Chapter 14 The Scroll

            I woke up this morning feeling relaxed, which was surprising considering the past few days I've had. I was looking forward to some time alone, and time to relax. The training Lord Hokage was talking about sounded like it was going to be intense. I wanted to make sure I could relax before pouring blood, sweat, and tears again.

            I finished getting ready for the day, grabbed my key, and walked out of my apartment heading towards the market square. I needed to restock my food supply and wanted to browse what other cool things I could find.  It's been so long since I've been to the market that, I had no idea how many sellers there were and what kinds of things they would have these days.

            I made my way as I looked up to the sky, the sun was out, with little to no clouds, and a cool breeze. It was such a nice day, I sighed and smiled  soaking in the sun. I started at a cart that was set up selling red bean paste rice balls and dumplings and a few other things. Those red bean-paste rice balls and dumplings are my favorite food besides ramen of course! I bought almost everything they had made before they opened up. I didn't care I was going to enjoy every last one of them! I  made my way to another kart for some vegetables, spices, and herbs for cooking. I continued on and as I came to a cart that was set up with jewelry I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

            "Isamu! Hey is that you over there!"

                        I turned around to see Kurenai, Asuma, and Iruka in a small group heading over. Kurenai was smiling, yelling my name which made everyone stare. I know she didn't care but, I did. I didn't want everyone's eyes on me right now.

            "Hey Kurenai! Asuma, Iruka! How are you guys?"

            Kurenai went in for a big bear hug as I patted the upper part of her back trying to get free so I could breathe.

            "We are good just about to head out to get some lunch, we have the day free from the troublemakers…we should probably make the best of it!"

                        Kurenai and I locked gazes as we both rolled our eyes. She playfully hit Asuma's shoulder.

            "Asuma! They are not troublemakers please!"

            We all laughed and Iruka looked at me with a big smile on his face.

            "Would you like to join us? We are going down to this BBQ place not too far from the market."

            I felt my stomach growl at the word 'BBQ'. I think that pretty much gave my answer. Kurenai grabbed my arm and we followed the two boys to the BBQ place. We snatched a bigger community table in the back of the shop where it was quieter. We all sat down and started talking about how everyone's teams are with their progress. Kurenai and Asuma of course, were boasting and trying to compete with each other. Trying to prove which one of them had a stronger team.

            While Asuma and Kurenai were getting into it I saw Iruka staring at me with a faint smile. I turned my gaze to him giving a deadpan expression while I shrugged my shoulders.

            "Can I help you?"

            Iruka laughed softly, while rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

            "Not really! I'm just happy you're back. We've missed you while you were away for so long."

            Kurenai and Asuma stopped their bickering and stared at Iruka. They moved their attention to me awaiting my reaction.

            "I missed you guys too…it was quiet out there, it's nice to be back…, especially with you two bickering! I missed that the most…you all are so cute."

            I winked at Kurenai, I knew she had a thing for Asuma. I had to tease her, it was the perfect opportunity. Then I realized... I was going to regret saying that after I saw that cunning smile on her face.

            "Cute huh? Speaking of cute where's your silver-haired puppy?"

            I rolled my eyes and felt my face get hot. I decided to take a drink of water to try and hide my embarrassment.

            Kurenai smiled as she waited for my response with that damn look on her face. It was a... you mess with me I'll give it back 10 fold kind of look.

            "To be honest Kurenai…I have no idea I haven't seen him since yesterday when we turned in from our mission."

            I said with a blank face shrugging my shoulders, trying to act like what she said didn't phase me. She nodded  and crossed her arms.

            "He's probably propped up on some tree branch reading that…book."

            I laughed and nodded in agreement. I wouldn't doubt it, I'm sure that was exactly what he was doing with his day off. Our food arrived and we began to eat. I was starving so of course I started off. I took about 6 pieces at once onto my plate. The meat was cooked to perfection and my mouth was watering. I didn't even notice everyone staring at me.

            I looked up with my mouth half full and shrugged.

