Chapter 8 Returning Home

I saw it in the distance, it reminded me of that day. The first day I laid eyes on the Hidden Leaf Village. Barley awake, weak, and running away from my home after watching it get taken over. This view though; was different. I was not in bad shape at all. I stood on a branch hidden in the tree's shadow staring at the front gates. I smiled as I sighed a breath of release.

            "It's been a long time…I'm finally back home."

            Yes, I did consider the Leaf Village my home now. With the Lord Hokage, My Sensei's, My team, My friends. I finally was able to call some place my home. This home was a place that I missed for the past 8 years. I could never have said that about my village.

            I know it was my birthplace and my parents were there, but I never truly felt like I was home. I always felt like I was an outcast just hiding in the shadows praying someone would not find me and kick me out on my own.

            I am starting to realize though, that was the best thing that ever happened to me. Sometimes I wish I had been kicked out a little sooner, just not under the same circumstances.

            I jumped down from the branch and began making my way over to the gates. I saw two male shinobi standing watch. As I got closer to them, they bent down and got in a defensive position. They readied their kunai watching me carefully as I continued to approach.

            I was confused why they would be in that kind of mode, then it hit me. Of course, I still had my Anbu mask on and covered in all black to where no skin was showing. Only my mask and my fiery red hair were able to be noticed.

            I walked a little closer to where we were close enough to see each other and all our features. I put my hands up as I removed my mask. I placed it in my satchel and walked up to the guard shinobi with a smile.

            "Hello, boys, why so on guard?"

            I smirked as both eased a little after seeing my face.

            "Isamu…Isamu Tatsusageru. Is that you?"

            I smiled putting my hand on my hip and nodded.

            "Yes, I am! Miss me?"

            The guard shinobi laughed as they nervously got back into their guarding position. I looked past them to the open gates where I could see part of the village and a glimpse of the mountain of Hokage. I stared for a moment to gather my courage to walk through those gates. Once I walked through those gates, things would not be the same. For how long I have been gone…who knows how much has changed. I also wondered if any of my friends were still here. I smiled as I pictured all of us together in the academy courtyard when we were kids.

            One of the Shinobi stood in front of my sight and waved trying to get my attention.

            "Isamu? Do you need some assistance?"

            I shook my head and looked at him with a smile.

            "Oh no I do not…thank you. I am going to head over to meet with the Hokage. Do you know if he would be in his office?"

            Both shinobi looked at each other than to me and nodded.

            "Yes, he should be there to greet you. He has been expecting you for some time now."

            I giggled as I started walking in through the gates.

            "That old man…really missed me huh?"      

            I got through the front gates and started jumping from building to building. so I could get to the Hokage quicker than getting stuck in the traffic on the streets. I landed right in front of the academy's front doors. I looked up and admired the building for a moment. I smiled as I got a warm feeling in my chest. How I missed this building… how I missed…so many things. I felt my eyes begin to water over. I  then shook myself out of it and walked into the building.

            I did not see anyone I recognized as I made my way through the hall, trying to avoid running into any of the students. I then came across classroom '301' and slowed my pace. I saw a tall man with dark hair and a long scar right across his nose. I peered and got closer so I could see his face better. As I approached we made eye contact, I got embarrassed that he caught me staring at him.

           Suddenly, he got a big smile on his face and held one of his hands up above his head.

            "Isamu! Is that you?"

            I smiled at his enthusiasm as I walked up to him and nodded.

            "Hello Iruka, it's nice to see you!"

            He could not help but give me the biggest smile I have ever seen as his face became red. He averted his gaze rubbing the back of his neck.

            "How long has it been? I feel like the last time I saw you we were students going into this classroom to learn."

            I nodded peeking into the classroom to see all the young, determined Shinobi waiting for their Sensei to come in and start their lecture.

            "8 years Iruka."

            He nodded as he investigated the classroom with me.

            "That is a long time, but I must get going I have to start the Chakra basics lecture for my class. Want to maybe…catch up at some point? I mean if you are staying in the village that is."

            I smiled putting my hand on his shoulder before making my way back down the hallway.

            "Yes, sounds good to me."

            He went into the classroom as I continued to make my way to Lord Hokage. When I came to his office and stood in front of his doors, I saw two more shinobi keeping guard. I nodded to them both as they opened the doors for me to enter. I did not even need to say anything, wow.

            I walked in and saw Lord Hokage sitting at his desk smoking his pipe, just as I remembered. Only now he was a little greyer than before I left. I started walking towards his desk and didn't even realize a Jonin was standing in front of his desk back was turned to me.

            My mouth dropped a little in surprise. I examined the man's features from behind. His silver-white hair was the biggest thing that stood out to me. I gulped as I felt my face get warm . It was Kakashi…no it couldn't  be, could it? No, he was an Anbu he was not a Jonin. I shook my head thinking that I was just mistaking this man for someone I knew…and did not want to run in to.

            The Hokage realized I had entered his office and gestured for me to come closer. I walked to the front of his desk, the Jonin and I were shoulder length apart. I peered to the side, trying not to make my staring obvious. I saw that his head was down reading some reports.

