A Weird Man

The next day a thunderstorm hit the stone edge, the dark gray clouds covered the sky. While the lightning struck the ground, it rained heavily almost making it impossible to see.

Kai was in his room asleep on the floor. Layla was in his bed. Her condition had improved and her veins were no longer black. Darya was no longer in the room. Arthur was heavily asleep on the floor.

Kai opened his eyes with difficulty and his vision still was blurry. He then blinked his eyes adjusted to the room, he could see the burned marks on the walls from when he meditated. After he could see properly a familiar sound was heard.


[Kai Hellbound]

[Race: Hound]

[Level 20] (18,830/40,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Strength: 66]

[Stamina: 66]

[Dexterity: 66]

[Control: 35%]

[Fatigue: 5%]

[Free Stat Points: 9]

[New Mutt] > [A Hound]

[A Hound Reward]

This will make the user unable to receive damage. If the user has less than 25% of his life, it will only last 2 minutes.

"This is an incredible skill and my stats have doubled." Kai wanted to get up from the shock. But his body was heavy and it hurt a lot.

"It must be because of evolution," he concluded.

Kai then opened his skill tab




[Skill Upgrade: 1]

"I have a lot of cool abilities, but which one should I upgrade" he was deep in thought. He then tried something.

< The skill [A Hound] cannot be forced to upgrade. It can only evolve when the user evolves>

Kai actually didn't want to upgrade that skill but he wondered if the system had restrictions. Looking through the skills he made a decision.

This will make the user unable to receive damage. If the user has less than 25% of his life, it will only last 5 minutes.

I know I have 5 minutes if something happens. He then started to attempt to stand up despite his body not wanting to. He checked on Arthur and saw that he was ok as for Layla she was peacefully.

He sighed with relief now he could rest easily but then he noticed something. His meditation skill had upgraded by itself.

Duration: 5 minutes

"This is perfect now. Instead of 2,800Xp a week, I can earn 7,000Xp a week" Kai said excitedly. This was a complete game changer for him.

Suddenly Kai remembered what that man said. That he would kill Dr. Young for turning him into a monster.

He now remembered he still had unfinished business with said Dr. when he was about to grab the door handle the system reminded him of something else.

(S Rank Item)

"Huh, I heard that runes are used to enhance your element. That it can even give you a higher form"

Kai was thinking he could always evolve his element naturally but that could even take over 10 years. But he could make sure to get the one he wanted but this was random.


Suddenly a deep red with hints of purple mixed in, appeared in front of Kai hovering in the air. It then rushed towards Kai's chest. It was burning deep into his chest until it was inside his chest.

"Argh, what the hell" Kai's body was in even more pain then when he evolved.

The noses in his skins were forced open; they were expelling the energy from Kai's body. His eyes were reacting to this as they were flashing on and off.

He spat a mouthful of blood on the floor. The burning within his body intensified a lot he could barely keep consciousness

Kai suddenly felt a surge of electricity within his body. It was purplish in color and around it and intense red like flames.

The burning and shock stopped and Kai was breathing heavily.


[Control 60%]


Plasma Manipulation Skill

Super Charge

Burning Hands

The skills were directly injected inside his brain. It was a little uncomfortable but Kai now felt the mythic around him different. Heavier. Stronger.

"Now this is real power!" Kay's eyes glowed red crazily. As his hand opened purplish electricity with a red aura around it connected his fingers, the spark made Kai smile like a madman.


Arthur woke up to the sound of the door slamming shut. But it didn't last long as he fell asleep.

Kai was heading towards the infirmary and didn't let anything get in his way.

"I'll make him pay for messing with the life of my friend!" Kai said as he stood in front of the door before forcing it open.

Dr. Young had his back turned but quickly glanced at Kai. It appeared he was watching something.

"I was waiting for you, Kai," He said with a wicked smile. As he stepped out of the way revealing what he was watching. Footage of Kai, Darya and Arthur inside the underground dungeon.

The system sent the notification but it was too late. Dr Young was already behind him. His hand was emitting green. He grabbed Kai's shoulder and in an instant he felt dizzy.

"Now sleep I'll be sure to study you with care" The last thing Kai saw was the smile that crept onto the doctor's face.

Kai's eyes were feeling heavy.

"Kai!" A deep rough voice said inside his head.

This made Kai open his eyes abruptly, his body sparked suddenly.


The infirmary exploded, even killing some of the students that were there.


Kai stood up and he had completely destroyed this room. He could see he killed four students but he looked unfazed. Now the violent air from the thunderstorm could be felt and the rain could be seen behind Kai.

He heard a coughing noise under the rubble.

"You truly are insane. I have been waiting for this since the day I first met you" Dr. Young said as he stood up.

"Come at me Kai" he moaned.

As they were in a stand off while lightning struck the ground.