Chapter 12 Ambush

I woke up to clashing outside of my tent. I opened my eyes and saw the light of the morning sun hit through my tent. As I came to, the sound of the clanging got louder and more consistent. Without any hesitation, I quickly unzipped my tent and poked my head out to see where the loud commotion was coming from. I looked to the left, right, and finally caught the source of all the noise. It was Kakashi trying to get the pot dishes in my sack from last night. It looked like he was struggling and being loud about it.

            I slowly came out stretching, trying to wake myself up. I was still tired, I think I went to bed way too late last night. I don't regret it at all though…being this tired is something I am willing to endure for what I experienced with Kakashi last night. I saw him still struggling trying to sort everything out. I walked up behind him, rolled my eyes, and coughed loud enough to get his attention.

            He turned around and once he noticed it was me he dropped what he was doing. He stood to face me with his hand on the back of his neck.

            "Oh Isamu…you're finally awake."

            I looked past him to see the mess of pots, plates, and some leftover ingredients scattered on the ground. I walked past him starting to pick everything up. I then began placing everything back into the. I tied the opening and took the sac leaning it against the nearest tree trunk.

            Kakashi stood there watching me with his hands in his pockets. I stood up as I heard Naruto and Sauske bickering about who was going to master my barrier jutsu first. I then heard Sakura yelling at Naruto to shut up. I shook my head with a weary smile.

            "Oh those kids…they're really something aren't they."

            I laughed as Kakashi sighed nodding his head in agreement.

            "Yes…they are…but they are my team and they have potential so I put up with it."

            I turned to face him with a fake surprised face gasping sarcastically.

            "No…you Kakashi? Putting up with obnoxious children? Really?"

            I held my stomach as I started laughing with tears falling down the sides of my face. I really cracked myself up this time, once the spell past and I opened my eyes I saw Naruto, Sauske, and Sakura staring at me.

            Naruto came up poking me in my side.

            "Hey Sensei you all right there? You were laughing pretty loud."

            I nodded as I ruffled his hair a bit.

            "Yes Naruto, just making fun of Kakashi."

            I turned around to see his reaction but he already had his lovely book pulled out and he was reading. I can't believe him! Was he ignoring me the entire time?…can't say I am surprised, that is Kakashi for you. I rolled my eyes looking over to Sakura who caught my gaze and straightened out.

            "Everyone…listen up! We are going to start packing, I expect everyone ready to start heading out in 15 minutes!"

            Everyone nodded and got to work except…of course Naruto. He looked at me with piercing eyes and a frown on his face. I stared back shrugging my shoulders.

            "What's that look for Naruto?"

            He crossed his arms pouting for a moment.

            "Sensei we haven't even had breakfast yet! How can you say we are heading out without any food!"

            I bent down to open the sack I packed not too long ago. I went fishing and pulled out a smaller sack tossing it to Naruto.

            "Here take this... divide what is left amongst you, Sauske, Sakura, and Somato. That will be your breakfast. Now stop complaining and start packing..chop chop."

            Naruto's eyes lightened up as he gave me a grin. He turned around rummaging through the sack and offering everyone something. I went to close my sack and started putting my stuff together so that I could carry it with no issue.

            About 15 minutes later everyone was standing in a circle waiting for their next orders. I looked at everyone and nodded in approval.

            " Let's head out, we need to try to make some headway today. I'd like to get to the Waterfall Village this year please."

            Everyone nodded in unison and started heading out. I was leading the way, we continued on the hidden trail that lead through the forest. I was scouting out ahead ensuring the path in front of us was clear, just then I heard Naruto.

            "So Kakashi Sensei…Is Isamu Sensei always this bossy? Or is it just because of you?"

            I turned my head to the side to trying to get a look at Kakashi's reaction. I wanted to see this one, I kept my head tilted to the side waiting for Kakashi to answer. I saw him look at me... now he knew I was listening in.

            Kakashi sighed rubbing the back of his neck. He then flicked Naruto on the forehead.

            "No Naruto…it's because of you…she has to make sure you keep in line so we don't fall behind."

            Kakashi said very monotone to Naruto, and with this comment Naruto became heated. He threw his hands up and started arguing with Kakashi. I could hear them clearly now. I could tell Kakashi was just letting him have his fun but not paying attention to a thing Naruto was saying.

            Suddenly …I felt something…something strange…something strong. I stopped, holding my arms out to have everyone else stop in their tracks. Kakashi ran up to my side lowering my hand so he could step  forward.

            "You sense that?"

            Kakashi nodded and whispered.

            "Yeah…at least 10 rouge ninja are within close range..."

            I nodded as I turned around to let the three know to form their protection stance around Somato.

            "You know what to do…ensure Somato stays safe behind you all. Do not do anything reckless and leave this to me and Kakashi. If it looks like your assistance is needed jump in…we can't be sure what level these ninja are until they attack."

            The three nodded and took their stance around Somato who did not object. The three caged him in so they could protect and see every direction around him.

            Kakashi looked at me as we both nodded in unison. We knew what we had to do. We had to pull these ninja out of hiding to get them out of our way.

            I heard a small and quiet shifting in the big bushes that were not good far in front of me. I slowly took my kunai, in a flash, I sent it flying straight through the bush. I  heard a pained grunt as a ninja fell from the bushes. The kunai struck him right in the chest... I then ran over to him. I grabbed him by the hair and held him up to face me.

            "How many of you are there…what are you doing here?"