            Lord Hokage stood up and smiled at me holding out his arms.

            "Ah you have returned! You have been missed…I hope you have much to share with me from your long mission."

            I nodded and smiled big, happy to see the old man again.

            "Yes Lord Hokage, I have much to tell you about from my travels."

            I looked over and the Jonin looked like me and the Hokage talking did not even phase him. I don't think he knew I was here. I saw the Hokage turn over to the Jonin and waved his hand in his face.

            "Oh Kakashi…do you not want to greet our guest here?"

            He looked at me winking and my face went as red as my hair. I gave him a worried glance, oh no…my stomach dropped to my feet. It was Kakashi I wasn't wrong, what is he doing as a Jonin?

            Kakashi lifted his head and looked at the Hokage. He seemed a little confused and out of it.

            "Hmm…Oh greet our guest, yes I am sorry."

            He turned his head and body so that he was facing me. He gave me a smile with his one visible eye closed.

            "Hello there."

            He opened his eye and his expression dropped. It was not a fake amused look anymore, no it was a look of shock. At least from what I could see since most of his face was covered by his mask anyway. His eye went wide when he saw me,we kept eye contact for a few moments. Kakashi did not say anything further. I could see the Hokage noticed that Kakashi froze so he intervened.

            "Oh Kakashi… you don't remember Isamu here? You both were in the academy together and were on team Minato when you were genin."

            The Lord Hokage crossed his arms and began puffing his pipe again.

            Kakashi shook himself back into reality. I saw his expression go back to the normal unamused look.

            "Hello Isamu…it's been a long time."

            He said this very coldly,  it felt like he was piercing my heart with his eye that looked like daggers.

            "Yes, Kakashi…8 years now."

            He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. Lord Hokage changed his attention to me.

            "Now that you have returned Isamu, I will begin to read over all the reports you have made during this mission. Now that it has been completed, have you decided what you would like to do? Your position as anbu black ops leader is still yours if you want it."

            I felt Kakashi eyeing me the entire time, it made me extremely nervous. I tried not looking as I started to lay all my reports out on the desk for Lord Hokage. I started to think about what he said, to be honest I am not sure I want to go back. I know it was a fantastic opportunity, I had a talented team, and well I was damn good at my job . However I want to take a little break and be able to relax and spend some time closer to home. I never knew how much I missed it until I left.

            "Lord Hokage, with all due respect I appreciate you holding that position for me…but I think I would rather be placed as a Jonin here in the village."

            Kakashi shifted and turned his gaze back to Lord Hokage.

            "Very Well Isamu…"

            He turned to grab another report and place it in front of Kakashi.

            "Kakashi you will now take Isamu as your second on team seven and will help you train your genin."

            My eyes went wide, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was going to be working next to Kakashi. I have not done this since we were back on Minato's team. All I could remember was he was not incredibly open to me being on his team back then but, he was also kind to me at times.


            I was in the training ground practicing my kunai aim on a few test dummies standing up in front of me. It was now night fall and Obito, Rin, and Kakashi, along with Minato Sensei already left to go home for the day. I knew that I was not particularly good at my aim, I wanted to practice so I could become better. I knew where my weaknesses were, I could not have any weaknesses. If I was going to become a strong shinobi, then I had to master every aspect of the ninja.

            I began throwing and when I would miss, I would stomp my foot down on the ground get frustrated and fetch my kunai. I went to fetch the last one and went back into position. I then saw Kakashi leaning against a tree right behind where I was standing the entire time.

            "How long have you been there watching me?"

            Kakashi stood up and made his way over to me. Looking from me to my kunai and then over to the test dummy.

            "For some time now…you aren't very good at this are you?"

            I got mad at his comment. I felt that burning sensation in my throat that spread to my cheeks. I made tight fists, I had forgotten I was still holding my kunai. As I made a fist it dug and cut open the skin on my hand.

            I realized when I started to feel something drip down the side of my hand and fingers. I looked down and saw blood start to trickle down onto the dirt.

            Kakashi's eyes went wide, he ran over to me and grabbed my hand. He forced it open so I would drop the kunai. As he held his hand in mine, I saw a very worried expression come across his face. I had never seen this expression before, it made my insides tingle and my cheeks go red...again.

            "You idiot…you're losing a lot of blood."

            He held his hand in mine pulling me over to the tree he was leaning on. He had me sit down next to him, he went into his satchel to pull out a small first aid. He grabbed some bandages out and started wrapping my hand delicately. He still showed worry in his eyes as I watched him in awe.

            Once he was done bandaging my hand he stood up and held his hand out to me.

            "Come with me."

            I looked up at him still confused, I reached out and grabbed his hand as he pulled me up to my feet. Once I was up he led me over to where I was standing before in front of the practice dummy.

            "Stand straight in front of it and pull your kunai."

            I nodded as I faced the dummy and got into position. I pulled my kunai and held my arm up about to throw it, until I felt Kakashi grab my wrist and hold it in place.

            I turned around in confusion and saw him close his eyes and sigh as he held my arm up.

            "No, you're doing it all wrong."

