Chapter 3 The Hidden Leaf Village

I shook from my sadness and fear as I began running at full speed again. I did not stop; I ran all night it seemed. I continued to run until my legs felt like they were going to give out from under me. I lost my concentration and ended up tripping over a tree root that was sticking out of the ground. I landed straight on my face, and I just laid there. I did not want to get up, well that and my legs would not allow me to.

I lifted my head to check my surroundings and in the distance behind many trees I saw the sun start to rise.

I did run all night.

I shook my head trying to come to and began to push myself up slowly. First to my knees, then slowly to my feet. As soon as I was able to stand, I brushed myself off and started looking around to see if I could find any kind of food, water, or shelter. Then it hit me, I looked to my side and grasped the satchel, I opened the flap and began to dig through the contents. I pulled out a piece of bread and began to eat it. I never thought I would love bread as much as I did at this moment, but then I heard a stick snap and a rustling in the bushes that were not too far behind me. I turned my head putting the bread back in my satchel and grasped my kunai in my right hand. I looked at where the sound was coming from,  I did not see anything or anyone. I stood still for a few more minutes to be entirely sure I was safe. When there was no sound or rustling, I put my kunai away and began jogging in the opposite direction. As I got feeling back into my legs I began sprinting again and continued to move forward.

I knew the Hidden Leaf Village was not much further, it has already been 3 days. I have been sprinting for most of those days non-stop. The fear and adrenaline from that night kept my legs going in survival mode. That is the only reason I was able to keep on for so long.

As I continued, I noticed that the tree line was receding and in the distance, I could see an opening and a large gate ahead. I slowed my pace to truly focus on what vision I had left to observe the gate and see if there were any telling signs of the Leaf Village. I began to slow even more as I got closer and closer to the gate. As I got into the opening, I saw two shinobi were at the opening of the gate. From what I could see they saw me, but at this point I did not care.

The relief of finally getting to my destination removed all adrenaline and fear from my body. So, the past 3 days of non-stop sprinting finally hit my body like a massive wave. I stopped in my tracks and my vision became even more blurry to where I really could not make out anything in front of me. My ears began ringing and everything started to fade to black. The only thing I saw before I collapsed were the two shinobi running toward me.

I began to open my eyes slowly, as I did I tried to focus my sight again on my surroundings. This time I was somewhere not familiar, it sent an anxious jolt through my whole body. My eyes snapped open as I sat up in the bed I was lying in. The bed was white, when I looked down I saw I was now in a white gown and a tube connected to my arm. I looked at it to investigate but I could not figure it out. I have never seen anything like this before and to have it placed under my skin? What kind of contraption was this?

            Suddenly, I saw the door in my room's knob begin to turn. I held myself in fear and pain. My body ached so badly from the past few days I could barely lift my knees to my chest so I could hide from the strangers entering the room. As the door opened, I saw an older man dressed in a white robe and hat along with two others. They were ninja standing on both sides of the man. They were dressed in white and grey and had ceramic masks on in the shape of…animals? One looked like a crow and the other…looked like a dog of some sort? A wolf maybe? I did not know. As they entered, they stopped only a few feet from the end of the bed I was sitting in.

The man looked me up and down trying to get a good picture of what I looked like to see if I was a friend or foe. He took his pipe and inhaled still looking me over. When he finally locked eyes with me, I could see his expression widen a little. He walked forward as the two-ninja stayed back. The man bent down to get a better look at my face and nodded as he stood up straight.

"Who are you and why have you come to the Hidden Leaf Village young one?"

I let my grip on my knees lose and they fell lying straight on the bed now. I looked at him with a deadpan expression on my face not wanting to give anything away. I did not want them to know how exhausted and weak I was, but it was too late since I was in a hospital I would assume.

"My name is Isamu Tatsusageru, and I was ordered by my father to come to the Hidden Leaf Village to seek out the Hokage named Hiruzen Sarutobi."

I looked at the man and as I told him my name his eyes widened in surprise. He had a confused look on his face. He took another puff from his pipe, he ordered the two ninja to leave the room so that us two could be alone.

Once the ninja left the room and the door was closed, he grabbed a chair and sat next to my bed. He crossed his arms and looked at me with a small smile on his face.

"Well young lady, this is your lucky day, I am the 3rd Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village Hiruzen Sarutobi."

I looked him up and down, now that he said it I could see it. The robes and hat looked different from the ninja but did not look like commoner clothing. His confidence and chakra were radiating,  almost forceful upon me as he came into the room and closer to my bed.

"Lord Hokage…do you know who I am? Do you know the name Tatsusageru?"

He closed his eyes leaning back a little in his chair relaxing his body showing that he was comfortable and vulnerable so he must know something.

He nodded and opened one eye to me.

"Yes, Isamu I do know that name and you…you are the Dragon Clan Princess…are you not? I can see from the fire red hair to your…"

He stopped and came in closely examining my eyes. He saw that one was blinded and covered in a white haze and the other was my normal yellow eye that had the pupil like a dragon's.

"Your…eyes…they are the most interesting thing I have ever seen…Child, what happened to your left eye?"

I held my hand over it looking away trying to hold back my tears and emotions remembering that night.

"Sir…I was told by my father to come here…ask for you…and that you would be able to protect me… he also said that you would have medical shinobi here to heal and restore my eye."

He opened both eyes this time staring intently at me, he noticed how dirty and banged up I was. I had cuts and bruises everywhere with dried blood covering my face, arms, and clothes. I had dark circles under my eyes, and I was pale from the exhaustion and trauma I had just gone through.

