Nocturnis Awakens

"That's quite the large amount of Mythic you got there what you plan on doing with it" Rick said mocking Kai's energy.

In the midst of the confrontation, Rick observed a dramatic surge in both auras, highlighting a discernible gap in strength. However, an unexpected revelation unfolded as Kai's power exhibited continuous growth. Acknowledging his son's escalating intentions, Rick took decisive action, charging forward to address the impending threat.

"Yes this is what I wanted to witness from my son, who chose to seek refuge when faced with adversity, now demonstrating remarkable resilience and strength through sheer will" Rick said with a crazy look on his face.

Rick aggressively advanced toward Kai, initiating a forceful confrontation. In response, Kai mirrored the intensity by delivering a punch reminiscent of his father's formidable technique.

Executing a proficient backflip, Kai strategically displaced his father with a forceful kick. Seamless in his motion, he harnessed the momentum to unleash a series of five substantial fireballs before making a controlled landing.

Effortlessly deflecting the onslaught, Rick swiftly retaliated with precision. He deployed a compact yellow energy sphere, which, upon contact with Kai's chest, detonated with the impact resembling that of a grenade.

"Radiation?" Contemplating the sensation coursing through his body, Kai internally queried the nature of the radiation he now perceived.

Upon receiving the system's notification, Kai attained a comprehensive understanding of his father's formidable prowess, essentially equating it to the potency of an atomic bomb.

"Hey system, what's stronger? A plasma or nuclear explosion?" Kai asked.

Kai was taken aback by the system's response, yet a jubilant grin crossed his face. Continuously assimilating the mythic with the [Super Charged] skill, he observed as it didn't amplified his personal strength but his aura, steadily building towards an imminent climax.

Kai summoned his soul weapon, the radiance of power emanating from his arms as the black metal gauntlets materialized, extending to his elbows. The intensity of his commitment became evident as he immersed himself fully in the impending action. His physical form underwent a profound transformation, gaining increased robustness. His skin darkened akin to charcoal, revealing fissures where fiery energy seemed poised to escape from within.

Despite his father's maniacal laughter and the escalating strength of his fighting spirit, he remained oblivious to the imminent explosion building within Kai's aura.

In the midst of the confrontation, Kai, while accumulating plasma mythic energy for an impending explosion, found himself engaged in a challenging endeavor. Simultaneously wielding fire mythic against his father, the dual utilization of distinct mythic elements posed a formidable challenge, demanding heightened concentration and skillful execution.

"Damn it, I can concentrate on both at the same time. I need to put some distance between us" Kai said desperately.

In an attempt to create distance, Kai found his path thwarted as his father skillfully conjured a ring of red fire. The formidable intensity of the flames left Kai with little recourse but to persist in the confrontation. As the conflict escalated, Kai, now under the relentless assault of his father, succumbed to a forceful punch that sent him sprawling to the ground, a testament to the overwhelming power behind the blow.

Despite rising to his feet, Kai's attempt to regain composure was abruptly halted as his father callously pressed a foot against his face, compelling him back to the ground. The discernible warmth on the floor beneath him served as a visceral reminder of the personal cost – his own blood, a stark testament to the escalating physical toll of the conflict.

"You thought you could actually beat me? Without even knowing that I was clearly holding back!" Rick shouted.

In a startling transformation, the audible cracking of Rick's spinal bones heralded the emergence of wings. As these wings materialized, a swift metamorphosis unfolded, the appendages becoming engulfed in flames. The juxtaposition of fire and blood on the wings painted a vivid tableau, the red hue serving as a testament to the formidable fusion of elemental forces within this extraordinary manifestation.

"These are real flames, little boy," Rick said as he grabbed Kai by the neck and raised him from the ground.

In this critical juncture, the amassed plasma within Kai's grasp dissipated, dispersing from his aura. As he hung on the edge of consciousness.

Rick's wings gracefully unfurled, lifting him from the ground with a subtle levitation. Drawing Kai nearer, he spoke in hushed tones, conveying a message only for Kai's ears.

"When I'm done with you, I'll find your friends and dispose of them, just like your mother and sister" he whispered.

The comment evoked a profound reaction from Kai, causing his eyes to widen. In that moment, time seemed to freeze, enveloping him in a somber atmosphere. He found himself in a dark room, permitted only to witness the haunting memory of that tragic day.

He observed helplessly as his father escaped accountability for the loss of his beloved mother and sister. The poignant memory unfolded, casting a shadow over Kai's emotions. Following this recollection, a vivid image of his friend emerged, their presence so tangible it was as if their physical forms materialized before him.

In the next moment, their lifeless bodies lay on the floor, marred by the harsh reality of bloodshed.

Once more, Kai found himself within a desolate, dimly-lit space, his eyes reflecting a profound emptiness. In this bleak setting, a colossal, canine-like creature materialized before him.

Its colossal form was draped in shadows, flames as dark as the void covered his body replacing his fur, and eyes ablaze with an ethereal, fiery glow. Sinister and foreboding, it embodied an ominous presence, as if a manifestation of the underworld itself, poised to evoke fear in the hearts of those who dared to encounter it.

the canine said.

the canine said.

The incandescent fissures on Kai's skin transitioned into an ethereal state, coinciding with the dimming of his eyes' radiance, ultimately rendering them devoid of vitality.

Rick found himself perplexed by the abrupt transformation in Kai, noting not only the evident physical alterations but also a notable shift in his inherent power.

"What the hell is this?" He asked.

"Rick Hellbound, you will deal with me until Kai can comeback" The vocalization emanated from Kai, though its resonance conveyed an unsettling impression, suggesting a semblance of possession or external influence.

Before Rick could inquire further, he was swiftly met with a forceful blow to the face, compelling him to relinquish his grasp on Kai's body. The impact propelled him into a nearby wall. Collecting himself, Rick stood upright, brushing off traces of concrete with composed resilience.

"I thought spirit possession was prohibited, who are you?" Rick said, not hesitating to attack.

"Call me Nocturnis" The spirit conveyed a message, accompanied by a discernible smile that revealed a highly potent aura, signifying its formidable and imposing presence.