
Zeke was walking around the white void, seeing what he can do to entertain the very small viewership.

"Hey guys, I just want to announce something the author was working on."

He looks around and lean closer to the viewers whispering,

"Actually, she didn't work that hard on it." He then moves back to give the viewers some space.

He then raises his hand like an announcer.

"Introducing, the 'Another Reason the Villainess won't Say No' discord server."

The author appears out of thin air, she has a television for a head and appears to be chibi,

"Yeah, I know I don't have that big of a fanbase, in fact I don't think I have one, but I just wanted to make a place for readers to talk about the book."

She disappears,

"So yeah kid, why don't ya join." Zeke finishes before he too leaves.