Buried Secrets

Arthur stood up from the ground and glared at Kai for attacking him.

"Hey you were the one who followed me" Kai said with his arms crossed.

"I guess that's true" Arthur relaxed but quickly thought how did he become this strong in that small amount of time.

"Why are you here Kai you do know the infection comes from here right?" Arthur asked not understanding why someone in their right head would come here.

"I have business here. You can return" Kai said, heading deeper into the woods.

Arthur hesitated and asked himself what the hell was Kai's problem. In the end he followed him thinking it would be better for him not to be alone.

"Wait Kai!"

They both were walking aimlessly inside the forest. Blood could be seen covering trees and bushes; the ground also was darker as if it was soaked in liquid. It was safe to say that liquid was blood.

They were in front of what looked to be a fallen tree but it seemed to be cut by something hitting it with raw strength.

"What could do this?" Arthur asked out loud. Kai got closer to the tree only to see a cave a couple of feets behind it. When looking at the entrance only pure darkness could be seen.

The system reacted to this.

[Abomination] > [Save Your Friend]

[Time Limit: 10 hours]

"What? Why was the quest updated now and not before? Does this mean Layla's condition got worse?" Kai had a lot of questions but no time. He jumped the tree and was heading to the cave. Arthur followed behind him not even asking questions.

They both stood in front of the cave.

"This cave is giving me the creeps," Arthur said.

And it was true the cave was emitting a dark aura as if it was keeping inside your worst nightmares.


A three branch had snapped behind them making a look towards the sound. Their eyes darted everywhere they felt an immense amount of blood lust in the air. They then saw one of the trees moving.

When they looked up a pair of red eyes could be seen glowing in the darkness. The duo summoned their soul weapons but the creature was gone.

A low growl could be heard behind them.and when they turned around a big white furred creature was standing in front of them.

Arthur was shocked by what the creature looked like, he questioned his whole reality. "A Werewolf" he said out loud.

But Kai doubted this statement since a lot of students had questioned if such a creature was possible now with magic in their world and the answer was always no.

Furthermore the system confirmed that this being was nothing but an abomination created by someone. Not a cursed person or a beast.

Kai pulled Arthur back and quickly shot out fire from his hand.

[Fire Stream]

His body was pushed back by the force of the stream. The fire impacted the creature's chest making it retreat slightly.

Kai quickly wanted to see the power of this creature.

[Name: ???] [King Tier]

[Strength 120]

[Stamina 80]

[Dexterity 150]

Seeing these stats brought fear into Kai that was out of his league.

"Arthur we need to go" but Arthur remained quiet.

Kai wanted to turn around but he felt that if he broke eye contact it would be too late. But confrontation was inevitable at this point.

"Argh!" Kai screamed as he mustered all his courage as he threw a big fire ball at the abomination.

It hit hard and pushed it back a couple of feet.

[Second Step]

He appeared behind the creature and joined his hands and hit it in the back. His back bent forward and the fire ball completely hit its body.

Smoke covered the air.


"Did he get him?" Finally Arthur snapped out of his daze.

The smoke cleared but reality set in the creature was un-scratched by Kai's attack. It now looked mad.

"Shit!" Kai put his hands up to block but it was too late.



Kai's body crashed into a tree.


[Hp: 70/150]

Arthur ready his weapon, he leaned forward and had his hand on his blade. Lightning ran through his body he then opened his eyes dashing forward in the blink of an eye.

"At this speed a can attack him" Arthur said.

But the next event changed his opinion. The creature turned around and dodged the attack; he then slashed Arthur's back.

"Argh" he screamed from the pain.

"Arthur!" Kai's eyes glowed crimson red. From his hand fiery claws emerged.

But Kai didn't pay attention to that. Fire also started to cover his body.

But his anger was interrupted by a sudden figure who kicked the face of the creature and actually managed to hurt it.

"Darya?" Kai asked as the colors in his eyes turned back to normal and the claws retracted.

Arthur, seeing who it is, thought everything would be ok. He had heard of Darya before, one of the most powerful people in the academy. Excluding the king and queen at least that's what the students thought, if they were correct no one knew.

"You idiot want to kill a King tier abomination on your own?" Darya said.

"King tier? So that's why it's so strong" Arthur stated.

"Now run you idiots" she said as the creature stood up and leaped towards her. She made a giant bubble of water in both her hands she then put them forward and the water blasted the creature away.

"Come on into the cave" she put Arthur over her shoulder and entered the cave. Kai followed behind but the creature stopped in its tracks.


Was the only thing heard.

Kai and the others arrived in front of a door that looked forced open with brute strength.

A notification suddenly arrived that peaked Kai's interest.

Enter the door and learn the truth of this buried secret.