High Security

There were more guards than usual even in the halls they roamed. Their presence itself was suffocating, some students couldn't even get near them.

Kai made his way to Magic Theory class; the majority of the students were already seated. The majority were looking out the window noticing the presence of more guards.

The teacher then entered after Kai and looked at all his students. "I see you are curious about the power of the special ops. Well why don't we talk about the power and rank system the world has built for this era?"

They said as the board turned on displaying a chart of power.

"Ok we'll skip the tiers of the beast since we will only talk about human power and ranks" the teacher said.

Everyone, especially Kai, was paying attention.

"So human power can be from F rank up to rank SSS+ the latter being the strongest one only exception for this is the Special Rank Z which only two people hold in the world" the teacher looked back at the students seeing the interest of knowing who those two people were.

"The first one is the number one ranker, the person who holds the title of the strongest. Blaze Savage. Besides him a college under the same corporation as him. A woman who goes by the alias of Angel"

A student raised his hand. "What magic do they use sir?"

"Well this is not part of the lesson but Blaze uses light magic on a destructive level. While Angel is a healer said to be able to heal one thousand people at the same time"

The students were speechless and so was Kai. "Now rank F is the lowest because people aren't even able to manifest a complete form of magic. E ranks are at least able to cover their bodies with magic. D ranks are capable of elements in their magic making their body strong, and creating a huge gap of power for the E ranks. Although D ranks are just the weakest element users out of the bunch" the teacher said. Some of the students were a little worried but all of them were at least D rank.

"Now C ranks are capable of launching powerful elemental attacks in either range or close combat. B ranks are classified to be a national threat capable of learning higher forms of their elements. The A ranks are natural disasters and from that up there are walking calamities and some are able to learn more than one higher form" He said with a serious expression.

"Sir what are Z ranks classified as?"

"Deities is the only word that can describe them" the teacher stated.

"Now even if you're the same rank. There are levels in that rank. Those being Low, Mid, High and Peak being the strongest and closer to break through" the teacher said.

"The rankers also known as the most powerful people in the world are commonly High B rank or up. But you become a ranker by winning an official dual against someone that's already a ranker and the match has to be supervised by a ranker that's at least two places above the highest one" Mr. Tenco said.

An hour passed and the teacher responded to questions from the students, but it was nothing that important. "Well that sums up today's class up" all the students started to walk out of the class.

Mr. Tenco was about to leave but Kai stood next to him and asked.

"Mr. Tenco, what rank is Captain Nika?" The young adult asked.

Mr. Tenco was surprised but he then smirked slightly. "Nika is a low SS rank holding the 30th spot within the rankers" he felt Kai would be satisfied with this but the next question shocked him.

"What about Cain Black?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Cain is currently a peak A rank but it's said that his skills are that of an S rank, and he holds the 67th rank. Also once he officially breaks through to be an S rank he will be promoted to a Captain" Mr. Tenco said.

"Thanks for the information" he said walking out of the classroom.

"I need to get stronger than a S rank to beat Cain. System, how can I get more Xp?"

"Where do I learn that?"

Kai didn't even know the shop could be used like that so he thought of it and a page appeared.

300 Gold (Recommended)

150 Gold

10,000 Gold (Not Recommended)

"How much gold do I have?"

<400 Gold>

"Why is the heaven's not recommended maybe because of the price" Kai wanted to see more information about the Inferno Technique.

"Simple enough I guess. Let's try it after class"

He then got the rest of the normal classes off his back. He decided to go to the nearby forest but when he got there he saw all the special ops soldiers there not letting anyone pass through.

Night was coming close as the moon began to rise. A full moon at that.

"Fine, I guess I'll just try the meditation tomorrow," Kai said, turning around.

Unknown to him of the danger lurking inside those woods. A man changing in size from a 9 foot figure to a 6 feet human his hair is grayish yet he is in his 20s.

"What happened?" He was covered in blood then his eyes widened as flashbacks of what happened started playing in his head.

He vomits just by remembering. "Just what did they turn me into?