            "What? I'm hungry and this BBQ is the best!"

            Kurenai and Asuma laughed as they began to eat, Iruka followed after. We sat there for a while talking and reminiscing about our youth. We talked about the academy and then, how Kurenai and Asuma were dealing with their teams and how Iruka is dealing with being the academy sensei. We finished up realizing that it was time to start heading out. Kurenai and Asuma had more things to do outside of the market area so they left first. They waved their hands leaving Iruka and I in front of the BBQ shop.

            I was about to turn to say my goodbye, but before I could get anything out he beat me to it.

            "Hey Isamu…this was really nice…are you needing to finish anything up right now?"

            I looked at the sky, then back to the marketplace where the stands were starting to pack up for the evening. I knew where this was going, I didn't want to go with Iruka anywhere. I had my fair share of company today. I was ready to take a walk while the sunsets and make my way up to the Hokage memorial to sit like when I was younger.

            "Iruka…I have to head home and get a training plan done for Naruto and Sauske for tomorrow."

            I did have to come up with a training plan for them so we could start as soon as possible I just…didn't have to get it done tonight.

            Iruka smiled and nodded.

            "Of course! I understand completely…well let me know if you're free sometime I'd love to go out just you and me..catch up on our own terms."

            I nodded giving a faint smile as I turned around and started walking toward the academy. I arrived at the academy, looked up and saw the sun was already starting to set. I jumped up to the roof of the academy, then from roof to roof until I made it to the mountain side. I started to climb up the side, once I made it to the top I sat on the 4th Hokage's face carving. I crossed my legs, leaned back and got comfortable. From up here everything was so quiet and peaceful. I looked from the marketplace out to where the main gate was. I closed my eyes letting the wind blow in my face and through my hair. I took a loud and long sigh as I let all the tension out of my body. I really needed this after the past few days.

            I sat there for a few moments, I then heard a small gust of wind and some rocks shake on the ground. I opened my eyes tilting my head not moving an inch. It's just like Kakashi to pop out of nowhere and know exactly where to find me. He waved slowly as he made his way next to me. He sat down getting into a relaxing position and started watching the sunset with me.

            "Well hello…nice to see you up here…if we keep meeting like this I'll start to think you're stalking me."

            I laughed while playfully punching his shoulder. I saw him get bright red and smirk a little.

            "Who me? Stalk you? I think the village air is getting to your head."

            I rolled my eyes sitting up a little resting my arms on my crossed knees. Kakashi saw the immediate shift in my demeanor.

            "I have to read that scroll today… part of me doesn't want to…I think I'm procrastinating."  

            Kakashi laughed, when I looked over his eye was closed with a big smile on his face, it warmed my heart.

            "You? Isamu procrastinating? I've never heard of such a thing…"

            I sighed as I continued staring out at the sunset. I felt Kakashi get closer putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me in. I wasn't expecting this so of course I got super red and didn't say anything.

            "You know Isamu, in the colors of the sunset your hair and eyes really glow….you are so beautiful…"

            He said this staring down and I Iooked up as we locked gazes for a moment. He looked away sighing a little.

            "In all seriousness, I think you need to read that scroll tonight…we can't be wasting any more time."

            I nodded slowly started to stand up. I brushed the dirt off of my clothes and put my hands on my hips. I looked down at Kakashi who was still sitting there staring up at me.

            "Kakashi…can you come read it with me? I think I'll be more comfortable and calm with you there instead of alone.."

            I said softly as I looked away in embarrassment. Kakashi stood up nodding.

            "Of course…let's head over so we can get this over with."

            we both started jumping from tree to tree , then roof to the roof as we got closer to the village marketplace. We arrived at my apartment and I opened the door. We went in and Kakashi closed the door behind him. I went into my bedroom to search for my satchel. When I found it under my blankets I brought it out. I saw Kakashi made himself at home. He was sitting on the couch watching me. I sat down next to him putting my satchel down. I grabbed the closed scroll and put it on my lap. I took a deep breath, and sighed as I started opening the scroll. I saw Kakashi out of the corner of my eye hovering over my shoulder looking down at the scroll.