            He let my arm go and positioned himself behind me. He slid his hand down my right arm to put his hand over mine. His face was close to the side of mine, he whispered in my ear as he positioned my arm differently.

            "Like this…"

            My face turned red as I became nervous and began to shake. He took my arm straight back and threw it forward as if he were throwing the kunai for me. I saw it fly and hit right in the middle of the dummy's forehead.

            He let my arm go as I turned around to face him. He was looking over at the dummy with a smile on his face and his eyes closed.

            "See? That is how you do it."

             I looked up at him smiling shyly as I bowed to show my thanks. He noticed and I saw a hint of pink on his face underneath his mask as he looked the other way.

            "I should get going."

            I nodded as we walked back towards the academy building together in silence.

End of Flashback

            As the Hokage gave his orders he sat back in his chair smoking his pipe. He then began to go through my reports.

            "Isamu, I expect you to go home to your apartment and rest before starting with Kakashi tomorrow."

            I looked at the Hokage still in shock as I gave a half bow.

            "Sir…do you mean my old apartment? It's still there for me?"

            He looked up and smiled as he handed me a key.

            "Of course, it is…it will always be your home here."

            I smiled and blushed as I took the key from his hand. I was home, I still had a place to come back to after all this time.

            "Thank you, Lord Hokage."

            He smiled as I made my way out of his office.

Kakashi POV

            "Kakashi, you stay put for a moment."

            I looked at Lord Hokage and nodded as I saw him watch Isamu walk out the doors. He waited for the doors to fully close before facing me again.

            "Kakashi…I need you to do something. Think of it as a mission aside from training your team."

            I looked at Lord Hokage trying to focus on what he was going to tell me. I just couldn't get the image of the all-grown-up Isamu out of my head. I couldn't believe she was back and being placed on my team. I missed those fire-filled eyes, determination, and strong attitude. I wonder if she is still the same as she was when we were kids. Anyway, it was still good to know she was home, safe, and…with me again.

            "Yes sir?"

            The Hokage leaned back in his chair taking a puff from his pipe as he sigh. He closed his eyes and stayed quiet for a few moments.

            "I need you to keep a very close eye on Isamu at all times."

            I looked at the Hokage in confusion as I tilted my head.

            "Sir? Why would you ask this? I believe her to be a very capable Jonin who can most certainly take care of herself."

            The Lord Hokage straightened up as he put his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his lifted hands.

            "No, you are right…she is a very capable shinobi. However, there is something else I need you to keep an eye on. She has come to the age where she is now able to summon her dragon spirit and that spirit's chakra. I know you do not know this about Isamu, but I need you to be my eyes. We need to ensure that the dragon spirit does not take over and come out on its own. This could mean fatality to Isamu. It could cause the dragon spirit to become free wreaking havoc on the village. We need to ensure the seal stays put.  When the time comes teach her how to use the dragon spirit's chakra to enhance her already honed power. I know she knows of the dragon spirit, but I do not believe she knows much more about how the spirit is used."

            I stood back and placed my hands in my pockets as I sighed.

            "Why was this never mentioned before?"

            Lord Hokage looked over at me with a serious expression, he grabbed my full attention.

            "In Isamu's clan, the dragon spirit is transferred to the chieftain's firstborn as soon as the child leaves the womb. This transfer is deadly, most children do not survive nor can withstand the power of the spirit inside of them. The ones who do survive become the next chieftain and learn how to live and rule with the spirit and its power. The power does not awaken until the child's 21st so there was no threat or worry before. Now after 8 years of being away, Isamu has turned twenty-one and I had sent for her to return. I did not want the spirit awakening,  having no one around to help contain it. This is for Isamu's sake to keep her safe and everyone around her safe. If she is unable to learn to control and collaborate with the spirit's chakra and let it consume her, she will be forever lost, the spirit will be free and destroy anything in its path."

            I sighed again and looked towards the door where Isamu had left. I never knew this of her, I knew her appearance was quite different from anything I have ever seen but I never would have guessed this. This changes everything…

            "Lord Hokage…why are you entrusting this mission to me?"

            He sat down and sighed rubbing his temples together.

            "Because Kakashi, you were close with her growing up, you know her, you know her personality and how she operates. She trusts you and this is going to help you learn how to teach her to contain the spirit's chakra. The spirit will start to take over her mind and judgment. Your job will be to ensure she does not give in to the spirit, instead she learns to control the spirit and use it at will."

            I looked down and ran my hand through my hair in frustration. How could I be the best for this? Of course, when we were younger, we were close but…that was long ago. What if she does not feel the same way? What if she is different? Will this work? In any regard, it would be nice just to be able to spend time with her. I have never stopped thinking about her since the day she left for that mission, now she is back. I do not want her to leave again.


            Lord Hokage sat back down looking a little more at ease than before.

            "I know you have Naruto on your hands, with his seal and the nine tails spirit. Along with Isamu and her spirit, this is a big task. You could also use it to Naruto's advantage  She could be a particularly good asset and outlet for Naruto. Them sharing similar conflict and childhood. This may be good for everyone around."