            The ninja winced in pain and a look of fear came across his face.

            "I-I don't….I don't know…we were just following orders!"

            I rolled my eyes as I felt rage start to boil inside of me. This ninja pissed me off with his naïve answer. I shook my head, I quickly pulled the kunai from his chest. Quickly I slit his throat and he fell to the ground. A pool of blood started to pour around the dead ninja's head and throat.

            I turned around to face the others, I saw fear on the three students' faces as they stared at me. Kakashi was about to run over when I saw three more ninja come flying down from the trees above us. Two of them were able to take Naruto and Sakura down with them. I saw the one ninja cut Sakuras cheek with his kunai. At this moment that rage that was boiling inside of me grew immensely. I could feel that burning sensation in my chest through my throat. The anger and rage flooded my sight as I started to see red. Everything was turning red…but in that aspect, I could see all of the chakra from every person around. I could sense their chakra strength, I looked at the two ninja that were attacking Sakura and Naruto. Their chakra levels were low and weak. I saw another one that was going towards Kakashi who was weak. This told me these rouge ninja were genin level. I saw three more fly in and land in front of me. They all smirked as they held their kunai, shuriken, and katanas up.

            "All right freak this ends here!"

            The one with the katana started charging at me. I could see smoke rise from my nose and mouth. I felt the fiery burn scolding my chest and throat. I was being pushed to the edge and these three new ninja did not help the situation. I felt the rage take control over my body and my senses. I had no more control at this point, I felt it slip away. I felt the burning sensation shoot to every other part of my body. My whole body began emitting steam and smoke. I could see the light on my chest burn bright asI started to charge toward the three ninja.

Kakashi's POV

           Isamu was running at high speed, as she charged she leaped into the air coming down with amazing speed.  She had two ninja, one in each hand.  She forced them both down to the ground as they landed on their backs she stood up. Isamu was breathing heavily. I looked over at the shinobi that was laying  there, their rib cage was completely crushed with blood pooling everywhere around their bodies.

            I saw Isamu jerk  up to the two ninja who were attacking Sakura and Naruto. They stopped staring in horror at their fallen comrades. They then froze in fear as Isamu started charging them. She leaped on one and forced him to the ground. Her hands held his arms down so he was pinned underneath her. Her claws were digging deep into his forearms as blood started to drip down to the dirt. The one below Isamu was screaming in pain as I saw her look up at the other ninja who let Sakura go. He dropped his weapon putting his hands up in defeat begging her to let him go.

           Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and I were calling out to Isamu. We were yelling at her to stop, I held my arms up to have everyone stop and to stay back as I saw her ignoring us completely. I saw her mouth open wide with a large fireball forming. When it grew large enough she forced it out to the remaining ninja in front of her. Before he could turn around to start running the fireball devoured him. He screamed in pain for a moment until he turned into a burnt corpse.

            The last ninja who attacked her was now running away. All of us were hiding in the back behind some bushes watching as Isamu continued her rampage. I noticed her hands started to sign a jutsu. A few seconds later the ninja running away burst into flames. His body burned and the corpse fell to the ground.

            All the ninja were dead now and I did not sense anymore in the area. I noticed that Isamu's rage was still peaking though. I wanted to stop her…but I had no idea how to... I noticed now how she turned her bloodthirsty gaze to me. She then pounced landing on top of me.

            I fell to the ground as she had me pinned. Her claws were digging into my arms with blood starting to drip down. She stared at me for a moment with her wide and blood red eyes. Her mouth began to open as if she was going to bite me. I was prepared for her to tear my throat out, but I wasn't going to allow it. Something inside me said I had to stop her here and now. I lifted my head the best I could resting my forehead against her's. I felt her skin against mine and began hearing that loud sizzling sound. I then felt my forehead start to burn. More smoke was emitting from where our foreheads met. I released looking into Isamu's eyes again. She was at a standstill and for a brief moment I saw a glimpse of her normal self. She did nothing, she just stayed there on top of me staring into my eyes.

            I started to see her body become less tense. Her eyes were starting to go back to how they normally were and the smoke and heat were dying down. I let my head fall back closing my eyes. I felt her claws release from my arms as I saw Isamu force herself back falling to the ground.

            I shifted so I could see Isamu lying not too far from me. I got up and began running to her. I hovered over calling her name to try and keep her conscious.  Isamu's eyes were fully closed and her head tilted lifelessly to the side. I yelled for Sasuke and Naruto to come over and help. They came running over with panicked looks on their faces. Wen they were right beside Isamu looking down at her lifeless body they were speechless. They were frozen in place totally ignoring what I was saying to them. I stood up snapping my fingers in front of their faces to bring them back to reality.

            "Sauske! Naruto! One of you go fetch some fresh water from the stream. Use the pot in Isamu's sack over by Somato. The other! Go grab some medicine from her sack and bring it over!"

            Naruto and Sasuke both nodded with fearful expressions as they headed over to do as I asked. I then saw Sakura run over falling to her knees by Isamu's head.

            "Kakashi Sensei! Is she going to be alright! Is she dead!"

            I could see Sakura's eyes start to fill with tears. So I looked at her with a serious expression.

            "No Sakura…she is not dead. She passed out... we need to make sure she is okay. We need to make sure she has no damage done externally or internally that would be Sakura I need your help."

            Sakura nodded slowly as I pointed to Isamu's chest.

            "You start striping her from the top, I'll do from the bottom. We need to check every part of her body, look for any kind of damage. Whether it be burn marks, cuts, or abrasions."

