Chapter 10 Team 7

I heard a very obnoxious loud ringing in my ear. I flung my arm out and pounded down my alarm until the ringing stopped. I shifted in my bed, so I was lying on my back. I slowly opened my eyes to look at my ceiling, I saw it was lit by the sunlight coming through my window. I slowly turned my head to look out my window and then to my alarm.

            "6 am! Oh no I am going to be late!"

            I jumped out of bed and hopped right in the shower. I quickly showered, got out, then got dressed. I put on my long sleeve turtleneck, long black pants, sandals, and my green Jonin vest. I made sure my pouch and kunai were fastened to my right thigh. I made sure to tighten my headband around my neck so that it wouldn't come loose. I brushed through my hair letting it fall naturally. I did one last check in the mirror. I went and grabbed my satchel putting it around my neck as I rushed out the door. I locked my door put my key in my satchel and started running off to the training grounds close to the academy.

             I saw the training grounds, so I started to slow my pace and walked in through the opening. I saw Kakashi and three young students standing in front of him. Behind them was a tall wooden pillar. I got closer, and I saw the blonde boy point his finger out to me.

            "Kakashi Sensei!"

            Kakashi looked to Naruto following where he was pointing. I locked eyes with Kakashi, he smiled and put his hand up into a small wave.

            "Oh, there you are, you finally decided to show up hmm?"

            I rolled my eyes and smiled as I made my way to stand right next to Kakashi. He then looked back at his students gesturing towards me.

            "Team, I would like you to meet Isamu Tatsuageru. She will be joining team seven as my peer Jonin and your Sensei."

             I looked at all three of the students and smiled as I held my hand up.

            "Hello team it is nice to mee you all."

             I opened my eyes and saw the blonde boy's expression in total awe along with the pink-haired girl. The other one though was staring at me with a deadpan expression.

            "Okay team, why don't you introduce yourselves to Isamu?"

            The blonde boy went first, he made a large grin and stuck his thumb up in front of him.

            "I am Naruto Uzumaki! Better Believe it! Because I am going to be the next greatest Hokage!"

            Ah yes, I should have guessed this one was Naruto. Determination and loudness should have made it clear to me. He reminded me a lot of Obito, I smiled at him with sadness that came across my eyes.

            The next one was the pink-haired girl.

            "Hello I am Sakura Haruno."

            The last one was the black-haired boy. I could already recognize from the Uchiha symbol on the back of his shirt.

            "I'm Sauske Uchiha."

            I smiled at all three and before I could say anything else, Naruto jumped in front of me looking me up and down.

            "Isamu! I have heard so much about you! You were just like Kakashi Sensei! You graduated from the academy young with perfect scores! And worked up to anbu leader at age 13! You are amazing!"

            I laughed in embarrassment and rubbed the back of my neck with flushed cheeks.

            "Yes, I am Naruto…it is nice to meet you all. I look forward to working and training with everyone."

            Naruto smirked and pointed his finger at Kakashi.

            "Kakashi Sensei! Is she your girlfriend?"

            I heard this and major butterflies started to flutter in my stomach as my face got hot. I did a side glance at Kakashi to see his expression as I waited for his answer.

            Kakashi chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck waving his hand in front of him.

            "No Naruto, she is an old friend and an amazing Jonin. Lord Hokage thought she would be a great asset to this team and a great asset to you Naruto."

            Naruto turned and started eyeing me again, as did Sakura, and Sauske. Naruto then smiled patting me on the shoulder.

            "Okay! welcome to the team Isamu!"

             I saw Kakashi walk over towards the wooden pillar. I then heared a soft bell sound...oh my, is that what I think it is? I looked over to Kakashi, sure be it he was holding two bells in his hand. Those two bells…the last time I saw those was when Minato held them out and told our team to fight for them. If we passed, we were accepted as genin and would begin our training, if we failed, we were to be sent back to the ninja academy. I shook my head smirking, I can't believe Kakashi used this training exercise too.

            Kakashi jumped landing on top of the wooden pillar. He knelt down holding the bells in front of him.

            "Okay team…this is what we are going to do for today's lesson."

