The Center

In the middle of a jungle Cain was with his team sitting in front of a fire where they were resting. Judging from their clothes they had just finished a fight against some beast.

Cain opened and closed his hand as he felt his aura was becoming stronger.

"Did you break through?" Asked the muscular guy, he was bald and was about 6'5. He had sleeveless combat armor with cargo pants and combat boots.

"No Bruce, but I feel close" Cain said as he clenched his fist.

"Maybe you need a rune," the woman next to Bruce said. She had straight black hair and an athletic build. She wore leather armor and cargo pants, as for shoes she also had combat boots.

"There aren't any runes to help him get stronger at this point, Erza. Only way it would have to be an S rank rune and that doesn't exist or at least no one has one" the skinny man said. He wore a robe like a mage. It was bluish in color and it extended onto his feet so no one could see what type of pants or shoes he wore.

"Shut Fred you smartass" Erza said as she stood up blushing.

"Shut up! Let's keep going, we need to get this done before next week. I need to reach the stone edge before my father interferes" Cain said, standing up and walking forward.

The other followed behind with Fred complaining he was tired. They walked deep into the jungle sneaking around so the beast wouldn't spot them. They were pretty deep inside the jungle where the strongest beast roamed.

After walking about 30 minutes they found what they were looking for. In front of them was a giant hole that was thousands of feets wide and deep with four gigantic roots coming out of it.

"We Found it in the center of the Island" Bruce said in amazement.



A shock wave shakes the entire area.

"There's something down there, with a powerful aura and…"

A drop of sweat ran down Cain's face and he then stepped back. As he senses the powerful dark and sinister power that's emitting whatever it is down there.

"Let's go!" He dashed towards the jungle again running towards the wall.

"Cain what happened?" Bruce as he ran behind him.

"The aura down there is dark and scary and is as strong as a Demon Tier Beast or stronger, let's go back and regroup our mission is complete" Cain said in a serious tone.

"Demon Tier?" The rest asked in their head after they started to run faster.

Meanwhile in Stone Edge.

Kai was frozen in his spot by the aura, he wanted to run but it was impossible.

"You have just committed a war crime killing an important prisoner without orders. By the power invested in me, sentence you to death!" The Major said, looking at Kai coldly.

Kai was sweating from the aura's pressure alone; he didn't know what would happen if he moved even a single muscle.

"Shit what do I know?" He gritted his teeth in frustration.

He asked himself, why now of all times. He was surrounded by special ops soldiers who were pointing with the prototype weapons.

"Even if it was just a one vs one. I couldn't escape, I'm too weak" he said as he lowered his head, cursing himself.

A bone spear was materializing from the ground and when it was ready the major moved his hand up as if he was controlling the spear hover on top of his hand. The major pointed the spear at Kai with murder intent in his eyes.

But suddenly.


Another Aura erupted behind Kai the aura was just as intense as Vulcan's.

"Major Vulcan I believe you are mistaken as you cannot take that kind of decision without my opinion" a middle aged man said as he approached the scene.

The physic of this man could only be described as a wall of muscles. He was in a military uniform and in said uniforms the badge of a Lieutenant Colonel.

Kai recognized this man as Ltc.Black, Layla's father.

"He killed our only possible lead to the Cursed Order!" Vulcan screamed in anger.

"Cursed Order?" Kai asked himself questioning this comment

Black stares at Vulcan with his red eyes as fire starts to cover his right hand. Vulcan spread his hands and bones started to materialize from the ground.

But something happened that made him win his eyes. The fire in the Ltc started to spiral and became a thick liquid substance. The heat exploded as this liquid became the form of a ball.

"Lava?" Kai was shocked by this not the fact that Ltc Bkavk had this higher form but the fact that it was so strong.

Lava mythic was common among the higher forms, but not many can make it as strong as the Ltc showed right now.

"Shall we do this by force then" the lava was moving in his hand.

The Major raised his hands and fifty bone spears appeared and formed a circle and started spinning.

"It appears so" The Major responded.

"Now Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves" A man sitting on top of the ruble.

The guy looked to be in his early 30s. He was wearing casual clothes unlike everyone else. His spiking light blue hair went well with his gray eyes.

He seemed unbothered by both the tension and the pressure from the other two and when the Ltc and Major looked at the person.

They winded their eyes as a drop of sweat drop from their hair.

Kai hadn't seen this guy before but he got a creepy feeling from him. When seeing the Ltc and Major he felt overwhelming power but when he saw this guy he felt nothing.

This was really putting Kai on edge.

At the same time Ltc Black and Major Vulcan appeared in front of the man sweating as they bowed down.

"We welcome General Varques!" They shouted in union.

"General? Is he the head of the academy?" Kai asked himself in shock.