Trouble in the firs day

The students were shocked to see the person talk to a Captain on friendly terms. Which started whispers, "How does he know a captain?" A girl said

"Maybe that's why he's here so late" A boy said. "Young man, watch how you speak to your superiors" the woman said, raising a hand about to strike him. Kai just stood there because he knew what was going to happen.

The teacher was stopped by Nika who grabbed her hand and whispered something in her ear.

After whispering the teacher cleared her throat "Don't let it happen again" she said as she made her way towards the front of the class.

"Okay, Luis please take Jake, and the twins to the infirmary, the rest of you organize the classroom" after saying that the students started to organize the room none of them dared to look at Kai.

"Now this is Captain Nika Glacies from first division and she is also within the top 50 worldwide rankers" the teacher stated with her hand pointing towards the captain.

The students were shocked to learn this fact, seeing a captain was amazing enough, but to think she would be a world ranker.

Meanwhile Kai was thinking something else.

"What the hell is a world ranker?" he screamed in his head.

"Anyway she is going to assist me in the beast class today to talk about a new type of beast she encountered a few days ago" as she said that Kai noticed a name tag on the teacher that read M. Stone.

Nika stepped forward and touched a metallic pen device activating a projector which displayed an image of a lion like beast covered with feathers with two wings and bones sticking out of its body.

Kai immediately knew this beast; it was the first beast he killed. "So it was a new discovered beast, at least in this country" he said lower in tone.

"Hellbound!" He heard from Stone ``Would you like to explain what this beast is Kai?" Nika asked.

Some students chuckle at this thinking it would be impossible because it was a new beast.

"Sure" The young man stood up and made his way to the board. He then went to explain a bit about the beast, how it uses its body to fight and all. One of the students raised her hand.

"Yes?" Kai asked.

"I'm sorry but how can a first year student know about this beast? You talk about it like you have fought it" the girl said adjusting her glasses.

This made whispers start going around in doubt in what the student was saying. Before Kai could answer Nika interrupted.

"That's simple to answer because he has fought them and actually managed to kill one on his own" Nika said this and all the class was in shock.

"No wonder he beat Jake and the twins so easy" was the main thing the people were talking about.

Kai saw how much attention he was regretting flexing his accomplishment. "Well, it was all thanks to Capt. Nika that it was possible".

The student gave a unanimous "Ahhh", now thinking they discovered the real reason he defeated the beast.

In another place, a room with a few beds and curtains was the blonde boys Jake and the twins were resting. "Who does he think he is? I'll make him pay" he said.

He tapped his watch and a contact could be seen, someone that went by the name of Abel B. He sent a message, which was received according to his watch,

"Now you're in for it, since I can't get you. I get someone who can" he said to himself while smiling.

An hour passed and the beast class was finally over now it was time for a practical type class. Combat class, a very bulk man, with a scar on his right eye and short gray hair was in the middle of the room.

He saw the young adult enter his room and after taking a glance at the guy he smiled.

"Good day class, today we are learning disarming techniques" The man said. Kai notices the name tag on his sleeveless shirt.

"First Lt. Copper" said the tag, Kai seeing this wanted to test his new skill.

[Frightful Aura] (Active)

The next second some of the students close to him lost the ability to move and others were just struggling to look towards the direction of Kai. Just a few students and the teacher could resist him.

The teacher walked towards Kai "That's a hell of a presence for a young guy like you" he said. "You'll need to learn how to conceal it" the Lt. stated.

In the next second Kai deactivated his skill and it was completely concealed. "I already know how," the young adult said.

This led the smile on the teacher's face to widen. "So, he was just testing everyone, very interesting," he said.

After that he paired the students up and handed out wooden weapons. "Now only use the training weapons, no soul weapons" Copper said.

"Soul weapon?" Kai said.

[New Quest!]- Discover and Summon your Soul Weapon!


- 5 skill points

- 300 xp

"New quest, and I can unlock a new skill too" Kai thought, the question was how to make a soul weapon.

"Maybe I can ask Nika how to make one" As he was thinking the boy that was paired up with him attacked with a wooden sword.

He went for a stab toward his abdomen, but Kai was too fast; he hit the inner part of his wrist and the flat part of the sword, knocking it off the hand.

The force was too strong for the student as the sword flew off the hand. The sword got stuck on the wall. This was an impressive feat since it was a concrete wall and a wood training sword.

The boy was stunt with this action; he was one of the most talented in the combat class.

"What cheap trick did you use?" the boy said.

"Cheap trick? Even if you had a real weapon or better physical attributes. I would still win" Kai stated.

A light was in the right hand of the boy as a double edge sword appeared and charged towards Kai who just stood there unfazed by the blade that was coming closer towards him.