            Sakura interjected and spoke up to Kakashi.

            "But Sensei…we already passed the bell test! What are you doing with them again?"

            Kakashi chuckled as he looked straight over at me. He was smirking, at least from I could see. I shook my head, oh no he was not going to...

            "Sakura…this is not for you all. This is for Isamu."

            I laughed louder than I wanted to which made all three students look back at me in shock. I cleared my throat gesturing for Kakashi to continue.

            "Team I am going to have Isamu demonstrate for you today. This is going to be a match between Her and I. She is going to try and take these bells from me. If she is unable to retrieve the bells, much like in your case, she will be returned to the Hokage for reassignment. If she can retrieve the bells from me, she will stay as Jonin leader on this team. Understood?"

            I could see Naruto and Sakura in shock as they began to protest.

            "Kakashi Sensei! There is no way she could get those from you! This is a team exercise how can she do this if it is just her?"

            I smirked as I held my hand out to stop Naruto and Sakura.

            "Don't worry…I won't need any help getting those bells. This will be simple, Right Kakashi?"

            He tightened the bells on his side waist and stood up on the pillar.

            "That's what you think Isamu, but don't you forget. The last time we went up against each other we were kids. This is much different now, so do your worst."

            I saw Sakura, Naruto, and Sauske move to the side. Sakura held her hands up to her mouth in worry, Naruto had steam radiating from him in rage, and Sauske was extremely focused on my every move. I hope they are paying attention, they could learn some good moves and techniques today.

            "You can do it Isamu SENSEI!"

            I heard Naruto scream from the sidelines, so I turned as I gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

            "Alright, Kakashi…I'm ready."

            He nodded and with that, it was time to begin.

            I saw Kakashi standing there with his hands in his pockets waiting for my first move. I placed my feet apart putting my hands up to start forming my first jutsu. I closed my eyes and signed the form,

            "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

            I had four clones appear all lined up behind me. I looked over my shoulder nodding to signal them to go. There were two that flew off to the right and two that flew off to the left. Kakashi got into a defensive stance. I grabbed my kunai out of my holster as I began running towards Kakashi. I jumped up to the wooden plank where he was standing and began to strike. He was blocking my strikes,  but I was able to push him off the wooden plank. When I got him to the ground I dropped down and swiped his feet out from under him. Kakashi fell to the ground, before he could use his substitution jutsu two arms grabbed on to each of his wrists pinning him down.

             I walked towards him bending down in front of him with a smirk, he looked at me smiling. Suddenly, he kicked me ehile preforming his substitute jutsu. My clones were no longer holding him instead a log was in his place. I released my shadow clone jutsu, so my clones disappeared. I knew now that he was going to play dirty, so I was too.

            I got back up on my feet looking around to see if I could catch a glimpse of where he was. I couldn't see him but, I could sense his chakra coming closer. I felt it from behind me so I quickly jumped out of the way landing to the side. He then turned to face me. He stood straight up as he went to pull his headband up off his left eye. He opened his left eye to reveal his sharingan. I saw that eye and the scar, for a moment I froze. I saw that and a flash back of that day hit me.

Flash Back

            We were speeding to get out of there, we had to get away or we all were going to be dead. I kept looking to the side and behind me to ensure everyone was keeping up and no one was lost. I looked over and Kakashi was next to me with Rin and Obito a little behind us.

            As we were running, I could hear a loud explosion asI felt the ground under us start to shake. My heart started to pound, and the anxiety filled my body. I started to hear the surroundings of us crack and crumble, rocks started falling from both sides. I had to dodge the rocks continuously and lost my focus on the others. I was too busy trying to doge what was falling towards me that I couldn't see the others. I began to panic stopping in my tracks when I saw a safe opening. I looked behind me as I started to call out,

            "Kakashi, Rin, Obito! Where are you!"

             I saw Kakashi and Rin running up to meet me, but not Obito. I looked behind them to see if he had fallen behind, but there was no sign of him. We all stopped to catch our breathes for the moment we had of safety.

            "Where is Obito?"

            Kakashi asked looking around trying to see if he could find him. I heared another explosion and suddenly, the ground started shaking violently under our feet. The surroundings again started to crumble, and rocks started to fall. We did not want to keep moving forward without Obito.

