Rough Departure


*Flight 634 will be leaving in ten minutes*

An intercom said out loud for all the people to hear and almost everyone started to line up for the plane.

"So impatient do they not realize that even if they line up first class and handicap they will always board first" A man with black hair said.

"Lucky I'm an exception" He said smiling as he walked towards the desk with confidence.


LIghtning enveloped his body while walking. People gasped at this because not all the people of the world had the capability to use "Magic". Every person had the energy inside them but not all of them could use it or even had elements. These people are classified as F ranks, most of them chose to live a normal life as civilians.

"He's a warrior," A man said from afar.

"Yeah and he's at least a C Rank just look at that lightning. I'm a D rank, yet he is so strong with only a rank above me" A woman said while clenching her fist, and a small flame appeared around her hand. But the difference in strength was obvious and the gap between the ranks was too much.

"It appears there is no one here that can match me. I'll be on the plane in no time" The man said.

When he was about to reach the desk he saw that a man with dark red hair was already there, apparently asking the receptionist questions. When he saw this man he couldn't feel any "magic" from him. So he decided to interrupt the conversation rudely.

"Hey there I'm in a bit of a hurry here ma'am, my name is Derek Tale can I board the plane. The receptionist saw the man and his aura, it was quite powerful to say the least. She smiled at him and was about to ignore the guy in front of her to be respectful to the warrior. But suddenly.

"Excuse me but I was here first, would you mind waiting? I'm almost done" the dark red haired man said.

When he said this the receptionist's expression turned sour.

"Sir, I'm sorry but this man here is clearly a warrior and VIP member, so you'll have to wait your turn. Be respectful to the people that protect this world" She said in anger. The black haired man smiled at this.

"Warrior huh, this guy is nothing but a low C rank ant" The man said.

This comment angered the receptionist but the one that was seriously offended was Derek. In the last two years no one had dared to offend him this much.


Derek's aura exploded suppressing everyone in this section. Lightning struck the ground as his aura grew, the receptionist was about to pass out from the pressure. The man's face darkened as he saw this aura.

"Don't tell me you're scared now, because it is too late" Derek stepped forward but just when he took that step.


He was suddenly looking at the ceiling and his face hurt.

"What happened?" Derek asked, then quickly stood up and jumped back.


"At least you have good instinct" The man said.

As fire covered all of his body if Derek's aura suppressed everyone this man's aura was killing them. "What is this? I didn't feel anything before, wait that only means he's at least rank A or up, they're the only ones that can completely conceal their magic" Derek said in panic.

"Lt. Cain Black! Please stop this!" A man in a suit shouted.

He was the only one that could resist this pressure, seeing this man Cain retracted his aura allowing everyone to breathe again. They knew who this man was, the name Black was the hot topic nowadays of how they'll be the next big family.

Yet everyone knew that the man that shouted at him was even more powerful, so powerful that even people without the ability to use mythic could feel it.

"Well, if it isn't Evan Wood, where is your client?" Cain asked as he saw the man who just shouted.

He was a tall muscular man with a dragon tattoo running down his neck, his wild and spiky hair was brown in color that matched his eyes and a cold expression hugged his face.

"He sent me here to see that you get out of here without causing any trouble, now let's go or you'll miss the plane" Evan said.

"Evan, this woman was very rude to me" Cain said as he pointed towards the receptionist who was now scared to death and regretting the way she talked to Cain.

Even glanced at the woman coldly and then turned back at Cain.

"Do as you see fit" Evan said

Not even a second later a giant pillar of blue fire appeared and turned the woman to ashes. Everyone saw this and lowered their heads. They didn't want to be next. After killing the woman Cain walked along Evan who didn't seem to care about the commotion.

"Now tell me why did you call Mr. Bermont for help, while you can travel wherever you want?" Evam asked.

"Well my father will try to stop me from reaching the stone edge and Bermont is the only one that can get me into Triton without revealing my identity.

"I see, ok then get on the plane and don't cause problems, remember to use the fake passport" Evan said as he suddenly began to vanish.

IN a few moments he was completely gone and Cain was entering the plane.

"His ability is impressive and not to mention a rare one. It's no wonder he has an S Rank, I wonder why he didn't enter the Rankers" Cain asked curiously.

Cain quickly found his seat. It was a first class seat that had a TV in front of the seat that could turn into a bed and a bottle of champagne in ice was on the table between the bed and tv. A note could be seen attached in the bottle.

*You Own Me Black*

That was the only thing written in the night, but Cain understood it perfectly.

"Let's just hope that old bastard doesn't ask for something unreasonable" He then sat as his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Kai Hellbound you will pay"