            Sakura snapped out of her deer-in-the-headlights look and began to do as I asked.

 Sakura pulled Isamu's shirt off as she gasped holding her hand to her mouth. I looked up to see what happened, Isamu's whole body was covered in a long continuous dragon tattoo. The body of the dragon wrapped around her arms and stopped at her wrists. It was around her whole waist going up around her chest. Then at her neck, it ended with a dragon's head where the snout was pointing up towards her chin. There was a red ball right under the dragon's head on Isamu's upper chest. The red ball looked like a huge bloodied hole in her chest. I crawled up next to Sakura holding my hand out to hover over the red spot. I placed my hand down and realized it wasn't a wound or blood. It was part of the dragon tattoo. It was no longer glowing, instead it was a dull red.

I nodded to Sakura letting her know she was dismissed. I went back towards Isamu's stomach and hips. I began removing her pants, I saw the tattoo again and it continue. The dragon's body wrapped itself down both of her legs stopping right at her ankles. I scanned over the rest of her body finding no injuries whatsoever.

            I quickly got Isamu dressed and picked her up from the ground. I looked at Sakura, then to Naruto, who was running back with the pot full of water and Sasuke with a few small jars of medical ointment.

            They both stopped trying to catch their breath. I gestured with my head for them to follow me. Sakura stayed behind to check over Somato and make sure he was all right.

            The two boys followed me into cover behind a large bush with a couple of trees. I laid Isamu down looking around to ensure we were safe. Naruto and Sasuke both knelt down on each side of Isamu. Naruto handed me the pot as Sasuke  handed me one of the medical ointment jars. I nodded my head in thanks as I took a cloth from my pouch wetting it in the pot. I then placed it on Isamu's forehead. I took the ointment putting it on her throat and chest. I wasn't sure if this was going to help, but I was going to try anyway. I sat back resting on one of the trees nearest to me. I lifted my head as I closed my eye letting out a drawn-out sigh. I took a moment to catch my breath and to steady my heart. I looked back to where Isamu was lying, I had Naruto and Sasuke staring at me. They were waiting for me to say something, but what was I going to say? Was there really anything to say?

            "Sensei…what..what happened to Isamu Sensei…"

            I shook my head staring down at her lifeless face. I frowned as I felt a strong sense of fear overcome me.

            "I don't know Narut…but my best guess would be the dragon spirit sealed inside her released some of its chakra and took over for the fight…"

            Both Naruto and Sasuke looked up at me puzzled.

            "Sensei what do you mean dragon spirit?....are you saying Isamu Sensei has a dragon spirit sealed inside her like…Naruto has the 9 tails?"

            I nodded as I continued to look at Isamu. I wanted her to wake up, so I knew she was okay. I wanted to make sure she was in no pain, I also wanted to know what the hell just happened.

            "Yes Sasuke…it's similar to that."

            I looked over at Naruto who was staring down at Isamu with clenched fists and a frown on his face.

            "Why would Isamu have a spirit sealed inside her! "

            I put my hand on Naruto's shoulder to help put him at ease.

            "Naruto…you and Isamu are very much alike..but not only because of the spirits that are sealed inside of you. I don't think I should be the one to share those similarities though.I think when Isamu recovers, Naruto you go to her and talk. Get her to share those similarities with you. I think you can learn a lot…she may even tell you why the dragon spirit was sealed within her. It's just not my story to tell."

            Naruto looked from me to Isamu as he nodded. He visibly calmed and relaxed his fists. I held my arm out to Naruto and Sasuke.

            "You two…I need you to go back to Sakura and Somato. I need you to make sure they are both all right. Take this water and medicine over in case either of them needs it. I am going to stay here with Isamu until she wakes"

            Naruto and Sasuke both nodded as they began to stand up, I held my arm out to Naruto to stop him.

            "Once you have made sure the other two are all right, come back here and start setting up camp."

            I pointed to the now-setting sun. Naruto and Sasuke nodded as they ran off to the other two. Once they were gone, I bent down laying my hand on Isamu's chest. I could feel a faint was slow ...but it was there. I then moved my other free hand up to her face. I began to caress the side of her face down to her lips. I traced down her neck until I hit the dragon's snout. I pulled her shirt down to see if that red mark was still there. To my surprise, it was gone! There was no red mark, no trace of it anywhere. The dragon's face went back to normal. I ran my fingers through her hair playing with a small strand.

            "Oh, Isamu…I really wish you wouldn't worry me so much…I can't stand this feeling. And you not being here…awake…is not very comforting."

            I knew she couldn't hear what I was saying so I continued to play with her hair softly and looked down at her sleeping face with a saddened expression.

            "I really thought you were going to finish me off today…I was prepared to die…but part of me couldn't stand the thought of life without you…so I had to try anything I could to get you to come back to me. Isamu…please come back to me soon."

            After I said this the others came over and started setting up camp. Once everything was set up I picked Isamu up and took her to her tent. I laid her down on her futon.  I then popped my head out of the tent opening.

            "I'm going to stay in here by her side until she wakes. Make sure to start the fire and dinner…"

            My team nodded as they went off to start their tasks. I popped back in and closed the tent opening behind me. I laid down next to Isamu continuing  to stroke her hair hopeing that she would wake up soon.

