The Power to Give And The Power To Take

On the island, the relentless siege of the shadow persisted each day, wearing down the once formidable fortress walls. A significant section of the wall succumbed to the insidious control of the encroaching darkness. As the shadow tightened its grip, a sense of urgency hung in the air, prompting a summons to convene the world's high authorities for a crucial meeting. The leaders gathered, their expressions marked by a mix of concern and determination, well aware of the challenges that lay ahead. The meeting room, adorned with symbols of authority, became the focal point for strategic discussions on how to repel the shadows and reclaim control.

The world's leaders gathered around an oval table designed to accommodate twenty, though only six chairs were visibly arranged, creating a stark and deliberate spacing between them. At this pivotal summit, four out of the six seats were filled. The dignitaries in attendance included the leaders of Triton, Lionnel, Kadik, and Astro. Each leader brought with them the weight of their respective nations, and the atmosphere in the room crackled with a blend of anticipation and tension. The vacant chairs served as a silent reminder of absent powers, their influence palpable even in their absence. As the leaders settled in, their collective gaze centered on the challenges that united them and the collaborative efforts required to navigate the complex web of global affairs. The oval table, a symbolic nexus of diplomacy, awaited the decisions that would shape the course of nations.

Surrounding the expansive oval table were elite warriors, carefully selected from each continent to serve as formidable protectors for the leaders. Triton's contingent boasted the formidable presence of General Varques and Captain Nika. As Captain Nika scanned the assembly, a discerning look in her eyes revealed her keen observation. It was evident that the high-ranking warriors strategically positioned around the table were not just skilled individuals; they were, in fact, top Rankers, among the most potent and influential figures in the world. Their very presence underscored the gravity of the gathering and the importance of safeguarding the leaders in this crucial summit. The room hummed with an undercurrent of power, as each warrior stood as a living testament to the prowess and might that transcended borders, ready to defend their respective leaders and, by extension, the delicate balance of global stability.

Despite their attempts to suppress their auras, the sheer power emanating from these high-ranking warriors was palpable, creating a charged atmosphere that hinted at the might they possessed. It was as if the room itself acknowledged the latent energy swirling around them, a silent acknowledgment of the strength that lay within each warrior.

However, the dynamics shifted when Finn Wolfrit, the leader of Astro, broke the momentary silence.

"The situation on the wall has worsened these past few days, by our calculation we have already lost fifty percent of the wall. Now we have confirmed that this person is responsible for this" Finn said as a hologram appeared in front of them.

The attention of the room shifted abruptly as a display flickered to life, revealing a figure that sent shivers down the spines of those present. The person on the screen was none other than Akashi, his ominous presence casting an eerie glow on the room. The video captured him in a chilling act – executing a warrior with a ruthless efficiency that left no room for doubt about his prowess. As the footage played, it became evident that Akashi commanded the elusive shadows that seemed to dance at his whim.

"How can a shadow user appear out of nowhere? It makes no sense!" A bald man slammed his hands on the table, it was the leader of Kadik Jon Delgado.

"Calm yourself Jon, things like this happen, it's the order of nature" A red haired woman said, this was the leader of Lionnel, Harper Everdeen.

"Order of nature my ass, this is probably the Cursed Order, they're the only ones crazy enough to keep such a twisted person alive" Jon replied.

"I'm afraid this isn't the worst news about this person" Finn said as he resumed the video.

As the video persisted, the unsettling scenes unfolded with Akashi drawing closer to the lifeless bodies of the warriors he and his shadows had just dispatched. A disconcerting hush fell over the room as, with a mere motion of his hand, Akashi commanded a dark transformation. The fallen warriors underwent a sinister metamorphosis, their bodies transmuting into shadows that obediently danced at Akashi's command.

A collective shiver traversed through the assembled leaders, and high-ranking warriors. The revelation carried a chilling implication – not only did Akashi possess the ability to control shadows, but the macabre alchemy of turning the fallen into shadows bestowed upon them an enhanced strength. The room absorbed this unnerving truth, and the implications of facing adversaries who grew more formidable in death sent ripples of unease through the collective consciousness.

The leaders exchanged wary glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the threat before them. The video served as a stark reminder that the rules of engagement had shifted, introducing an enigmatic and potentially insurmountable challenge that now demanded their collective ingenuity and resilience.

"Now with this information on the table, we can tell you why this person is so strong. We originally believed that there were only five people on the island the night of the impact. Well we now know this person was also on the Island his name Akashi Sterling" FInn said for a second the room was dead silent.

"We would also like to add that we think it is no coincidence that this accident occurred right after the world wide criminal Kai Hellbound destroyed Astro Tower" Before Finn could continue he was cut off.

"What makes you think this is related to Kai?" Triton's leader, Walter Dragneel finally spoke.

"I'm glad you asked, we dug into the past of these two people and they are linked. They were friends, so after he saw his friend on the news he decided to wreak havoc as well, therefore all of the bloodlines will follow" Finn said with his head held high.

"I do not know how you obtained my citizens information, but you clearly only read what you wanted to read to put me in a tough spot, but I'll tell you right now Kai had nothing to do nor will ever have anything to do with Akashi" Walter said.

As the leaders grappled with the unsettling truths before them, the air thickened with an undercurrent of tension. The summit, initially convened to address the external threat posed by Akashi, now faced an additional layer of internal discord, testing the bonds that held the leaders together in the face of adversity.

"Tell us why you think that Walter caused Finn's explanation and reasoning to suspect that working together seems pretty straightforward" Jon said in an angered tone.

