Chapter 5 First Day of Class

As I walked through the main doors, I began walking down a long hallway looking up, left, and then right. I was searching for the room that was labeled '301'. As I finally found the room, I looked at the closed door in hesitation. I stood there for a moment; I could not help but become nervous of what I was going to walk into. I was about to walk into a room full of other village children training to be shinobi. They all probably knew each other, growing up with each other. They would not know who I was, and worse, with the way I look there would be no way any of them would even look my direction. I was scared but when I was about to put my hand on the door to slide it open, I felt a presence behind me.

            "You going to open that door any time soon? I am going to be late for class."

I turned my head to see who was behind me and my eyes went a little wide at the boy who was standing behind me. He had his arms crossed peering down at me. His face was mostly covered up to right below his eyes. He had dark onyx eyes and silver-white hair. He had a very unamused look in his eyes.  I was not sure about what he was thinking or feeling because I had no way of seeing his facial expressions behind his mask. I immediately jumped back holding my hands together behind my back. My face became hot and flushed as I looked at the ground.

"S-Sorry it's my first day and I…"

            Before I could finish my sentence, the boy walked straight past me into the room without even a glance. I looked back up as I caught the back of him before the door slid closed. I clenched my fist, well that was unbelievably rude of him! He did not even say anything back to me. I shook my head and felt a burning sensation in my throat. These children are different, different in a bad way though. I took a breath, calmed down, let go of my fists and slid the door back open.

            I walked into the room and slid the door behind me. As I turned around, I saw Osamu-Sensi looking at me smiling. He held his arm out and gestured for me to come next to him in front of the class.

            As I walked over, I took a side glance at the other students in the room. They were already all there, seated, and ready for class to begin. I locked eyes with that silver-haired boy,  I frowned and turned my sight back to Osamu-Sensei.

            "Alright class we have a new student joining us today. She is not from the Hidden Leaf Village. She just arrived and has been accepted to join the Ninja Academy."

            He looked down at me and smiled.

            "Would you like to introduce yourself to the class before we begin our lecture today?"

            I nodded in acceptance and turned my body to face the class. As they all were looking at me, I could see some of the other kid's expressions change to being surprised or intrigued you could say. They all were quiet, and no one took their eyes off me.

            "Hello, my name is Isamu Tatsusageru…it is nice to meet everyone."

            I bowed in respect and looked back up at the Sensei.

            "Thank you, Isamu, you can go take the open seat next to the window and we will begin."

            I nodded and started towards the window where I saw an open seat next to a brown-haired boy. He had goggles on and as he locked eyes with me, he got a big old silly grin on his face. I sat down next to him shifting in my seat to get comfortable. As I stopped shifting and Sensei started his lecture the boy leaned in closer to me. I could feel his breath on my face, so I turned my head slightly to see what he was doing.

            "Hey, Isamu, is it?"   

            I nodded in agreement.

            "I'm Obito…it's nice to meet you!"

            He said this a little louder which made the Sensei stop in his lecture to look at me and Obito and then continue.  Obito rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment laughing a little. I changed my focus to Sensei and started to take notes on the lecture on the origin of chakra and the basics. We sat there for a couple of hours, my hand hurt so bad from all the notes I was taking. To be honest, I did not need to take many notes. All the information and material the Sensei was going over I already knew. I was able to learn the fundamentals of chakra in my home village. That was the first book I grabbed before going into anything else. I sighed as I realized all the wasted paper I used on copying notes with information I already knew.

            The Sensei looked up and clapped his hands together.

            "All right everyone it is lunchtime! Please make your way to the courtyard. See everyone in an hour."

            I closed my notebook, put it inside my satchel, and placed the satchel on my shoulder. Without hesitation, I got up out of my seat and started to walk toward the classroom door. I was in no mood to stop, look at, or talk to any of the students. Not like they would want to talk to me anyway, but I was not going to put myself in that situation.

            I then saw a pair of sandals standing right in front of me. I looked up slowly to see who was standing in my way. It was Obito and next to him was a girl with brown hair and purple markings on her face.

            "Hey Isamu! Want to come with me and Rin here and have lunch together in the courtyard!"

            He gave me a big silly grin and was chuckling in my silence. I looked at the girl next to him as her face turned a little pink. She looked away before I could lock eyes with her.

            "You want me…to join you two?"

            Obito and Rin looked at each other confused.

            "Well yes, we do…you are new which means you do not know anyone here. It's no fun to be alone or feel out of place you know?"