End of Kakashi POV

            It was night fall, the sun had set and the sky was dark. The only light was from the moon, stars, and the campfire. I slowly began to open my eyes. My vision was very blurry, I couldn't make out anything. I turned my head and saw a blurry silhouette of someone sitting by my futon. I squinted as my vision slowly became clear. I held out my hand to touch them, but they were quicker and grabbed my hand first. They held my hand in theirs.


            My words were slurred, I could barely speak above a whisper. My whole body felt like it had been run over a million times.  My vision and voice were no where near how they should be.

            Kakashi nodded as he came in closer. Our faces were only inches apart, so I could finally make out his face. It was Kakashi... he had the most worried look on his face.

            I tried sitting up as Kakashi helped by holding my hand. He took his free hand placing it behind my back to support. It took a few moments for me to get up. once I did my knees gave out.  Kakashi caught me before I could fall to the ground. My feet were limp on the ground, so I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

            "Isamu…you have to take it easy…don't push it."

            He said this with a strict parental tone, it was odd. When I looked up I could see the worry in his eye. He had his headband up but his left eye was closed. This was something I wanted least in the world. To have Kakashi be this worried about me, after the death of Obito, I was never going to be weak again. Right now…I was weak...the weakest i've been in a long time. I could barley see, talk, and now stand up on my own. I pounded my fist against Kakashi's chest, that caught him off guard.

            "Isamu what's wrong?"

            I leaned my face into his chest as I felt tears start streaming down my face. I saw them dripping to the floor and some even landed on Kakashi's feet. I tried to hold back, but whimpers came out here and there. I felt Kakashi begin to stroke my head as he hoed me close. He squeezed me tightly against his him. I could hear his heart beat, and it was escalated. It made me worried...why was his heart was racing so fast.

            "It's okay Isamu…take your time…cry all you need…I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

            I looked straight up into his eye with tears falling down and my eyes were tired. I tried to speak up but it only came out as a whisper.

            "Do you…promise?"

            Kakashi's eye went wide in surprise. I think a certain memory came back to both of us.


            The sky turned grey, the sun was hidden behind many clouds. I was sitting on the 3rd Hokage' s face on the mountain where they were carved. I was dressed in a black kimono and had my hair pulled back with a black ribbon. I was staring up into the sky waiting for the rain to start. I had my eyes closed as tears were streaming down my face. I shook my head every now and again, asking why? Why would the world take such an innocent soul like Obito?

            I sat there for some time, Obito's funeral was happening soon. I had to clear my mind before I could make it over. I didn't think I had the courage to get up and attend. The first image or memory that gets brought up about him, I know I would break down. This boy, he was my team mate, more importantly he was my best friend. He was the first person to interact with me when I came to the Leaf village. He didn't care that I looked weird or I was super quiet and distant. That never stopped him from finding me out and forcing me into engaging with him.

            We would sit under that Sakura tree sharing our dreams, hopes, and our life goals. I can still see his big goofy grin every time he said he was going to becom Hokage. I put my face into my hands as I started sobbing.

            "I'm sorry Obito…you're dream…it will never come true…and it's…it's all my fault…oh Obitio…I miss you…"

            I continued to sob into my hands. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching. I snapped my head up to see the cause of the disruption.

            My body went from tense to relaxed at the sight of that silver-haired boy. He was also dressed in a black kimono. His mask still coverwd most of his face, his left eye closed. He slowly started walking to me with his hands in his pockets. He stood right next to me and immediately sat down. He sighed and looked out upon the village with his arms propping his knees up.

            He sat there for a few moments and it was silent. The sky began to thunder and after a few more moments the rain started to pour down. I looked over at Kakashi as the rain started to soak every part of my person. He looked over with a very saddened eye as he tried to force a smile for me.

            He turned to face me fully and grabbed my shoulders. I got scared for a moment because I had no idea what was happening. Suddenly he was hugging me and my chin was resting on his shoulder. He held me tight and I felt his grip around my waist continue to tighten.

            I let my body relax giving into Kakashi's embrace. I closed my eyes as my tears began mixing in with the rain. I heard Kakashi start to whisper something in my ear.

            "Isamu…I promise from this day forward…I will be by your side…always and forever. I will never leave you…I will protect you..."

            My eyes went wide as my tears stopped for a moment. I was trying to process what he just told me. I never thought we were really that close this whole time. I used to have to ask Obito if Kakashi hated me all the time because of how cold and arrogant he was towards me. With some time I finally realized that was just Kakashi…he could have his sweet moments when he wanted to, and today was one of those days.

            He never said anything like this to me before, I felt the sincerity and fear in his voice as he whispered. I nuzzled his neck as I whispered back.

            "I will never leave you either Kakashi…I will always be by your side no matter what..."

            We sat in the rain embracing for a little longer. After we exchanged our promises to each other, Kakashi stepped back to compose himself.

            "We are going to be late…I'm sure his funeral service has already started. We should probably head over."

            I nodded as I followed close behind Kakashi.

After that day I have never been the same.I never looked at Kakashi in the same light. To me he was a sweet caring boy who was also one of my best friends. That's how I wanted it to be.

We promised to each other so hat should be enough to ensure we will always be together by each other's side right?

End of Flashback

            I saw him lean down placing a kiss on my head. He held me tight and I felt him shaking a little.

            "I promise Isamu…I had promised years ago… I am not one to break promises."

            My heart broke from the sadness this brought me. I nuzzled his neck like I did that day as he held me tight. We stayed in this embrace for a few moments until a shaking sound and motion came from outside of the tent.