The room unanimously leaned towards accepting Finn's explanation, finding a collective comfort in the information presented. The leaders, guided by the evidence shared and Finn's resolute defense, chose to align with his perspective. The air of skepticism lifted, replaced by a unified front as the assembly opted to believe in the narrative that had been laid out.

"That is an easy explanation, Kai and Akashi are not friends since the Bloodlines tried to Kill Akashi before Mythic was introduced formally to the world" Walter stated with his eyes closed.

As Walter laid bare this new piece of information, a murmur of whispers swept through the room, punctuating the air with a sense of disbelief and uncertainty. Finn, visibly fuming, struggled to reconcile the details presented by Walter. The incongruity of the situation left him seething, his frustration palpable.

Yet, beneath the surface of Finn's outward anger, a more complex truth simmered. His ire wasn't solely fueled by a rational assessment of the evidence against Kai. Instead, it harbored a personal resentment, a desire for action against his friend. The room, now a backdrop to Finn's internal turmoil, became a stage for the clash between duty and personal emotions.

As the leaders exchanged wary glances, the summit took an unexpected turn, delving into the uncharted territory of personal grievances. The shadows cast by both external threats and internal conflicts began to intertwine, creating a multifaceted challenge that demanded delicate navigation by those at the helm.

"Then how do you explain Kai destroying Astro Tower just before?!" Finn questioned in anger.

"I don't know Finn, maybe you did something to upset him, perhaps you kidnapped his friend and are keeping him in a coma. Maybe that angered him" Walter said, looking Finn in the eye.

"I merely did that so you wouldn't have too much power on your hands!" Finn retaliated.


Finn, on the verge of confrontation, was momentarily halted as the room was thrust into a stunned silence. The heavy doors swung open, revealing a figure with striking white hair. An almost instinctual response rippled through the room, causing everyone present to lower their gaze in deference to the immense power emanating from the newcomer.

Even the world leaders, accustomed to authority and command, took their seats without daring to meet the newcomer's gaze directly. The man with the commanding presence possessed golden eyes that exuded a regal air, leaving no doubt about his identity – Blaze Savage, The Strongest.

The shockwave of his entrance lingered in the air, and a palpable tension settled over the room. It was as if the very presence of Blaze Savage demanded a profound respect, compelling even the most powerful figures to lower his gaze before his undeniable authority. The summit, already a stage for conflicting emotions and hidden motives, now faced the arrival of a force that transcended the already intricate power dynamics at play.

Blaze Savage took his place in one of the vacant seats at the table, his golden eyes sweeping across the room in search of a particular individual. Despite his keen gaze, there was a notable absence, a missing piece in the puzzle of powerful figures present.

Failing to find the elusive person he sought, Blaze couldn't help but smirk, a subtle expression that hinted at his knowledge of the room's dynamics. The room, still recovering from the shock of his entrance, now held its collective breath as the enigmatic figure settled in, leaving an unspoken anticipation for what would unfold next in the presence of The Strongest.

"Well, it seems you're all mine today, now I heard what you guys said and I can confirm that we have nothing to worry about from either Akashi or Kai," Blaze said, stating that he could handle them on his own.

"Blaze if that's true then you should just kill them both before the grow stronger that you" Jon said still acting arrogant.

Blaze Savage's piercing gaze fixed upon Jon, releasing an aura of such intensity that it sent a collective shiver through the entire room. The sheer force of Blaze's presence was enough to terrify everyone present, but the ominous undertone of the kill intent was unmistakably directed solely at Jon.

Caught in the crosshairs of Blaze's attention, Jon felt the weight of the intense pressure bearing down on him. The room seemed to close in, the air heavy with the palpable tension. Beads of sweat formed on Jon's forehead, a visible manifestation of the immense strain he was under. The atmosphere became charged with an unspoken anticipation, as if the room itself held its breath, awaiting the resolution of the unspoken conflict that now hung in the air.

"Are you implying that they can beat me?" Blaze said with a menacing tone.

As another figure made their entrance, Blaze Savage promptly retracted his formidable aura, his expression shifting to one of annoyance. The new arrival, a woman with white hair and captivating green emerald eyes, commanded attention with an air of confidence. Her physical appearance, flawlessly embodying the epitome of perfection, left an indelible impression.

Every man in the room couldn't help but cast an admiring glance, while an unexpected wave of insecurity swept over the women present. The woman's presence seemed to effortlessly evoke a sense of self-doubt, her allure leaving an undeniable impact on the room. The atmosphere, once charged with tension, now danced on the edge of both awe and unease as the new player on the stage made her presence felt.

Her warm and welcoming aura, imparting an angelic quality to her presence. Despite her undeniable regal traits, her demeanor elicited respect rather than fear. People in the room instinctively bowed down not under duress, but as a genuine display of reverence.

She stood as a beacon of power and grace. Her emerald eyes radiated a kindness that belied the strength within. The room, now graced by her presence, found itself in the presence of not just formidable might but a leader who commanded admiration through a blend of strength and benevolence. The dynamics of the summit shifted once again, this time under the influence of a different kind of power — one that inspired loyalty not through intimidation, but through the magnetic force of respect. As the woman who entered was none other than the Top 2 Ranker and the only Z rank Warrior apart from Blaze. Aurora Star also known as Angel.

As the collective gaze turned toward Blaze and Angel, the room stood at the precipice of decisions that would shape the destiny of nations and warriors alike. The convergence of leadership and unparalleled strength set the stage for a summit where the fate of the world hung in the balance.

"Are we ready to really start this meeting?" Aurora said with a warm smile.