Off Coma

Monitors started to beep, which caught the nurses off guard.

"Sir, he's waking up," the nurse shouted at the doctor who rushed into the room.

The man that was in a hospital bed rose as if he was a vampire in deep slumber. He opened his eye lids revealing his gray eyes. The look on his face was that of confusion.

"Sir, can you hear me?" The Doctor said approaching the man slowly.

"Can you tell me who you are?" He continued.

The man then turned his head to the doctor and a weird symbol appeared in his right eye. Seeing this made the doctor step back.

"A King's Mark? How is that possible? Only a few people in the world had one before the meteor" the doctor said.

The symbol disappeared as the man put his hand on his forehead. He could hear a voice inside his head.

"Awake" a deep evil voice said "AWAKE!"

The man covered his ears as the voice intensified. The nurses and doctors were confused by this action. Another figure entered the room, it was Cain, who looked at the man and then at the doctor who just shrugged in response.

"Sir, what's your name?" Cain asked.

"Akashi. Wake up, wake up" the voice kept intensifying.

He held the metal railing at the end of the bed and tighten his grip the metal could be seen slightly bending.

When suddenly it stopped.

"Akashi, my name is Akashi," the man said.

The doctor then approached Cain and whispered something in his ear. This comment made Cain widen his eyes.

"A King's Mark, the people who possessed them before were considered superhumans of course only the military and some other factions from the old era know about this. Even some of those who possessed them didn't know that they had it" Cain was deep in thought, he knew about this King's Mark since his father was in the military for a long time.

"Akashi, is it ok if the doctor runs some physical tests on you so we know you're ok?" Cain said.

Akashi looked at Cain innocently and nodded. "Take good care of him and don't report this. I don't know why Astro want with him, but please keep it quiet for now" he said.

The doctor nodded and got Akashi some clothes. It was a plain black jogger like pants and a sleeveless black shirt. After that the doctor began the tests.

First the doctor asked some questions.

"Can you tell me your name again?" The doctor said,

"Akashi," he responded.

"Last name?"

Akashi shook his head as he didn't remember his last name.

"Do you have a family?"

Akashi remained silent; he truly didn't know anything.

"Ok last question, do you remember what brought you to the island?" The doctor looked at him and was surprised to see Akashi held his head.

"All I remember was five figures looking down on me and suddenly darkness," he said.

"Five figures as in persons?" He asked.

"Yes I believe so," Akashi responded.

The doctor took a note of that and then proceeded to take out an orb. The orb was black in color; it looked like obsidian.

"Here you go, just try to squish it as hard as you can," the doctor said, handing the orb to Akashi.

Akashi tightened his grip and the orb started to change colors between green and yellow. This left the doctor speechless. The prb then turned solid yellow, akashi then tried to apply more pressure and for a second the ball turned orange but it quickly went back to yellow.

"How is that even possible he possessed no magic at all. Yet he has the physical strength that a High D Rank Warrior possesses. The orb even turned red for a second meaning that if he recovers completely he could rival Low C Ranks physically" The doctor was deep in thought and shocked at the results.

"Ok, now follow me, you'll be running for a bit" the doctor led Akashi inside a gym and put him on a treadmill.

"Alright let us know when you think it's too much" the doctor said as he gradually turned up the speed.

5 mph… 10 mph… 15 mph… 20 mph… 25 mph

"He's already breaking the records of professional athletes before magic became a thing," the doctor said.

30 mph… 35 mph

"Ok, this is my limit," Akashi said.

The machine then slowed down. These results were shocking. "This is amazing, even though he just woke up from a coma he can already do all of this" the doctor thought.

"Okay that's all for today. If you don't mind I would like to do some more tests tomorrow if that's ok with you" he asked Akashi which just nodded.

After that one of the nurses accompanied Akashi back to the room. Akashi was in the room about to take a shower, when he looked himself in the mirror.

Suddenly, images started to appear in his head of faceless people next to him laughing. Then another image of his hands covered in blood. He held his head as it hurt.

"What is this?" He asked.

Then he saw the last thing he remembered was five persons looking down at him but now he could see that their eyes glowed with different colors.

"Yellow… Silver… Green… Blue… Red, they did this Akashi'' the voice said.

"SHUT UP!" Akashi shouted, the mirror crack'd from the sheer pressure.

The voice suddenly vanished…

"Cain, this man is special, he just woke up from a coma and has the physical attributes to rival the strength of D rank warriors. Even though they're one of the low ranks, they're much stronger than a normal human like me. Furthermore Akashi possesses no magic yet I dare to say if he makes a full recovery he could even rival a C rank" the doctor informed Cain.

"This is why Astro is so interested in him. It has to be, but how would they know?" Cain asked.

"I don't know but I wouldn't go poking around Astro Tower's business if I were you" the doctor said as he was about to walk away but he was stopped by Cain.

"Doctor please keep this under wraps I wouldn't want to kill you just to keep this a secret" Cain threatened the doctor as he walked away.