            "Hey Sensei! Is Isamu awake yet? Dinner is done! it's going to get cold soon!"

            It was Sakura's voice…after hearing her voice it hit me. I remembered, those rouge ninjavstarted to attack, one of them got her cheek with their kunai. After that…I remember that god awful burning sensation and my vision turning to red but, nothing else. Anything after that was a blur until I woke up in the tent. I  couldn't remember a all went black.

            "Yes Sakura…she just woke up…give us a minute...we will be out to join everyone shortly."

             Sakura's shadow nodded as it faded away towards the campfire. Kakashi stepped back and doing a quick examination of my body to ensure I was alright.

            "Do you think you can walk on your own now?"

            I nodded as I slipped back until only our fingers were interlocking. That was helping  hold me up. I slowly let got and stumbled back. I was able to stand on my own now. My vision seemed to be back and my voice, I think it was back?

            Kakashi nodded seeing I could stand on my own he began opening the front of the tent so we could go out and join the others. He bent down holding  one of the flaps open gesturing for me to go first. I did and as I struggled to get out I felt Kakashi's hand on the small of my back keeping me steady.

            I got out of the tent and stood up straight as I stretched just a little. I winced at how much pain my body was in. Kakashi ran over to me holding my shoulders and I heard Naruto gasp.

            "Isamu Sensei!"

            I held my hand out to both Kakashi and Naruto waving them off.  I wanted to let them know I was going to be fine. Kakashi let me go, I saw Naruto sit back down on his tree trunk still tense as he was watching my every move.

            I got closer to the campfire sitting down slowly on a log by myself in front of the fire. I realized that everyone was staring at me. Their faces were a mixture of confusion and fear. They all sat there not saying a word. Except for Kakashi, he was pouring the soup in two bowls, one for me and one for himself. He gave me one of the bowls and took his sitting down next to me.

            " Everyone…stop staring and being your dinner."

            Everyone shuffled and began eating as Kakashi ordered. Dinner started off in silence, then of course, Naruto was the first to break the silence.

            "Okay so I know it might be touchy but…can I ask what the hell happened?"

                        Everyone darted their eyes at Naruto. They were telling him to shut the hell up without actually saying it to his face.

            I put my bowl down on the opposite side as I cleared my throat. When I began to talk my voice was back to normal but was very raspy braking a lot during my sentences.

            "To be honest Naruto...I…I don't know what happened."

            Kakashi put his hand on my lower thigh squeezing it as he was eyeing Naruto to not say another word. For whatever reason Naruto, for course didn't listen.

            "What do you mean you don't know? How could you not know what was happening when it was…you! was well…sorta…kinda you…"

            Naruto trailed off as he began looking down at his food. Instead of eating it he was playing with it, trying to avert everyone's gaze. I did see that Sasuke and Sakura were looking at me waiting for me to answer. I could tell everyone here wanted to know what happened. I was telling them the truth though I really don't know what happened. I couldn't say much to everyone that would satisfy them.


            When I said his name he immediately shot up patiently waiting for me to say something. His ears were perked up as he was sitting on the trunk's edge.

                        "Let me put it this way so maybe you can understand…do you remember that day when you were fighting those two ninjas from the hidden mist village? You and Sasuke were in really bad shape...Sasuke was nearly dead…your 9 tail spirit chakra was then released taking you over...remember?"

            Naruto nodded as he put his finger on his chin trying to figure out what I was getting at. I'll say this kid is pretty good with jutsus' but when it comes to other smarts well…he just doesn't have them.

            "Yeah I do Sensei!…I couldn't remember much of the ending…I just remember waking up later in the hospital."

            I nodded holding my hand out gesturing for him to try and put two and two together. I think it finally did,  because his face lit up as if something clicked in his mind.

            "Oh! So Sensei you're saying what happened today…was your dragon spirit taking you over?"

            Everyone had their eyes pinned on me again which made me nervous. Kakashi was still holding on to my thigh, he started rubbing it trying to keep me calm.

            "Yes…like I said I can't remember much but it seems that is the most logical answer."

            Sakura  placed her bowl to the side and held her hand up a little with a puzzled look. 

            "So Isamu Sensei…if that's true and you can't remember what happened…what was the last thing you do remember?"

            I put my pointer finger and middle finger to the side of my temple while closing my eyes. My head started to pound as I was trying to get that sensation to go away so I could focus. I let myvhand fall to my side as I opened my eyes again.

            "The last thing I remember… one ninja I got from behind some bushes on our trail….after that I remember seeing a few more appear. There was one for each one of you that began fighting…I started running to get into the fight. I saw one of the ninja slash Sakura's cheek, from that point…it all went red and then black…Ivdon't remember a single thing after that until I woke up in the tent."

            Sakura held her hand up to the bandage that was on her face from that damn ninja. She nodded, but didn't say another word. I felt a heavy mood coming from everyone. I have never seen these three so quiet…especially Naruto, so it was my turn to ask my question.

            "What is wrong with everyone? Why is everyone so… quiet…"

                        I saw Sakura start to shift on her seat uncomfortably as the other two boys looked at each other. Thet nodded as they began to get more soup and eat. I saw Somato was not even looking up, so I then looked over to Kakashi. He had his head held down, he squeezed my thigh not saying a word.

            "Why is everyone acting so…weird? Seriously what happened that made everyone act like they saw a ghost or something…"       

            It stayed quiet until…Kakashi spoke up for the group. I don't think anyone else would have.