            "Kakashi what do we do?"

            Rin asked as she was panicking and trying to doge some rocks that were falling to her side.

            "We have to wait for Obito…we need to make sure he is okay."

            Rin and I looked at each other nodding in agreement. We would stay put,  we were continuing to doge and break the falling rocks around us. They started  looking like they were going to cave us in.

           I noticed a large boulder that was coming towards us. It was heading straight for where Kakashi was standing. Before I could get to him and say anything, the boulder fell. From what Rin and I could see we thought it had caught Kakashi under its fall.

            We both ran over to the boulder that had fallen to see if Kakashi made it out. Suddenly, we saw Kakashi not too far from the side of the boulder on his stomach coughing. Rin ran over and fell to his side pulling him over to his back. As she examined him for any injuries, I heard her cry out to me.

            "Isamu! Get over here!"

            I heard the strain in her voice so I ran over as fast as I could. I bent down to look at Kakashi and my eyes started to water. I saw Kakashi lying their faint with his left impaled. It had a large rock shard sticking in it. Blood was coming out from the sides and running down his face. I could see Rin who was now crying in fear trying to get Kakashi up to get out where we were. She then got him on his feet. Kakashi lifted his head and in his eye, I saw tears start to from. I had never seen Kakashi cry which sent a cold shiver down my spine.

            I saw where Kakashi was looking so I followed his gaze. Inlooked behind me to the boulder that was about to crush him. I then realized it didn't  crush Kakashi no, it got Obito.

            I ran to the side of the boulder where I could see half of Obito lying there with the boulder resting on the other half of his body. When I ran over and fell to my knees next to him, I saw blood streaming out of the side of his mouth and nose. I bent down with tears streaming down my face.


            I cried out slumping over to place my hand on his head. I started to wipe the blood away when his free hand grabbed my arm. He held it tight as his eyes shifted over to me.


            I nodded as I held his hand to my face.

            "Yes, Obito I'm here…"

            He gave me a very faint smile and began coughing up blood. His eyes were opening and closing as he was trying to fight.

            "Isamu…I…need to tell you something."

            I nodded as I continued to cry holding his hand up to my cheek.

            "Isamu…I know I won't make it out of this but..."

            I yelled at him as I tightened my grip around his hand.

            "NO OBITO! You are going to make it you are going to be okay we just…"

            Obito freed his hand, cupped my face, and gave me another faint smile.

            "Isamu…. I love you…you are my best friend in the entire world...thank you for that."

            My vision became blurry so I could barley see him in front of me. My tears continued to fall even harder now.

            "Obito…why are you saying this to me…you're going to get out of this..."

            He laughed a little and began coughing up more blood.

            "Isamu…I needed you to know this…before I die, I needed to tell you in person. I just had to… I don't  have much time left...bring Rin and Kakashi over to me."

            I nodded as he held on to my face until I stood fully up. His hand then fell to the side so I went to get Rin and Kakashi.

            Rin turned around as did Kakashi, when they saw my expression, they knew something was wrong. I pointed over to the side of the boulder.

            "Rin...Kakashi…hurry…you need to see Obito…he asked for you…"

            They both jumped up and ran over to where Obito was. I stood back watching from the side. I couldn't  hear what they were saying. I did see Rin fall to her knees crying and Kakashi had fallen to his knees to hold Obito's hand. After a few moments, I saw Rin nod to Obito as she took her kunai out. She took it and started cutting out Obito's visible eye. She removed the eye and turned over to Kakashi. She took her free hand to remove the debris from Kakashi's left eye. She then held Obito's eye in her other hand as her chakra began to visibly glow around the eye. She held one hand behind Kakashi's head and the other placing Obito's eye where Kakashi had lost his. She held her hand against his face and the chakra continued to glow now on Kakashi's face.

            The glowing had stopped and Rin fell to her knees. I gasped and ran right over to her placing her arm around my shoulder to lift her.

            "It's okay Rin…you're going to be okay."