"What happened to you…why did your father send you here? Is the Chieftain all right? Is there some kind of problem?"

I looked out the window again, trying to hold back my tears so I would not show him my weakened mental state. I was also surprised that he knew about us, we were such a secluded clan that I was always told no one else knew about us. If anyone were to stumble upon our village…that was the end of their journey.

"Sir…to be honest…"

I clutched my chest and closed my eyes, there was no point I had no more strength to hold back anymore so tears began falling down my face.

"I have no idea if my father is all right…3 nights ago my village was attacked and raided…I have no idea who the group of ninja were or what they were after but…The last image I saw running after my father told me where to run to…was my house engulfed in flames…Sir, I never looked back after that."

He sat up in his chair and began to tense up. He closed his eyes in anger and took a few puffs of his pipe before jolting up to his feet. He then looked over at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Isamu…I am so sorry to hear what you had gone through that night and what your village has gone through…once you are rested and fully healed, I will have you meet me at the ninja academy building. I will have one of my anbu ninja here to stay and watch over you. Once you are ready to travel, they will bring you to me. Once you arrive, I will explain as much as I can to you, and I will let you know our next steps."

Without anything further, the Hokage and the anbu ninja with the crow mask walked out of the room. My eyes went to the remaining anbu and his mask. He stood there with his arms crossed and nodded at me not saying a word. I then heard another knock on my door and in walked a nurse I believe, she came to the side of my bed.

"Okay dear, I have one of our top medical shinobi coming in here shortly to take a look at your eye."

She began to change the bag that was hanging to the side of my bed that was connected to the tube in my arm. As I saw the new bag she put up, it was filled with liquid. They are forcing liquid into my body.

After the nurse switched the bags and left the room an older woman came in. She seemed frail and small, her eyes were fully closed I was worried she would not be able to see where I was. I watched her as she effortlessly walked straight to the side of my bed.

"Okay child lay back and look straight up for me. Try not to blink if you can help it."

Without question, I did as she asked. As I looked straight up, I saw an exceedingly small glimpse of a hand that I then felt covering my left eye. I felt a warm tingling sensation that spread from my eye to the rest of my face and down my neck. It began to get warmer and eventually it felt like I was being burned. I clenched my fists in pain but said nothing and laid there as still as I could. After a few moments of the burning, it ceased and I began to loosen my grip. I felt the hand being removed from my face and I turned to look at the older woman so I could see all of her. I saw that she was shaking her head with a small frown on her face.

"What…What is wrong? What happened?"

She put her hand on my shoulder giving me a small smile as she looked up.

"My child, I am sorry, but your eye can not be saved…I tried putting as much chakra into it as I could.  The eye itself has been damaged to the point where vision cannot be restored."

She patted my shoulder and turned her back to walk out of my room. I looked at the door as it closed and my vision went back to the anbu who was still standing in the same position staring at me.

I looked out the window again to see that night was falling, I then laid there crying my heart out. I was full of fear, pain, and confusion. All I wanted was my mom and dad. I wanted to go back and be able to walk in the front door and see my mom's smiling face as she was cooking dinner. I wanted to go back and be able to hold on to my father longer than the few seconds I had. I wanted to go back home…home…I do not think there is a home to go back to anymore. There could not be with the fire, explosions, and destruction. There was no way my home was still standing. This thought sent waves of pain to my heart as I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep.

The following morning when I woke up, I saw the same nurse from the day before changing the liquid bag again. She looked down at me and smiled.

"Good morning, dear! The good news is you can be discharged today and can leave. You have been restored to healthy vitals and look much better."

I looked up at her with a halfhearted smile and nodded. As she finished, she walked out of the room and in walked another older man. One I have not seen it before.

"Hello, Isamu…I just wanted to come in and tell you, you are free to go when you please. The Lord Hokage has already notified me of what needs to be done when you leave, and I will leave that to him."

The man gestured to the anbu ninja, he looked at the man and nodded. The man gave him a small scroll that he placed in his side pouch. Once the older man left, the anbu ninja came to my side and held his hand out to me.

"Are you ready to head off now?"

I sat up and nodded as I put my hand in his. He tightened his grip and helped me out of my bed. Then suddenly, he swoops me off my feet holding me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck in fear of falling as he jumped out the window.

In no time we landed in a large room where the Hokage was sitting at his desk smoking his pipe. The anbu stopped in front of him and let me down slowly. The Hokage looked up and waved his hand in dismissal. The anbu bowed and in a flash, he disappeared.

The Hokage looked at me and smiled as he stood to greet me.

"Ah Isamu! It is good to see you in better health! I am happy to see you have recovered."

As he got closer to me, he looked into my eyes and tilted his head a little in confusion.

"Didn't our medical shinobi come to see you to help restore your vision?"

I nodded and looked to the side to avoid his gaze.

"She did Sir, but she said that my eye was too damaged to the point of not being restored. I guess I just will not have vision in that eye anymore."

I tried putting on my best emotionless face and used a monotone voice to show my indifference.

The Hokage shook his head and looked out the window, with anger filled eyes and a scowl on his face.

"I am deeply sorry Isamu…again…for what happened to you and your family and your village. No 5-year-old should go through what you have gone through, and the thought of a raid on ome of the most secluded villages. It is almost overwhelming to know someone knew of it and was able to send an army. "

He shook his head and returned his gaze to me as he walked closer. His face was stern and serious, almost cold, and brought some fear into me.

"Are you ready to learn the next steps for you, my child?"

I looked him dead in the eyes and nodded.

"Yes Lord Hokage…I am ready."