            "Isamu…I can tell you what happened… I don't think you are going to like it…it nearly scared everyone half to death…"

            He sighed as he stood up stretching. He rubbed the back of his neck as he was trying to think of how to start.

            "Kakashi…how did I nearly scare everyone half to death! Tell me what happened…I need to know…"

            That last statement was not true, so I whispered it. I was starting to think, I really didn't want to know what happened. If everyone is acting like this and no one will speak up…it must have been really bad.  I'm not sure if I could handle that right now. I shook these thoughts from my head. If I wasn't told what happened, then how am I supposed to prevent it from happening in the future?

            "Kakashi…it's okay I can take it don't have to worry…"

            He didn't listen to me though, his expression still showed worry. He sighed and was quiet for a moment before he started. Everyone else was staring at him waiting for him to tell me what everyone else wanted to know, but were too scared to speak up.

            "Isamu…after you blacked out…you went on a killing rampage…you did some pretty scary...powerful things… You killed all of the ninja that were after us with one single blow to each…It was gruesome…it was painful to watch…not something that you would praise…"

            I shook my head puzzled…I went on a rampage and killed all of those ninja without any effort?

            "Kakashi…how is that even possible…I mean…I don't even know what to say..."

            Kakashi nodded as he sighed again. He was really dragging this out.

            "There was also one more thing…"

            I tilted my head as I stared at him until he began to speak again. This time... he didn't say it, Naruto blurted it out.

            "After all the ninja were dead you attacked Kakashi Sensei!"

            I jumped up, wincing at the pain that it caused. I was so confused, I attacked Kakashi? Why would I have done something like that…it sounded like I was in this state for a decent amount of time.

            " I attacked…you…Kakashi?"

            He nodded looking at Naruto giving him a death stare. It was basically telling him if he knew what was good for him he would shut the hell up.

            "I…didn't hurt you…did I?"

                        My eyes began to fill with tears as I looked to the ground taking in everything he said happened. It all scared me and I wasn't the one who witnessed my beastly rampage.

            Kakashi shook his head as Sakura then put her hands on her hips yelling at Kakashi in disagreement.

            "Kakashi Sensei! Yes you were hurt your whole forehead was burned pretty bad!"

            Kakashi rolled his eye putting his face in his hands. I could tell what he was doing... his students were not falling for it. They weren't going to let Kakashi get away with this one…I'm glad because now I knew I hurt him…it pierced my heart to know that I was about to maul my…my best friend…I could have killed him…

             I threw my face into my hands as I stood up. I then began running away from the group. I felt weak, vulnerable, and didn't want them staring at me anymore. Now that I know what happened those stares hurt me even more. I couldn't run very fast, I couldn't keep up the pace for long either. So I started to slow down. I fell to my knees in the middle of the dark forest and continued to cry. I knew this was stupid of me to go out here alone...but  I couldn't be there right now...

            I then heard foot steps quickly approaching behind me. I jerked my head back to try and see who was coming. I pulled my kunai incase it was other ninja coming to finish the job. I held my Kunai preparing for who ever was going to show up.

            I saw Kakashi running up and bent down next to me. He put his hand on my kunai pushing it down. I put my kunai away and continued to look down. I did not have the courage to face him after what I did. Why is he treating me so kindly after I burnt him...and almost killed him?

            Kakashi put his hand on my back and began to rub it slowly. I felt him staring, waiting for me to look up at him or say something. I continued to cry, I couldn't say anything. What could I say to make what I did any better? Nothing…absolutely nothing.

            Kakashi grabbed my chin and slowly pulled it up so that I was forced to look at him. I stared into his eye as his face went soft.

            "Why did you run away Isamu…you shouldn't be running in your condition…"

            I put my hand on his pulling it away so he was no longer touching me. He flinched and tilted his head in confusion. I looked up with hurt eyes trying to find the right words to say.

            "Why…why are you treating me like this after I almost killed you?...Why would you be gentle and caring to someone who could have taken your life today…Why would you…"

            Before I could finish my sentence Kakashi  pulled his mask down and came in close. He grabbec my chin pulling me into a kiss. He was kissing me…passionately…it felt sincere…and It felt...good. I kissed him back for a moment, when I realized what was happening I opened my eyes pulling away. I looked at him with shock, I couldn't believe what he just did.

            He gave a  small smile but there was still sadness in his eye.

            "Isamu…what happened today was not you…what you did…that was not you, not the Isamu I know. That was that damn beast inside of you taking over…you had no control over anything.  The beast wanted it's taste of blood…but Isamu…you have to understand this. Yes, you almost killed me... but you didn't. You fought hard enough that instead of finishing me off, you passed out. You cut the beast off before it could do anymore damage…that is because you are a strong… strong woman."

            I blinked at him as I was at a loss for words, I understood what he was saying but I was still saddened that I let the beast get that far.

            "If I stopped…then how did I burn your forehead."

            I pointed up to where his headband was tightened against. This would explain why he was wearing his headband normally without needing to use his Sharingan.

            He went to touch his forehead looking back down with his soft expression. The whole time he has been calm and patient with me. Never getting angry, fighting back, just caring and understanding.

            "When you had me pinned on the ground…I was staring into your eyes, well they weren't really your eyes, not at that moment. They were fully red, burning with rage and anger. For one second when I was looking into your eyes, I saw a quick glimpse of you. After I saw this I knew you were still there, you had my arms pinned so I placed my forehead against yours. I kept it there closing my eyes calling out for you…calling for you to come back to me…it took sometime and you passed out. I got free and took you back to safety."