            Rin was out of it; she had exhausted too much of her chakra and was barely awake. I started moving her out of the area as I looked back at Kakashi. He looked at me with tears falling down his face. I saw his one onyx eye and the other…was now Obito's sharingan. I shook my head as tears began falling even harder as I tried to look away and carry Rin somewhere safe.

            When I got her out of there and laid her against a tree trunk, I slumped down next to her. I began stroking her hair and staring down at her exhausted face. I heard footsteps then coming closer. I shot my head up to see Kakashi walking slowly over. His face looked like he had seen a ghost, I had never seen him like this before. I don't think any of us thought we would ever be in this situation...ever.

            He came up to me and sat down. I made sure Rin was all right and then I turned my attention to Kakashi. He was staring out towards the boulder as tears fell down his face. He didn't make a sound or say anything, so all I could do was stare at him. Stare at the pain I saw in his eyes, the hurt, and the loss. This hit me too so I started to cry again. For me I couldn't stay quiet, I began sobbing. I covered my mouth with both of my hands trying to mask my whimpering, but Kakashi could hear it loud and clear. I closed my eyes as I shook my head. I then felt hands grabbing my shoulders pulling me in. Kakashi had pulled me into where my head was resting on his chest. He held me close, his grip was tight so there was no way I was going anywhere.

            I looked up at him calming my whimper as he looked down at me stroking my head. We never said a word to each other, he just held me close...and I held on to him harder.

End of Flashback

             I had clouded my mind with this memory, I completely forgot that Kakashi had released his sharingan and started rushing towards me with a kunai in his hand. I was able to snap back and realized he was too close for comfort. I saw him jump in front of me kicking his leg up trying to knock me back. I was able to block the blow, but not well enough. He sent me flying back with great force to where only a tree had stopped me.

            I landed on my stomach after crashing my back into the tree, I laid there for a moment. I then heard a familiar voice in the background.

            "Kakashi Sensei! What were you thinking! Isamu Sensei are you all, right? Get up!"

             I could tell that came from Naruto, after him I heard Sakura.

            "Yeah Sensei! What were you thinking? Why are you going so hard on Isamu Sensei!"

            I heard Sakura and Naruto and was able to lift myself up. I went to stare back at Kakashi who was watching me get up. He stood there not making a move with his hands in his pockets waiting patiently for me…oh what a pure gentleman he is.

            I got up, I wiped some blood from the side of my mouth and smirked.

            "You want to play dirty huh Kakashi?"

            I could see Kakashi smirk under his mask as he crossed his arms waiting for my next move.

             I did my hand sign again and summoned my shadow clones. There were four that populated and I sent them all out in different directions. They began running a circle around Kakashi. They were running so fast that it started to lift the dirt forming a dust cloud around him. I saw that his sharingan was focused on where the shadow clones were and followed their movements to a T.

            He was focused on the shadow clones, so I did another hand sign... this time I was going all in.

            "Barrier Jutsu! Dust Cage!"

             Kakashi jerked his head in my direction with wide eyes as I completed my jutsu. The dust cloud that formed bent to my chakra to form a barrier around Kakashi. My shadow clones stopped and were gone. I walked up to Kakashi and saw him trying to find a weak spot in my jutsu.

            Before he had time to think I slowly signed another jutsu that his sharingan couldn't pick up.

            "Fire Release Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

             Kakashi was ready, he was able to break my barrier jutsu and just barley doge the phoenix flower. When I saw that he was struggling to keep up I ran up to him placing my arms on the ground lifting my leg to meet his chin.

            "Wind Release Jutsu!"

            Just then a big gust of wind came from my leg causing Kakashi to shoot straight up into the air. I jumped up to meet him, when he saw me coming his eyes widened in surprise. I smirked winking at him as I flipped causing him to shoot straight down when my foot clashed with his shoulder.

            Kakashi went flying down toward the ground and was able to land on his feet. He looked up at me catching his breath still with a wide-eye look.

            "You have improved…"

            I smiled at his surprise, so I chuckled and held up the two bells in my left hand.

            "You think?"

            When he saw that I had both bells he went straight to his side and realized they were gone.