            As I looked at his eyes, I saw a small glimmer of sadness. I shook my head and gave a half smile.

            "Sure, I will join you."

            Obito jumped up in the excitement and Rin looked at me with a big smile and rosy cheeks. They lead me out to the courtyard and took me to a small bench and table under a Sakura tree. I sat down and Obito sat right next to me as Rin sat across from us. They both took out their lunches and began prepping to eat. I looked at Rin and then I did a side-eye to Obito to see what they had for lunch. I pulled my bento box out and opened it up and began to eat my rice.

            "So, Isamu…since you're not from the Leaf Village where are ya from?"

            Obito asked with a mouthful of food so I could barely understand him. I laughed a little bit at him trying to ask this question and how it sounded.

            "I am from a village located in the middle of the mountains of the Village Hidden in the Haze. It is about a 5 day travel from here."

            Obito and Rin looked at each other in confusion and looked back at me. Rin leaned in closer, so I stopped eating to meet her eyes. As she got closer to me, she got a fearful expression on her face and backed down.

            "Isamu…what is wrong with your eyes? I have never seen eyes like yours before"

            She said to me with a shaky voice, as she said this Obito looked at me and got in closer to see my eyes as well. He examined me for a moment and sat back with his hands behind his head. As I was about to answer Rin's question, I was interrupted…again. The silver haired boy came up to our table and forced his lunch down in front of me. He sat down not even noticing the stares he was receiving from Obito and Rin. They were looking at him and when he did not respond Rin hit him in the shoulder.

            "Kakashi! What are you doing? You cannot just come up and barge in like that!"

            Kakashi looked up at Rin, then to Obito, and finally at me. He stared at me for a moment and would not break eye contact, so I did first and looked back down at my lunch. He waved his hand in the air as he began to eat.

            "Sorry didn't even see you all here."

            Rin rolled her eyes and Obito just laughed.

            "Wow Kakashi…that's one way to make an entrance and a first impression huh?"

            Obito put his arm around my shoulder pulling me in closer to him as he laughed and pointed at Kakashi. Kakashi looked up and rolled his eyes.

            "This isn't my first impression."

            Rin tilted her head and got closer to Kakashi.

            "What do you mean Kakashi? Do you know Isamu from before today?"

            He chuckled a little not looking up from his food and shook his head.

            "No…she was in my way to get into class this morning."

            I looked down as my face began to heat up again, I am sure I was super red now and everyone was noticing. I felt embarrassed so instead of sitting and trying to ignore it. I grabbed my bento box, my satchel, and got up from the chair. Obito looked at me and tugged on my sleeve.

            "He Isamu, where you going? We still have time before we have to head back to class."

            I smiled at him and tilted my head as I gestured to my satchel.

            "I need to make sure I was able to get all my notes together from this morning…I'll see you guys later."

            I turned my back and began to walk away from the courtyard trying to find someplace out of sight where I could be away from all the other children. As I got up to leave, I could overhear Obito yelling at Kakashi.

            "Great Kakashi! Always scaring everyone away! You are so cold!"

I did not even try looking back, I found a tree that was in the corner of the courtyard that was out of everyone's site. I looked up and jumped up to the first branch. I sat down and got comfortable. As I did, I finished my lunch and went over my notes from the morning. I heard a bell, and I assumed that meant I needed to go back to class. I jumped down from the tree quietly and headed back to class.

            I sat down in my seat to see Obito was already seated and ready for the rest of class. I sat down and opened my notebook. Obito poked my elbow, so I looked over at him.

            "Hey, sorry for earlier. Kakashi can be very arrogant and cold sometimes but, he doesn't  mean anything by it. That is just how Kakashi is."

            I giggled a little and smiled as I nodded back to Obito.

            "Thanks, I appreciate that, but I wasn't worried."

            As I said this, I felt a weird sensation so I turned around to where it was coming from. As I looked behind me and up a little, I saw Kakashi sitting right above me looking down with his lifeless eyes. He had his chin resting on his palm that was resting on the desk. He stared at me but said nothing. I turned back around and rolled my eyes, I began taking notes again on Sensei's lecture.

            After the lecture was over and it was time for everyone to leave and head home for the day, I had Sensei call out my name.

            "Isamu can you come here for a moment?"

I finished putting my notebook in my satchel and walked over to where I was standing in front of the Sensei's desk. I looked to the door and saw the last few students leave the classroom, so it was now just me and him.

            He looked through a couple of papers on his desk and then placed them in a pile in front of him as he looked up at me.

            "Isamu…can you tell me how much you know about chakra and ninjutsu?"