            I kept a very deadpanned expression with him, I felt if I didn't I was going to breakdown again...I was so tired. I don't think I could have another episode, or I would be passed out on the ground again.

            "So you are saying…when you placed your forehead against mine that was…when you got burnt?"

            He nodded pulling the headband up to expose his bandage. He began unwrapping it to expose the large burn mark that turned a deep red.

            "Yes, for some reason when the beast comes out your skin becomes so hot it emits steam burning anything that it touches…I don't know why... but, your eyes and the smoke…"

            I tilted my head…smoke? I remember that one night I was in the alley I had thought I was seeing smoke rise from my face. I couldn't really tell for sure since it was so dark.

            "Smoke? Smoke from where?"

            He pointed to his mouth and then to his nose.

            "It was seeping out of your mouth and your nostrils, you also grew blood red claws and…"

            Kakashi trailed off looking to the side. I could tell he was holding back, he was deciding whether he should finish or stop here. He sighed pointing to my chest, then up to my face. He came in closer and lifted my shirt. He began tracing from my navel up to my chest. I  flinched when he got to my mid chest as he traced in between my breasts all the way up to my chin. He moved his finger up to my lips, stopping right in between my eyes. His hand then went back down to his side.

            "Your dragon tattoo…it looked like it was consuming your body. The majority of your body thag was showing turned fully black. It stopped right under your chin... your face…it altered a bit…you looked like the dragon that is on your neck and it became your actual face…"

            I held my arms crossed over my chest. I held myself as I was trying to process what Kakashi said.

            "Kakashi…why is this happening to me…why now? It never happened before. I was in way worse situations as an Anbu. Why now…why with these rouge ninja that posed no real threat…I don't understand…I'm scared."

            I grabbed my knees holding them close to my chest trying to process everything he told me. What I did and what I became, it struck something when he mentioned my dragon tattoo. There was no way he could have known that I had that unless he has seen me…naked. My cheeks flushed as I hid my face. He has never seen me before, I always wear long sleeves and pants to cover every piece of that damn dragon.

            I was trying to figure out when and where he would have seen, but I couldn't think of any. I looked up at Kakashi puzzled.

            "Kakashi…how did you know I had that dragon tattoo on my body?"

            Kakashi's eye went wide in fear as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He took a while before he answered.


            I looked at him eagerly waiting to hear what he was going to say.

            He sighed and slumped down in defeat.

                        "I never have seen it before, I only knew about it…from the Hokage… Sakura and I had to make sure you had no fatal injuries when you passed out...we saw it then as we examined you for injuries. "

            My face became heated and I felt mad but embarrassed at the same time. No one knew about that dragon tattoo besides my family and the Hokage. I was trying to figure out in my head why the Hokage would tell Kakashi about it…then it hit me. I got a real serious expression on my face as my eyes pierced Kakashi's. He sat straight up staring back at me with concern and anxiety written all over his face.

            "Lord Hokage told you about my dragon tattoo? Why would he tell you… why would he place me on your team specifically…This was all planned out…did he ask you to babysit me!"

            Kakashi looked at me wide eyed and speechless. He tried to answer  but I cut him off.

            "Are you serious? knew all along… that's why you've been hovering over me consistently everywhere I go...because he told you to watch me!"

            I started to get mad now…how stupid could I be to think that Kakashi actually was doing this because he cared for me…no he was doing this because it was a mission Lord Hokage gave him!

            I stood up and stormed off back to the campsite. When I saw the campfire I quickened my pace. I was able to reach the campsite as everyone was still sitting where they were when I left. They all stared at me, but they realized that I was not in the mood so they all kept quiet. I went inside my tent and zipped it up. I laid on my futon pulling my pillow close to my chest  burying my face in it. I screamed and cried into the pillow so no one could hear me.

            I can't believe this…he knew from the very beginning and never told me! He never mentioned once about the Hokage telling him anything. Why couldn't he tell me from the beginning? Then maybe I wouldn't be looking as stupid as I did right now... I wouldn't be so upset about…what he's done.          

            Suddenly I heard a tug on the outside of my tent so I looked up from my pillow. I saw the silhouette of Kakashi's body standing right in front of my tent. I forced my face back into the pillow hoping he would just go away. He continued to tug as he whispered,

            "Isamu…I know you're in there…please come out…or let me in…"

            His voice sounded so quiet…so sad...but I wasn't buying it. He showed me where he stands with our friendship the moment he took this mission and didn't say one word to me. I heard the front of my tent start to slowly unzip. Kakashi walked in and zipped the front up so he was closed in with me.

            I buried my face even deeper, I then felt a hand on my back. I jerked my head up looking at Kakashi with my tired wet eyes.

            "Why Kakashi…why wouldn't you tell me? I thought we…we were friends…we could tell each other everything…why didn't you tell me?"

            My eyes started watering again as I waited for his response.

            He looked down this time, he didn't want to face me. He sighed and closed his eye,

            "Because Isamu…if I told you what I knew and what Lord Hokage asked of me it could have made the situation worse…it could have triggered you... it could have made you so upset that your dragon would have taken you over right there…I didn't tell you so that I could protect you Isamu, you have to believe me."

            I looked at him, I could see his pain and sincerity. I knew he was telling the truth. I can understand now why he kept it to himself, what I turned into and what I did would have been awful if it were to happen in the village.