             I was holding up the bells and heard Naruto and Sakura cheering from the sidelines. So I looked over casting them a big smile. I also saw Saskue who was in surprise nodding his head in awe. The three students then made their way over to me. Naruto rushed over as Sauske and Sakura hurried behind him.

            "Wow, Isamu Sensei! You were amazing you kicked Kakashi Sensei's butt!"

            Naruto yelled so that Kakashi could hear every word.

            The other two followed suite and congratulated me. They expressed their excitement and surprise at my performance. As I was occupied with the three, Kakashi made his way over to our group rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. He stopped when he reached my side and the three stopped talking as they looked to Kakashi expecting him to join in.

            "You really had me there Isamu…I wasn't prepared for you to be on your A game today."

            I smiled patting him on the shoulder.

            "Oh, it's okay grumpy…you'll beat me next time…maybe..."

            I laughed and to the side of me, I heard the three-start laughing too.

            "Yea right Isamu Sensei! You have Kakashi beat fair and square!"

            I looked at Naruto as I patted him on the top of his head. Oh I am going to like this one for sure. He really has no filter but, he is great at keeping the spirit up and keeping everyone motivated.

            Kakashi made a big sigh, closed his eye, and put his headband back down. He held his hands behind his head as he stretched a little and shrugged.

            "Okay that is enough for today…everyone you can go home. We will meet here tomorrow to set up training plans moving forward."

            The three looked at each other giggling as they all nodded their heads in agreement. They started running back into the streets and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

            It was just Kakashi and I standing alone in the training grounds. I felt blood dripping down the side of my mouth, suddenly Kakashi came up to me and wiped it off with his thumb.

            He looked down into my eyes with a worried expression on his face. I tilted my head as I stared up into his onyx eye.

            "You hesitated…I have never seen you hesitate like that during a battle. What happened?"

            It took me a moment to think about what he was talking about, then it hit me. He is talking about when he got the hit on me and sent me flying into a tree. I shook my head, there was no way I could tell him about what I was thinking. It would bring back bad memories and I really did not want to do that to him. He did not deserve to be reminded of that day when he blames himself for what happened.

            "Oh...yes…that, it was nothing Kakashi. I must have just gotten distracted."

            I looked up at him with a closed eye smile trying to be as convincing as I could. When I opened my eyes, I could see that he was not buying it. I also knew he was not going to push the subject.

            "Okay…well regardless I am impressed. You really have improved greatly these past few years."        

            I shrugged laughing a little as I playfully put my hand on his chest.

            "Well what else are you going to do with all that free time alone? My mission these past 8 years gave me a lot of time to find myself, to find my strength. When I was not spying on the Akatsuki, or Orochimaru I was training. I was practicing my jutsu's and perfecting them along with my chakra flow and balance."

            I didn't realize my hand was still on his chest as he looked down at my hand. I got red as I pulled my hand away and put it behind my back as I chuckled nervously. He looked away rubbing the back of his neck red all the way up to his ears.

            "So Kakashi…I don't know about you but I'm starving so we are going to get something to eat oaky?"

            He laughed smiling the most I have seen him do since I got here.

            "Do I have a choice?"

            I grabbed his hand and started pulling him to follow me as I shook my head.

            "Nope no choice at all you're coming and you're going to like it."

            He sighed and rolled his eye as he reluctantly went along in my direction. I pulled him into town. I let go of his hand as I looked around trying to find the Ichiraku Ramen place I used to love going to. Ramen is by far my favorite food and this place is by far my favorite place to eat!

            Kakashi followed closely behind being patient when I was trying to find the place and getting lost in the mix. He then pointed out in the other direction of where we were. I followed his finger and saw the ramen place. He knew what I was looking for! How nice of him…he knows me too well, I think.

            We both started walking up to the ramen shop when suddenly, I heard a man call out.

            "Kakashi! Yo! Over here!"

            Kakashi and I both looked in the direction of where the voice came and I saw them. It was Guy! Not only was it Guy but there was also Kurenai, Asuma, and Iruka! My heart skipped a beat at the sight of all of them. I never thought I would run into them all at the same time. What are the odds of that?

            Kakashi saw the group and we started to make our way over to them. He held his hand in the air giving his closed eye smile greeting everyone.

