom, adorned with ornate fixtures and a large, inviting bathtub. The room was filled with anticipation as they prepared to embark on their soap experiment, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

Lady Amelia: My dear Rose, are you ready for our little soap adventure? I've heard remarkable things about its effects on the skin.

Rose: Oh, Mother, I can hardly contain my excitement! I've never used soap before, but if it can make our skin as radiant as they say, then count me in!

Lady Amelia: Let us begin, my darling. First, we wet our hands with warm water. It helps to open up our pores and prepares our skin for the soap.

Rose: Like this, Mother? giggles I can feel the warmth already!

Lady Amelia: Perfect, my dear. Now, take the soap in your hands and rub it gently, creating a lather.

Rose: Look, Mother, it's transforming into a creamy foam! The scent is so delightful, like a bouquet of flowers.

Lady Amelia: Yes, my love, the fragrance is truly enchanting. Now, apply the lather to your face, moving your hands in circular motions.

Rose: Oh, Mother, it feels so soft and smooth against my skin. I can feel the gentle cleansing taking place.

Lady Amelia: Wonderful, my dear. Rinse your face with water, and let the soap work its magic.

Rose: gasps Mother, look! My skin looks brighter and more vibrant than ever before! The glow is surpassing my wildest expectations.

Lady Amelia: Oh, Rose, you look absolutely radiant! The soap has truly brought out the natural beauty of your skin. I must try it myself.

They continued their soap experiment, joyfully exploring its effects on different parts of their bodies. With each step, they marveled at the transformation taking place, their spirits lifted with newfound confidence.

Lady Amelia: Rose, my love, this soap is a remarkable discovery. It has made our skin feel incredibly soft and rejuvenated. I can hardly believe the difference it has made.

Rose: Mother, it's like a little luxury in our own bathroom. I feel like a princess, pampered and cared for.

Lady Amelia: And you deserve every bit of that, my dear. This soap has exceeded all our expectations. It has become an essential part of our beauty regimen.

Rose: I couldn't agree more, Mother. From this day forward, I can't imagine my life without this magical soap.

Their hearts brimming with delight and satisfaction, Lady Amelia and Rose relished in their newfound beauty secret. The soap had become more than just a product—it was a symbol of their bond, a source of joy, and a gateway to a world of self-care and indulgence. Together, they would continue to explore the wonders of this soap, celebrating the radiant glow it bestowed upon them and cherishing the moments of mother-daughter connection it brought forth.