Plan In Action

The darkness of the night hugged the sky with the only source of light being the moon that shoned gently on top of a city. This city was the one in front of the restaurant that Kai and Darya went to. Roland City.

In the middle of the city a massive building with at least one hundred floors could be seen. In the very top of the building that was decorated like a patio was a man with a gray suit smoking.

The man looked to be in his late thirties, with grayish hair and facial hair. He was overseeing the peaceful city. He breathed out smoke with a slight sighed showing tiredness.

"Sir, Lt Black has arrived" a bald man with a black suit said, a clear sign of him building a bodyguard.

The man waves his hand in annoyance. After that action Cain appeared and walked towards the man.

The man glanced back and decided to finish his cigarette in one puff. A cloud of smoke appeared in front of the man as he exhaled.

"Mr. Bermont, I am happy to see you in good health" Cain said with a slight bow.

"You use your one time favor for something as petty as revenge. You disappoint me Cain" Bermont said with a cold tone.

This made Cain flinch a bit. The person in front of him was one of the strongest people in the entire world. It was normal for him to be nervous.

"We will get you through the gates but we will not start a war i will only send five men with you four high A rank and one high SS rank I believe that should be enough" Mr. Bermont said.

"Thank you for your generosity sir" Cain said before he saw Bermont wave his hand signaling him to leave.

Cain left and the man was yet again alone in the top of the building. The cold wind was clashing against him but if one looked closer they could see that not even his hair moved. There was a very thin barrier that prevented the air from affecting him.

He then put his hand in his pocket and took out a box of cigarettes. Bermont hit the box before taking one out and putting it in his mouth. Then he grabbed a metal lighter that was in his jacket pocket, he ran his fingers through the side of the lighter and a small flame appeared.

The cigarette was lit and Bermont took a hit and he exhaled and smoke came out of his mouth.

"So he came personally for a simple student. Maybe there is something special. Ray brought me the information" as soon as he said that the bald man gave him a tablet.

Bermont looked at the file.

"Kai Hellbound, one of the five," He said.

The next day Kai woke up.

He lazily stood up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom like every morning he took a shower and put his uniform on. He was refreshed and completely awake, he was putting on his watch and after it turned on he saw that he had an administrator message.

-Kai Hellbound you will leave the academy tonight, prepare and say your goodbyes.

~ Ltc Black.

"So they reached a conclusion," Kai said with a sad smile. He had enjoyed his time here but he knew this was for the best.

Now he could focus on getting stronger. He sat on the floor in a meditation pose as his aura emerged from his body. The aura was orange in color but it slowly started to turn a type of light purplish, while red electricity ran through his entire body.



His aura suddenly exploded with power, he opened his eyes and saw the aura around his body. Then he absorbed the aura into his body.

"Well, I'm a B rank now" ge said with a smile.

[Kai Hellbound] [Fire Mythic][Plasma]

[Race: Hound]

[Level 25] (419,230/1,280,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Strength: 76]

[Stamina: 75]

[Dexterity: 85]

[Control: 70%]

[Fatigue: 0%]

[Free Stat Points: 0]

"My control went up by 10%" Kai then tried to control his fire which was an easy task. He then tried something he summoned his plasma which was easy but then it was harder to maintain.

"Why is it so hard!" He shouted.



The plasma exploded and shocked everything around, even Kai himself.

"That hurt," He said softly.

He stood up and his body was reacting slower. The explosion affected him more than he thought.

But he couldn't give up if he wanted to be stronger he needed to master his plasma.

"I need an attack that can destroy everything" Kai said as he grinded his teeth.

But then he decided to go to the training facility it was better equipped to sustain the attack Kai wanted to create. Before that thought he went to say his goodbyes to the few friends he had made.

Arthur was first the news shocked him but he then said.

"I'm sure you'll be fine wherever you go but don't forget about me. I want a rematch after seeing you fight with that anomaly" Arthur said.

"Sure thing" Kai replied with a smile.

He then went to Layla which was devastated by this; she had grown attached to Kai more than anyone else.

"No, dad promised he'll keep you safe. He promise" she said crying and hugging Kai.

Seeing this Kai smiled at her and then patted her head.

"Stop it you crybaby. Your father is doing just that." He said.

"Besides we will meet again, I promise, you just have to be stronger when we meet," Kai said.

"I'll be strong" She said

Kai then walked and another tear fell from her eye. "I'll become stronger than anyone to walk by your side forever" she mumbled.

Kai's final stop was Darya, who already knew this would happen.

"Don't worry Kai, I'll graduate early and meet up with you. The only reason I stayed was to see you before the others" Kai was shocked by this answer.

"So I was right, you're stronger than the queen," Kai said in his head.

"I'll see you in a month, deal?" Darya said.

"Deal," Kai said.

After that Kai went to the training facility and trained for about five hours. He didn't bother to show up for class; he was leaving either way.

"Come on, I almost got it," Kai said in anger.

Kai extended his arms to the side as an unstable ball of plasma appeared in both hands. He charged them up and then joined his hands in front of him. This was the difficult step, containing it as it merged.

"Argh!!!!!" Kai screamed.

He then pulled his arms closer to the chest and then pushed them forward brutally. A beam of plasma launched from Kai's it took the shape of a hook before touching the wall and exploding.



The wall crack which was a surprise to everyone inside the facility since this wall was created to absorb the mythic and use it to become stronger to sustain the damage.

"What the hell is that attack?" A student said.

"It's a higher form," another said.

Whispers started to cover the facility, Kai seeing this decided to leave and everyone made way for him.

The night came and Kai was already in a car heading to the airport. He sighed as he took a last glance at the academy.

But he was excited since he would have plenty of opportunities to level up on the wall. Before leaving the school Ltc Black said that he would be going to the south side of the wall, since Cain only went to the north.

"Kai be careful in the south side, the beast is said to be more wild than the north and also Astro has the most warriors deployed there. They are not friendly" this were the last words of Black as Kai entered the car.

"Well here goes nothing"