            "Well, hello everyone…fancy meeting you all here."

            Guy laughed taking Kakashi by the shoulder pulling him in close. I could see Kakashi was extremely uncomfortable by Guy's gesture, it was written all over his face. Just as Guy was about to ask something to Kakashi he looked over and our eyes met for a moment. I gave a shy smile, Guy then looked at me and got quiet so did Asuma, Kurenai, and Iruka.

            I looked over at the others, I saw all their faces light up at the same time.

            "Kakashi! Don't tell me! Is that my beautiful blossom? But no! not a mere blossom anymore! She has bloomed into an, even more radiating lotus flower!"

            Dramatic tears started to stream down Guy's face.  I just rolled my eyes as I laughed.

            "Yes, hello to you too Guy."

            I could see Kakashi was not amused, he rolled his eye stuffinf his hands in his pockets like usual. This time it wasn't his normal arrogant unamused expression. No, there was something else there I just couldn't put my finger on it.

            Just then Kurenai leaped forward hugging me so hard I almost fell backwards.

            "Isamu! Is that really you? You are back? I have missed you so much! We have so much to catch up on!'

             I laughed as I gave her a strong hug back. She held it for a moment and let me go. Kurenai my best girlfriend I guess you could say. During my younger years, we always spent time together. We would go through and pick flowers, or take walks through the forest, or have sleepovers and do each other's hair. She always was by my side until we had gone our separate ways when I went into the Anbu Black Ops. She was a character but, I loved her anyway. She complimented my shy quiet personality, so it all worked out.

            "Yes, Kuranei I am back home… I've missed you too…I have missed you all so much it has been too long."

            Asuma and Iruka both came up to me. Asuma looked at me with a smile as his cigarette hung out from the corner of his mouth. He placed his hand on my shoulder to greet me and Iruka joined in. He seemed very anxious, more so than when I first ran into him at the Academy the other day.

            I will say that what happened next I was not expecting. Instead of a small greeting like Guy or Asuma, Iruka pulled me in for a hug. I was taken by surprise so I awkwardly hugged him back. As he was hugging me, I caught Kakashi staring at us with irritation in his eye. I saw him squirm and get tense.

            Suddenly Kakashi came up and interrupted the greetings.

            "Yes, everyone Isamu is back... she has had a long day of training and we are going to sit down for something to eat."

            I could hear tension in his voice as he said that to everyone in the group. Suddenly Kurenai giggled pulling me in close to her.

            "Oh, Kakashi what a great idea, we were all going out to dinner anyway. Why don't we join you two here? We can catch up like old times?"

            Kakashi rolled his eye, I could tell he was not happy about the situation. When Kuranei sets her mind to something you really can't sway her from it. She then grabbed my arm pulling me in the front doors. The rest of the guys followed in behind us.

            We went to a large table in the back of the shop. We all started to sit down, I saw that Iruka took the seat to my left and to my right was Kakashi. I looked from Iruka to Kakashi feeling an awkward tension. I was nervous and got flushed when Kurenai poked my arm from across the table.

            "Hey Isamu, you all right?"

            I looked up at her smiling nervously as I nodded.

            "Y-Yes Kurenai! I am good thank you."

            She smiled crossing her arms on the table, I saw her eyes shift from Kakashi to me giving me a little wink. I felt my heart sink, why was I so nervous right now? These were all my old childhood friends, it's not like they were all strangers. Kurenai and Asuma started the conversation of where they were at right now. They started talking about their teams and how their missions were going. Guy would jump in and boast about his team... mostly about the one student Rock Lee. They were all talking, laughing, and having a good time. Iruka also jumled in to talk about his class at the academy and how the students were all mischievous trouble makers. This made everyone laugh as we all reminisced in our childhood days at the academy.

            The conversation continued as we started eating and drinking. I noticed Kakashi was pretty quiet the entire time. He kept staring at me  like he was waiting for something. I then turned to look at Kakashi to ask him if he was okay, but I felt something on my left hand. It made me jerk my head to the side. I saw Iruka looking at me smiling with closed eyes. I looked down and saw Iruka's hand on top of mine.

