Military Experiment

A hooded figure was walking in a dark hallway that looked like a type of dungeon creatures could be heard hissing and clawing at the figure.

Some of them looked human but if one was to get close they could tell it was no such thing. Their bodies were either made of wood or rock. Next to the bars that were holding them state that these were golems.

The hooded figure kept walking until it arrived at a double door that looked to be reinforced. A red light in the right corner of the door lights up green as a locking mechanism sound. The door opened and a dark open space was behind the door.

Lights started to turn on and a person could be seen behind a thick glass that looked like it would be impossible to break. The person had his arms stretched to the side and up. Chained to the walls to restrict movement.

If one looked closer at the person one could see needle marks all over his body as if he had been injected multiple times a day.

"Please, just let me go," the man said in a weak tone. Steps could be heard as another person approached the hooded figure. It was a woman that had a mask covering the bottom of her face leaving only her eyes visible and black hair which was in a ponytail.

"He's the only one that's been compatible so far," the woman said while tapping a tablet.

"Which beast did you use and what rank?" The other figure talked but the sound was a bit robotic since it was altered by a voice modifier.

The woman tapped on her tablet and a hologram appeared. "The White Gwyllgi, a Warrior Tier wol-like beast from the northern region" the hologram displayed just like she said a white wolf with red eyes and was almost the size of a small car that could be seen thanks to the picture used to create the hologram.

"Although it's not perfect since he cannot control himself once the change starts to happen, also his affinity to magic seems none existent since the change" this made the hooded figure look at the person again.

"What is his name?" It asked

The woman responded by "His name was Lucas Clove, an air user who graduated from stone edge first generation. But now he's referred to as X001"

The hooded person then approached the glass and said with it's deteriorated voice. "Thank you for your service" after that he turned around and headed outside with the woman.

"Wait, don't leave me here. Please!" The guy said almost in agony with his temper raising the room quickly locked up after the other left and the only thing that could be heard was tugging on the chains along with ferocious roars.

The room lock. "It seems we are making progress. Keep it up while you can before the head of the school finds out of this" the hooded figure said as he left.

He existed from a cave in the forest and when looking at his right far away from the forest Stone edge could be seen filled with students.

"This is but a necessary evil" the hooded person said as he vanished the next second leaving no trace of him ever being there.

On the open train facility Arthur had just destroyed the hay dummy which left Kai really surprised.

"With his Mythic his strikes are faster and deadlier" he thought while watching Arthur. The latter noticed Kai watching him and glared back at him.

"Relax there. I'm not here to fight" Kai held his hands up in sign of surrender.

"What are you training for? You look plenty strong to me" he said, teasing the white hair man.

"Yet you beat me? I need more power" Arthur said in a serious tone.

"Then how about a friendly spar to test the waters without holding back?" Kai said.

"You think you can take me on with my magic?" The comment seemed to annoy Arthur.

"Fine but not here too much distractions" as he said that a group of girls past whispering while looking at Arthur and blushing.

"Yea distractions" he said, slightly annoyed by Arthur's popularity.

They both walked off the nearby forest and standed opposite each other. "Let's see if this works"

What Kai was expecting was another quest to beat Arthur but what he got was more than he expected.

[Beat Arthur Shirogane]


[Kill Arthur Shirogane] (Optional)


Skill upgrade

War against the Shirogane Clan