            I rubbed the back of my neck looking up at the ceiling wondering why he would be asking me such a question. As if he read my mind,

            "When Lord Hokage came to me and told me you were joining my class, he did not give me much information about you. He told me your name, age, and your birth village. This was everything he gave me, so I wanted to hear from you how much you know."

            I looked at Sensei dead in the eye to show how serious I was when I was about to answer him.

            "Sensei I am deeply knowledgeable in chakra the fundamentals. I have studied many subjects regarding chakra, ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, and I also started studies in the medical jutsu's…but my studies on that portion were cut short when I had to leave the village. I read all the available material to me and have many notebooks filled with information. My village had extraordinarily strong shinobi and medical shinobi. They had to be strong and well versed to be able to protect our village from…"

            As I tried saying the last part I choked. Flash backs of that night began running through my mind and I started to feel weak. My eyes begin to tear up, just before I could start crying the Sensei snapped me back.

            "Ah…I see…have you ever tested any kind of jutsu physically?"

            My eyes went a little wide and Sensei smirked as if my facial expression gave away my answer.

            "No Sensei I have not…in my village it was forbidden for women to practice any kind of jutsu besides what was necessary for medical attention. I was never able to practice anything physically…I was…

            Sensei held his hand up for me to stop so I closed my mouth and waited for what he was going to say next.

            "Isamu…meet me out in the courtyard in 15 minutes."

            I bowed in agreement, as I did Sensei grabbed his papers and left the classroom. As he slid the door shut behind him, I was now the only person left in the classroom. I was able to look around and study every aspect of the room. Many scrolls were hanging all over the walls filled with information on chakra and jutsus. As I finished observing everything in the room I decided to head out towards the courtyard. As I closed the door behind me and started walking down the hall, I saw a group of three other students. One was a girl with black hair and red eyes, one was a funny looking boy, he had very bushy eyebrows. The third was another boy who had dark hair and a very stern look on his face. As I walked towards this group the girl with the red eyes  put her her hands on both boys' shoulders to get them to stop talking. She then ran over to me stopping me in my tracks.

            "Hello there! Your Isamu…right?"

            I nodded my head and saw the other two boys walk up to me both smiling. Well, the bushy brow one was gawking more like. He then looked at me winked and gave a noticeably big grin.

            "Why hello there my succulent blossom! Your beauty blinds me!"

            It almost seemed like he started crying after he said this,  all I could do was look at the other two in total confusion. The girl with the red eyes punched bushy brows in the shoulder and told him to cut it out and that he was being a little perv!

            "Well anyway Isamu…My name is Kurenai Yuhi we are in the same class with Osamu Sensei!"

I smiled and bushy brows pushed her aside as he got in my personal space.

            " I am Might Guy! But you can just call me Guy I am the greatest around and you will be my succulent blossom!"

            I  giggled at how confident he was, and that he actual said that was kind of ridiculous. The third boy looked at me and introduced himself,

            "And I am Asuma Sarutobu…we are all in the same class."

I smiled at all three and bowed.

            "It is an honor to meet you all…thank you for being so welcoming."

            I stayed down for a moment because I could feel my face become hot and flushed. I have never been talked to as much as I had today in my entire life. I was panicking because I did not know how to talk or interact with others very well. They all probably think I am just some freak from a place no one has ever heard of…a nobody. I stood up and put my hand up as I did a slight wave.

            "Sorry to cut things short but I have to meet Sensei out in the courtyard now…bye!"

            Without seeing or hearing their response I was already running down the hall through the main doors. Once I reached the courtyard, I saw Sensei standing under the tree back in the corner I found during lunch. I walked up to him and bowed.

            "Hello Sensei…I am here…what did you need from me?"

            He smirked and leaned against the tree as he pointed to my satchel.

            "Put that down and stand in front of me…we are going to try something."

            I hesitated for a moment because I was a little unsure and uneasy about what he meant. But I did as he said and placed my satchel on the opposite side of the tree trunk. I then stood a few feet in front of him and we locked eyes.

            "Okay Sensei…. now what?"

            He looked me up and down and smirked.

            "Have you heard of the clone jutsu?"

            I nodded my head, of course I had! It was one of the easiest beginner level jutsus there were. That was the first jutsu I read on and let's  just say it was a quick write in my notebook.

            "Yes, Sensei I have, and I know that there are other forms of clone jutsu."

            He smirked again as he clapped his hands together.

            "Yes, incredibly good! But I want to see if you can successfully produce a clone. I just want to see if you can produce one…do you know the hand signs for the summoning?"