            This made me even more anxious. I felt my whole face and ears burn up. I'm sure my face matched my hair right now. I looked from Iruka's hand on top of mine up to his face.


            He nodded as he noticed his hand was on mine jerking it back under the table to his lap. He laighed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck as sweat dripped from the side of his forehead under his headband.

            "Oh Isamu! Sorry about that, it's just that it's so loud I wanted to get your attention."

            I tilted my head with a nervous half-smile and confusion.

            "Did you need something?"

            He nodded his head as he darted from me to Kurenai trying to avert my gaze.

            "I…did actually…Isamu I wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to go out to dinner with me sometime…just the two of us?"

            I looked down at my food and gulped. I looked up at Kurenai with wide eyes. She shook her head slowly and gave a little shrug as if she had no idea what was happening. I saw Kurenai's eyes move to Kakashi so I looked over at him too.

            He had averted his gaze from me looking down at the table where he took his "make out tactics" book. He put his chin on his hand as he leaned on the table. He didn't look at me, but I felt his tension. I saw a hint of red on his face from the little bit that I could see.

            I looked back at Iruka giving a small smile. This time I got nervous and had no idea what to say. I didn't want to be rude, but I wasn't really sure if I was ready to do something like that. I did just return to the village a few days ago.

            "Oh Iruka…let me think about it, okay and I'll let you know? I just got back to the village I'm still trying to get my bearings."

            He nodded and smiled as he put his hand back on mine patting it.

            "Of course Isamu…take all the time you need…it's really nice to have you back home."

            Asamu and Guy joined in after Iruka nodding their heads in agreement.

            "Yeah, Isamu…it's really nice to have the whole gang back together. It's been too long."

            Guy sat there with a huge goofy grin on his face pointing at Kakashi. Kakashi seemed like he didn't even notice as he continued to read his book.

            "Yes! Agreed, now I have another rivalry with Kakashi. This time to win the beautiful lotus flower's heart! I promise Isamu I will love you forever!"

            I saw Kakashi look up at Guy as he  closed his book and put it back in his side pouch. He leaned forward giving his closed-eye smile.

            "Guy…still trying to beat me…you know that will never happen right?"

            Guy stood up as Kakashi stood up, you could see that little lightning zap go between their gazes.  They both stood like that for a moment, when suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my chest that slowly started rising to my throat. It began to get hotter so I had to grab my chest. This wasn't right…no it didn't feel right. I've never had this sensation this bad.

            Kurenai looked at me holding her hand out.

            "Hey okay?"

           Kakashi and Guy both then looked down at me, as did Asamu and Iruka. I looked at everyone as they had a worry in their eyes. I felt almost like flames in my mouth so I jerked myself up covering my mouth. I started running towards the front of the shop. I got out to the street so I quickly looked left and right to try to find somewhere I could go and hide. An empty alley then caught my eye so I started running towards it. I began pushing the people in front of me to the side until I was able to get into the alley. I looked around to make sure no one was around, I then hit my back to the wall of the alley grasping my chest and mouth tight.

            This pain…this pain is not real. What is going on with me?

            I felt an awful sensation of rage hit so I took my free hand to the wall where I heard a crack. I slid down to where I was sitting. I had my legs pulled into my chest as I started to feel tears fall down but, they were hot! I opened my eyes but the tears kept coming.  I then saw something that scared me even more.

            I looked at the alley wall in front of me ans I could see hints of…smoke rising in front of my vision. I shook my head to make sure I wasn't just seeing things, but the smoke kept coming.

            I sensed someone at the opening of the alley so I jerked my vision up in that direction. I stared at the figure for a moment, as they started running towards me I could make out who it was. It was Kakashi, he got to me and fell down to his knees with worry in his eye. He held his hands out reaching out to my shoulders.

            He was looking at me, I saw a hint of fear come over his face which made me worry even more. He held his hand up to cup my face, but as soon as he did I heard a sizzling sound as he jerked his hand back. He held his hand up to examine it, there was a small burn mark on his fingers that made contact with my skin.

            He lowered his hand putting both down on the ground propping himself up as he was only inches away from my face.

            "Isamu…what's wrong? What's happening?"

