The Visit (2)

I was immediately taken aback by the revelation.

A fae? I had heard of those otherworldly creatures in the past, but I assumed that they were nothing more than urban legends! They were a mystery to me because I had no idea that they existed. No wonder the strange color of her eyes or the strange beauty she had that drew me closer and closer into a daze of curiosity as we got closer and closer.

According to what I had been told and what I had read, the time of the blue moon is when the fae become their most powerful, and it is also when they are in the midst of their mating season. Their aura grows stronger, and as a result, they become more attractive to a wide variety of different creatures.

Having said that, the extent of my knowledge regarding them ended there. I had no prior knowledge of the flower fae and had never read anything about them. The only thing I ever learned about them was that they were one of the most powerful species in the history of the world.