            Kakashi pulled me in to where my chin was resting on his shoulder. He held me tight and I could feel him shaking. He then whispered in my ear,

            "I promised you I would always be by your side…always…I would never go back on that promise…"

           I knew what he did,  what he was telling me is the truth. I was blinded by rage and embarrassment that I figured everyone was scared and viewed me differently. It took me back to when I was in my village, how everyone treated me.... because of how I looked and what I had inside of me. They were all scared and would avoid me. I figured everyone in this world would see me as that.

            Everyone in the leaf village…my friends…Lord Hokage…Naruto…Sasuke…Sakura…Kurenai...Asuma...Guy...Iruka...and Kakashi. They never viewed me as a monster...or weird ...or anything of the sort. They all treated me with compassion and acceptance. They included me wanting to spend time with me.

            All of this flooded out...all the negative thoughts...Kakashi looked at me as he pulled back.

            "I see you're finally smiling again…you know…your smile is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen…"

            He smiled as he cupped my face. I held his hand against my cheek as I closed my eyes. I felt comfort and peace.

            "Thank you…"

            We sat there for a moment and decided to get back out to the campfire. When we came out we saw Naruto. He was the only one sitting by the fire still. It looked like everyone else went to bed, which I don't blame them since it was late.

            Kakashi put his hands in his pocket and sighed when he saw Naruto poking the fire. He wasc trying to make it bigger, he was getting frustrated when it was doing the opposite. When he saw Kakashi and I he ended up throwing the stick into the fire as he was rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

            "Naruto…what are you doing up?

            He shrugged his shoulders as he looked at me. I saw concern in his eyes and his face said it all.

            "Kakashi Sensei…can I talk with Isamu…alone?"

            Kakashi was surprised by Naruto's request and his manners. He nodded as he shot me a smile before he went into his tent.

            I went over and sat next to Naruto as I started placing more wood in the fire. I wanted to keep it going so we could stay warm while we talked.

            "So Naruto…what are you thinking? I can see concern written all over your face."

I said softly as I poked the wood in the fire.

            He started to twiddle his thumbs and look around nervously. I looked at him giving him a soft smile while I put my hand on his shoulder.

            "It's okay Naruto…you can talk to me."

            He nodded and got a serious expression on his face.

            "Isamu Sensei…when you were in that state earlier…it reminded me of when the 9 tails took over me like you said. I remember well…I remember not remembering anything that happened, and I was stuck…trapped in my own body. I felt like I couldn't do anything and had no control... it scared me…it still scares me because it could happen again at any time! …seeing you today and how Kakashi was able to well…stop the beast it got me thinking."

            I nodded waiting for him to continue.

            "Do you think that…since we seem the same and all…do you think you could help me?"

            I tilted my head in confusion and turned to face him fully.

            "Help you with what Naruto?"

            He got embarrassed again, his face turned red as he averted his eyes back to the fire.

            "I don't know... help me in learning how to try and tame the 9 tails so it won't take over during unpredictable times…I just want to learn how to become stronger but I want it to be because of me…not because of the 9 tails."

            I saw the sadness but also the strong determination in his eyes. I smiled... he reminded me of Obito…they were so similar it was almost uncanny. I smiled as I ruffled his hair,

            "Of course Naruto…as long as I am here as a Jonin in the hidden leaf village I will always be willing to help you and anyone else that comes. I will never turn you away no matter what…just remember that."

            He smiled and nodded in agreement.

            "Hey Isamu Sensei…can I ask you one last thing?"

            I turned to the fire trying to keep warm and keep my eyes open,


            "When you were a kid…in your home village…what was it like? Were you treated…differently too?"

            The word differently hit me hard…I knew exactly what he was asking and why he was asking it. He wanted to know that he wasn't the only person who had something happen to them out of their control and others treating or seeing them in a bad light because of it.

            I smiled as I put my hands up against the fire to warm them.

            "You know Naruto…when I was young and in my village I was supposed to become the next Cheiftan of my clan.."

            I saw his eyes light up and sparkle in awe,

            " When you're Cheiftan...your whole clan looks up to you. They expect you to lead them into prosperity…because I was the only girl that ever survived the dragon spirit transfer and be in line for Cheiftan it made me a large target…people did treat me differently… to be honest I never had anyone I could say I was close except for my mother until I came to the Hidden Leaf Village."

            Naruto nodded as he turned to me,

            "What about your father the cheiftan? He must have been there for you right?"

            I shook my head as sadness hit me.

            "No Naruto…my father disowned me. My mother was there... but she was tired and too busy taking care of her responsibilities. By the end of the day she was so tired I would never bother her much. I would help her to bed…give her a kiss goodnight…and leave her be. So honestly…just like you…I felt alone...I was alone for a long time, but it never discouraged me. It actually drove me to becoming stronger and more knowledgeable. Now I've hit a really great point in my life…and Naruto…"

            He looked at me with his eyes that were watering over, they were shimmering in the fire light.

            "You will get there too... one day…I have no doubt you will become the next greatest Hokage of the Leaf Village."

            I looked at him with sincerity in my eyes and a warm smile to put him at ease. If he's anything like Obito which, I know he is…there is nothing that makes me think that he won't reach his dream.

            Naruto started crying, he then came over and gave me a huge hug.

            "Isamu Sensei! Thank you so much!"

            I laughed and hugged him, I then watched as he made his way to his tent and zipped it up to go to sleep for the night.

            I was there sitting alone in front of the fire now.