A spy?

He walked to a stop just a breath away from me and sniffed the air. His eyes narrowed at us.

"You are not human." His voice was deep, rich and silky; I had no answer as usual.

"What are you doing in my Forest? Did those pathetic humans send you here to spy on us?"

"N-N-NO!" I stuttered, realizing I was more scared than I thought I was.


"Because someone called me!" I snapped. "Every full moon, something, someone from this forest calls to me," I let out.

I heard several hushed whispers across the clearing. Apparently, it was a big deal to hear that I was being called from their land.

"Who called you?" he growled, obviously not buying my story.

"I- I don't know." His questions were literally beginning to frustrate me.

"I don't believe you!" He spat before turning to face the other wolves. "She has probably heard the prophecy somewhere and is just lying to stay alive."

A moment of silence passed before I heard, "Get rid of them; Ben!" he commanded, and my stomach dropped.

"WAIT, Alpha!" the golden wolf Yasmine stepped up. "We can't kill her yet," she said as she came to stand beside the Alpha.

"Such a sensitive matter shouldn't be handled so rashly, Alpha. We have to be cautious; I'd say we keep her until we find out what all this is really about."

The Alpha looked offended as a snarl was barely held back in his throat. "And keep her where? We keep no prisoners remember?"

"She can be your new play toy," Yasmine suggested. "You have not visited your concubines at the harem for some time now. Knowing you too well, I believe you've grown bored of the women there."

The Alpha's look softened at that concept.

I was horrified to know that making me his play toy piqued his interest.

"You need… Fresh meat, a new plaything," Yasmine added enticingly, and the wolves around hummed a wave of approval at her words.

The Alpha growled a low warning that made everyone shut up immediately. After a moment of what looked like he was still pondering the idea, he finally relented with a slight nod.

"Fine," he gritted. "I'll keep her!" He turned to look me in the eyes before adding,

"As my play toy. So from now on, human, let it be clear that I own you. Mind, body and soul. "

I felt myself quiver at the intensity of his gaze. Something about the way he looked at me made me want to bow and submit to him.

I felt delusional even to think that way because I didn't know what he could do.

He then ordered us to be locked up in a small crate big enough to contain three people.

"Round up pack! We hunt now, and we leave at dawn!" The Alpha barked the order before taking off in a decisive run, all the other wolves racing behind him, howling into the sky.

The minute we were alone, Denie collapsed on the floor in tears.

I felt very pained watching her because we wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.

"Lana… I don't want to die," she sobbed.

"Shhhh…I would never let anything bad happen to you Denie…." I promised but she only sobbed harder.

I could only comfort her by hugging her. It was all I could manage. She didn't deserve any of this, and I wish I could turn back the clock. I wish I could do more to reassure her that everything would be fine.

~Dawn came very quickly~

As we sat in our prison miserably, we suddenly saw a tall shirtless muscular man walk up to the cage.

He had long dark hair and golden eyes, reminding me of the wolf that caught us in the forest—Ben— they called him yesterday.

Behind him were two other handsome men. They were also shirtless and muscular with brown hair.

I immediately knew who they were. —-Mika and Collins.

Denie, though, was slow to catch up.

"Oh thank the Gods. Humans! There are humans here!" She exclaimed. "Please help us, sirs. We are being kept here against our wish." She pleaded stretching her arm to them.

"Denie…. They aren't humans." I told her just at the same time their eyes flashed a brighter gold.

Denie's face momentarily morphed into confusion before Realization finally dawned on her.

"Werewolves," shrieked Denie in surprise and in horror.

Ben swung the cage door with a sneer. Before we could register what was coming, he grabbed Denie by the hair and roughly pulled her out of our confinement.

Denie let out a terrified scream as she fell to the ground unceremoniously.

"LET HER GO!" I screamed, frantically trying to pull her back into the crate but my effort was useless.

Ben put one hand on my chest and shoved me back roughly with inhuman strength. The force sent me crashing into the wall of the crate, hitting my head so hard that my vision began to blur.

I stumbled back on my feet with great difficulty and kicked out at him with every strength I could muster. My foot connected with his midsection and sent him stumbling backwards just a little. It was only a momentary reprieve, however, he quickly regained his footing and charged at me once more.

His eyes were wild and his movements erratic as he lunged forward with a snarl. I could feel his hot breath on my face as he bared his teeth, ready to sink them into my flesh. I knew then that I had made a grave mistake. I had angered him and was in grave danger.

My heart flipped and just before I fell completely unconscious, I saw Ben grab Denie by the neck. She made one last blood-curdling scream before I heard a sharp cracking sound, and her scream cut off.

"Denie…!" I shrieked weakly seconds before I fell into the inevitable darkness.