
"Sir, what will we do about experiment X001?" A hood figure said while remaining on one knee. The one he was talking to was a man in a lab coat inside an infirmary filled with students.

"Too much money has gone into this make sure to capture it alive if that's not possible at least make sure to get plenty of it's blood" Dr. Young said as a smirk crept into his face.

"But sir" the hooded figure said but was interrupted.

"I didn't create that beautiful being for it to go to waste" Dr. Young even moaned at the thought of this beast.

This disturbed the hooded figure thinking it was weird. But he did as he asked, he then touched a brick of the wall in the infirmary. The wall opened, the hooded figures entered and were met by a group of five persons who had terrifying auras.

Yet their faces weren't visible since they were coverby the darkness of the room.

"It's time let's move out" the hooded figure said as the others covered their heads with hoods and followed behind.

Back at the forest

Kai and the others were running deep in the forest where they finally found what they were looking for. But they weren't the predator but the prey.

The humanoid white gwyllgi pounce on the group from a tree behind them. But they were on high alert so they moved out of the way and the abomination landed in between them.

The trio was in a triangle with the beast in the middle. Arthur and Kai summoned their weapons.

Darya also summoned her soul weapon. In her right hand a stick started to appear elongating on both sides. A blade then started to be created on both ends.

It was a type of double bladed glaive. The wolf then dashed towards Darya. She created a bubble of water around her which stopped the wolf but it didn't hold much as the bubble crumbled.

Seeing this she made the weapon make circles in her hand. She then made a slash with both ends of the it made water in the form of a crescent line rush towards the beast.

It holds its furry hands up to cover itself, the attack cut slightly the arms but it was too shallow. Kai then rushed towards the abomination. He attempted to tackle the wolf.

But it didn't even move one bit, it then looked down on Kai. This made Kai sweat cold, he then quickly activated a skill.

[Fire Stream]

His body propelled back from the force. Then to attack him from afar with his fireball.

Seeing the fire coming towards him the beast jumped to dodge but in a split second Arthur covered in lightning was above him. He was in a quick draw stance in the middle of the air he then whispered.

"Shirogane Secret Sword Art. Kaminari!" He yelled as his body propelled down to the beast, a lightning bolt followed behind him.

"Ahhh!" The sword clashed with the abomination, the lightning bolt traveled his body and transferred the shock to the humanoid beast.

It howled in pain then recklessly it hit Arthur as he crashed into a tree. Darya split her double glaive into two small ones.

She became quicker as she dashed, he slashed the wolf abdomen two times. She appeared behind the wolf, then she placed her hand flat on its back.

"Hydro Pulse" the thin line appeared in the abdomen part of the beast. But the weird thing was the shockwave of the attack was stupidly strong.

Yet the thin line of water was calm. The abomination fell to his knees. Its sharp fangs were covered in blood as he spit on the ground. Its bloodlust intensified and his eyes were filled with kill intent.

It then turned a bit crazy and attacked Darya at blinding speed. Darya was quick on her feet dodging out of the way not allowing the wolf to touch her.

Kaijumped toward the beast as he propelled himself with a fire stream to create momentum. He then twisted his body and delivered a heavy round house kick cover by fire to the wolf.

It groaned in pain, but all it was only making it angrier.


It roars with rage. Arthur, Darya and Kai prepare to attack together. "We need to end this, with our strongest attack"

"Shirogane Secrets Arts, Gin" thunder started to cover Arthur's body

"Fireball!" Kai's right hand light on fire as a massive ball of fire"

"Hydro Cannon!"

Arthur launched forward and swung his sword but the wolf dodge it he then grabbed Arthur and opened it hand landing a big scratch on his back.

It then picked Arthur up, but Kai's fire ball hit it in the back, burning part of his fur off. He dropped Arthur on the floor.

Before he could go after Kai it was hit by Darya's attack. It was being pushed back eventually the water that was hitting it was turning red on the end.

The wolf crashed against the tree, the water then stopped and on the left of the wolf abdomen there was a hole on it.

This brought the wolf to drop on all fours. He was becoming smaller, turning into a man.

Who was holding the injured part of his body. Seeing this they all stopped attacking.

"I.. wi… will kill him!" The man shouted.

Kai walked towards him as a fireball appeared in his hand. "Kill who?"

"Dr. Young! Even if it cost my life" The man shouted before he passed out.

"Dr. Young is the one?" Kai said still not believing what the man told him.

He was dead or atleast it seemed like that. Kai turned off his fire and was going to get the blood he needed but suddenly he felt an aura from the body that made him jump back.

He saw the wound heal in an instant heat was emitting from the body as the skin began to melt. His raw muscles were exposed but a light began to cover them before it turned to white fur the body stretched until it turned to the monster the trio was fighting.

Its eyes open but unlike the red from before they were red but cloudy as if it was dead. The system confirmed this.

"Damn watch out, don't let your guard down!" Kai shouted but it was too late.


Kai was hit harder than ever, his body crashed into a tree and it even snapped. It then fell on top of him pinning him down.


[Hp: 50/150]

The beast then kicked Arthur who was still on the floor. It then turned its gaze to Darya who stood prepared.

"No Darya run, it's stronger than before," Kai shouted.

It was too late . The class of this monster was already digging deep within her gut. Her mouth was filled with blood which was dripping out of her mouth.


Kai saw only red and his eyes were proof of it.

[Hell's Claws]>[Incomplete Hell's Embodiment]

Kai's skin suddenly became darker like a charcoal color. His muscles bulged as fuery claws emerged from his nails.

In his mouth fangs appeared which gave him a terrifying look.

[Hp: 150/150]

[Fatigue 55%]

He picked the tree up with little to no effort and threw it at the wolf. It crashed hard after a while he stood up again looking intently at Kai.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Kai thought.