            I shook my head as my tears continued to fall, I couldn't stop them even if I tried. I let my hand go from my mouth to meet the other on my chest. I pulled my shirt neck out looking down to my chest. I saw a bright light of red and orange that was swirling where the dragon tattoo's mouth was. I shook my head holding my shirt tight. No not this…not again! This hasn't happened since I was in the academy! Why now?

            Kakashi saw the ball of light since now it was seeping through my shirt. He held his hand out not leaving my gaze for one moment. He put his hand on my chest right over where the light was. I could hear him wince as I saw the brief pain come across his eye. I sat there in shock at what he was doing.

            I'm burning him! Why is he touching me then? He is going to get hurt!

I took my hand up to grab him, but he slapped it away with his other free hand. He closed his eye breathing in slowly. He let out a big sigh, and after I felt a calming sensation start to take me over.

            I looked down to where his hand was and saw the light was gone. My tears had stopped along with the small trace of smoke. Kakashi let his hand slide down and opened his eye.


            He said very gently as he cupped my face. This time it didn't sizzle and he was able to keep it there with no trace of his hand burning.


            I looked at Kakashi with wide eyes full of fear and confusion.

            "What's happening to me?"

            I started to cry again asI felt myself suddenly get very weak. It was to the point where I fell forward. Kakashi had to catch me from falling. He wrapped his arms around me as he lifted me against the wall. He stood up holding me in his arms. I looked up at him with half-open eyes as I resting in his arms. I gave him a weak smile as everything went black.

Kakashi's POV

            No…this is not good. I never thought this is what was going to happen, to think this is just a glimpse of the dragon spirit. I held Isamu bridal style in my arms. I looked down at her and she was completely out. That small release of Chakra consumed her body using too much and exhausted her.

            I looked up and jumped to the top of the building next to the alley we were in. I began jumping from house to house until I was able to reach her apartment. She was still asleep when we arrived and her body felt cold.

            I got to her door and opened it, I closed the door behind me as I walked her in. I carried her to her bed and laid her down. She shifted putting herself into a fetal position.

            I looked down and was worried, I was worried that she wasn't okay. What had that spirit's chakra actually done to her. I had never seen her eyes glow as bright as they were in that alley. I have also never seen the light on her chest. The burning sensation from touching her skin and the smoke rising out of her nose and mouth.

            I shook my head to snap out of my train of thought. No, I have to bring this to Lord Hokage's attention. I have to ask him if he knows anything about this and how I can help her. Just seeing her tears and the pain she was feeling…I don't ever want to see that look on her face again. That look pained me, and to think I couldn't do much to help her.

             I sat next to her bed and threw my fist down on the ground in frustration as I sighed.

            "Lord Hokage…how am I supposed to help her? Why was I chosen for this?... I can't stand seeing her like this… if this is only a glimpse of the spirit…I can't think of what would happen if the spirit was fully released through her…"

           When I went to stare out the window into the night sky I felt something on my hand. I looked down and it was Isamu's hand holding onto mine. I looked from her hand to her face, she was still asleep but she had a small smile on her face. She squeezed my hand as she started pulling it into her chest.

            I lifted myself to follow her, as I hovered over she held my hand up to her chest. I then heard a small whisper come from her.


            She said this and I saw her smile as my eye went wide. I began to get butterflies in my stomach and I felt my face begin to flush. She was so beautiful laying there snuggling my hand, and that smile…that smile got me every time. When she smiled at me I couldn't help but smile myself. Just knowing she was thinking of me made my heart skip a beat.

            I looked up at the clock and realized that it was really late. I looked down at her giving a faint smile. I can't leave her alone like this…what if something else happens and I'm not here? I couldn't imagine the fear on her face if that happened.

            I shook my head as I made up my mind, tonight I was going to stay by her side. I shifted myself so that I was lying next to her. My arm was now lying across her side as she held my hand never letting go. I didn't try to get out of her grasp, so I laid on my side. Her back was facing me and I got closer to where her back was touching my chest. I stared at the back of her head for a few moments admiring that beautiful, long, fiery-red hair. I then felt a yawn come and before I knew it I was fast asleep.