            It was my time to smirk, of course I did, this was going to be simple. I nodded and got into position. I began with the hand signals and at the very last one I closed my eyes and exclaimed,

            "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

            Suddenly there was a big poof that covered most of the area I was standing. After a few moments I opened my eyes and I about fainted from shock! I cannot believe that worked. I mean…I did it! I successfully created not just one clone but a total of four! I looked at my clones as they looked back at me waiting for me to command them.

            I looked over to Sensei and he was standing straight up with an incredibly surprised expression on his face. It almost looked like he saw a ghost. He walked up to one of my clones to inspect it, he then walked to the other three to do the same. After he did this, they poofed away and I was all that was left standing.

            Sensei walked up to me still shocked as could be as he looked around to see if anyone else that would have been able to see. The courtyard was empty, so it was just me and Sensei.

            "You…you can use the shadow clone jutsu? But I never mentioned or lectured on this jutsu. This is a very advanced level jutsu…how were you able to complete it out? And to produce four additional clones with no flaws…that is…. amazing…"

            The sensei trailed off and put his finger on his chin looking up in thought. It was a few moments before he said anything,  I just stood there waiting for his response. I did it this time…I should have just stuck with the normal one clone and left it at that. Ugh, why am I so stupid? Always having to show off, and where does it get me? Here…it gets me here with my Sensei freaking out.

            "Sensei…are you alright?"

            He snapped back into reality once he heard me say his name as he laughed nervously.

            "Yes! I am more than all right…thank you for that demonstration that will be all you can go home now."         

            I bowed and waved a short goodbye as I walked the other way towards my apartment in confusion. Before I reached the gates that lead out of the school's yard, I had something fall right Infront of me that startled me, so I stumbled back. I could not catch myself in time, so I ended up falling on my butt and groaned.

            "Hey! What is the big idea jumping Infront of me like that scaring me half to death!"

I yelled as I looked up to see who or what jumped Infront of me so quickly. As I got a good look, I finally recognized the boy.

            "Kakashi…what are you doing here! Why did you just jump out of nowhere and scare me like that!"

            Kakashi put his hands up and shrugged with that same lifeless face.

            "I figured if you could do the Shadow Clone Jutsu without a sweat you would have been able to sense me coming…but I think I might have overestimated your abilities."

            I clenched my fist on the ground and looked to the side in frustration. Why was he such…such an ass! I swear I have only talked to this kid a few times today and no matter what, he was still the same cold lifeless ass!

            "Well maybe you shouldn't jump out Infront of people period no matter your opinion on their skills!"

            He rolled his eyes and sighed as he held his hand out to me. I looked at it then back at him with a frustrated confused look.

"Take my hand so I can help you up."

            I huffed and took it, so he lifted me off the ground back on my feet. I brushed the dirt off my clothes before noticing Kakashi was staring intensely at me. I put my hands on my hips locking eyes with him. I could feel a burning sensation in my throat and could feel the frustration throughout my whole body. This kid knows how to get on my last nerves that is for sure!

            "What are you staring at? What do you want?"

            He came closer to me eyeing me up and down like he was assessing me physically. He then stood back and put his hands in his pockets as he shrugged.

            "I saw that you were able to complete the Shadow Clone jutsu and produced four solid clones and I wanted to say…not bad. That is impressive for someone like you."

            For someone like me? What was that supposed to mean! I clenched my fists again ready to punch this kid into the next continent but, I was able to calm my fury and realize he was complimenting me…which I found very odd.

            "Well…I guess thank you."

            He looked to the side as I tried staring him straight on. I saw that his face became a little pink. He then jumped up to the tree and off to where I could not see him any longer. I looked around and shrugged, that was very weird.

            I headed home and was exhausted from the day. I did not realize doing that jutsu would take so much out of me. I guess doing these things physically was harder than just reading about them. I did have to admit that it felt so amazing to do it! I wanted to try so bad for the longest time but was so scared. So scared someone would see and tell my father. Then my father would disown me and banish me or worse…I stopped at that last thought. My father…I cannot believe they are all gone.

            I stared out my open window to see the moon full and the stars in the night sky. It was so calming, peaceful, and I smiled up at two bright shining stars.

            "I hope you both are up there…and together and in no pain no turmoil just peace and happiness."

            As I said this aloud, tears started streaming down my face.  I was not going to fight it any longer, I just let it all out. I then laid down on my bed cradling my knees into my chest and ended up crying myself to sleep.