Chapter 17: Counting Profit

Oliver eagerly entered his father's study, clutching a leather pouch filled with the hard-earned gold. He found his father, Baron Cedric, engrossed in a stack of documents. Clearing his throat, Oliver approached him.

Oliver: Father, I have something important to discuss with you.

Baron Cedric looked up from his papers, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

Baron Cedric: Ah, Oliver, what brings you here? You seem quite eager. Is something the matter?

Oliver: No, father, quite the contrary. I have counted the profits from the soap batch, and it amounts to around 1450 gold. I have brought you 1000 gold for safekeeping.

Oliver handed the leather pouch to his father, who weighed it in his hands, a hint of surprise evident on his face.

Baron Cedric: Impressive, Oliver. Your endeavors have yielded considerable results. I am proud of your accomplishments.

Oliver: Thank you, father. But that's not all. I have a grand plan to further our prosperity. I have designed a blueprint for a blast furnace, which will revolutionize our steel production. With your permission and support, I wish to build it.

Oliver carefully unfolded the blueprint, revealing intricate details and innovative concepts.

Baron Cedric's eyes widened as he examined the blueprint, his initial surprise giving way to a mix of astonishment and pride.

Baron Cedric: Oliver, this is remarkable! Your vision and ingenuity are truly impressive. Building this newly improved version of blast furnace will undoubtedly boost our steel production and open doors to new possibilities. I am wholeheartedly supportive of your endeavor.

Oliver's face lit up with excitement and gratitude.

Oliver: Thank you, father! Your trust and support mean the world to me. With this blast furnace, we can establish ourselves as leaders in the field, creating not just soap but a wide array of innovative products. Our barony will thrive like never before.

Baron Cedric: Indeed, Oliver. but how much output can we get by using this blast furnace.

Oliver: maybe in tons. but it will be a lot higher than our minimal production now.

Cedric: okay, I am with you on this.

With this said, Oliver's heart swelled with a sense of purpose and determination. The prospect of building the blast furnace filled him with renewed energy and motivation. With his father's blessings, he was ready to take the next step towards transforming their barony into a beacon of progress and prosperity.


Late at night, in the quiet solitude of his room, Oliver sat before a flickering candle, lost in deep contemplation. His thoughts wandered beyond the boundaries of the present, delving into the realms of fantasy and the mysteries of time.

Oliver: (whispering to himself) Reincarnation... What if it were possible? What if I could go back in time, carrying the knowledge and experiences of my current life?

His AI chip, a reliable companion, hummed softly, sensing his curiosity and desire for answers.

AI Chip: Oliver, I am here to assist you. Let us delve into the realm of possibilities and seek answers to your inquiries.

Oliver activated the AI chip's advanced capabilities, opening a virtual interface that displayed a wealth of information on reincarnation and time travel.

Oliver: (deep in thought) If I could reverse engineer my arrival in this world, could I find a way to replicate that process and travel back in time?

With the AI chip's assistance, Oliver began a meticulous exploration of his own existence, tracing the path that brought him to the present moment. He unraveled the threads of fate and sought to understand the fundamental principles underlying his arrival.

As he delved deeper, Oliver stumbled upon ancient texts and forgotten lore that hinted at the existence of a rare material—an ethereal crystal known as "Chronium." Legends whispered that this crystal possessed the ability to manipulate time and space, holding the key to temporal travel.

Oliver: (eyes widening in awe) Chronium... If I could acquire this rare material, perhaps I could construct a portal, a gateway to traverse the veils of time.

Excitement surged through Oliver's veins as he envisioned the possibilities. He called upon the AI chip to assist in further research, analyzing the properties and potential applications of Chronium.

Hour after hour, Oliver immersed himself in the study of Chronium, its origins, and the legends surrounding its usage. With the AI chip's computational prowess, he formulated a theoretical design for a time portal, its blueprint etching itself in his mind.

Oliver: (whispering with determination) I will find Chronium. I will build the time portal, not only for myself but for the betterment of all. To rewrite the course of history, to rectify past mistakes, and to shape a brighter future.

A sense of purpose filled Oliver's being as he envisioned the infinite possibilities that lay before him. The search for Chronium became his new quest—a journey to acquire the elusive material and unlock the secrets of time.

Little did he know that this fantastical pursuit would lead him to uncharted territories, unraveling mysteries that transcended the boundaries of imagination. With the power of his AI chip and an unwavering determination, Oliver set forth on an extraordinary odyssey, driven by the desire to reshape the fabric of time itself.