            I opened it to the first portion, I began to read out loud so Kakashi could hear. I knew he could read it but, it made me feel better reading it out loud.

            "Isamu…if you are reading this scroll you must have reached your 21st birthday. This scroll is meant for you and to be passed down each generation. This scroll pertains as much information and knowledge we have gathered about the blood dragon spirit from the first chieftain…"

            I opened the scroll more to continue reading.

            "The first thing you need to know is this. When the heir turns 21 years old the blood dragon spirit fully awakens. The spirits power and chakra are offered to be used by the host. The dragon will then mix their chakra with yours. The dragon spirit is something that was forced upon the first chieftain that created our village and way of life. Even with the power the blood dragon gives you, there are always consequences. These consequences are viewed as god-like powers. Some are viewed as an inevitable demise for the chieftains…"

            I looked over at Kakashi with wide eyes as I stopped.

            "Did it say…inevitable demise? …does that mean…this spirit will be the death of me?"

            Kakashi shrugged his shoulders as his eye went wide. He then pointed to the closed part of the scroll.

            "I don't know…you need to continue reading maybe that will be explained."

            I nodded as I began reading again.

            "The last portion of this scroll will give you as much information as possible that has been gathered from our ancestors and will hopefully help you find your way as chieftain.

The process of transferring the blood dragon can be fatal for both the newborn and the chieftain. The transfer process is done by our most skilled and exceptional medical shinobi. The transfer process is done when the chieftain's firstborn comes out of the womb. The current Chieftain will no longer possess any of the chakra or powers from the spirit. The chieftain is losing a great amount of power and chakra all at once. This can be too much for the body of the host to handle. The transfer and the quick loss of energy have caused chieftains to meet their premature deaths.

If the transfer process is not done before the chieftain turns 41 years old the dragon spirit consumes the chieftain from the inside out. It then breaks free from its host. The dragon spirit will begin wreaking havoc until it is caught and sealed again. This is only known from the very first Chieftain of our village who was unable to produce an heir. This is the only known case and has not happened since.

There have been records of chieftains being consumed by the dragon spirit. This is where the dragon takes over, using the host's body as it's own. The chieftain is covered fully in black scales up to their neck. Their faces turn into that of a dragon. Their eyes then become blood red. During these times it has been recorded, when this happens the chieftain knows nothing about what happened or what they had done until they overcome the spirit or they pass out from exhaustion. It is still being recorded and observed what exactly causes these out bursts, we have come to no exact conclusion.

Lastly The chieftain gains the power of the Rinnegan Kekkei Genkai. This was told to the first cheiftan when the spirit was transferred and concealed. The spirit had a trace of Hagoromo Otsutsuki's spirit chakra that was morphed at some point in time way before the first chieftain. The Rinnegan has only been mastered by the first chieftain. It takes a substantial amount of chakra and energy to activate. T Kekkei Genkai that no one else has ever been able to activate and master it.

After reading the last entry of the scroll I let the scroll fall to my feet, I was paralyzed. This's really this powerful that it  gives me the Rinnegan? Only a select few have ever been sighted to have this Kekkei Genkai. It's only able to be provided to someone who has Hagoromo's spirit within theirs, or if they had Hagoromo's actual eyes or body with traces of his chakra.

            I shook my head sitting back trying to compose my thoughts. Kakashi grabbed the scroll from the ground and began looking over it himself. His face was serious the entire time with no trace of emotion. I stared at him until I saw that he finished reading. He then rolled it up, placed it back into my satchel as he sighed.

            "Kakashi…this is…"

            He stood up as I was going to finish my sentence going into the kitchen. He began looking through the cupboards and fridge like it was his own place.

            I got up makinv my way over to the kitchen. Kakashi closed the cupboard as he turned towards me.

            "I can make us does miso soup sound? That's all it seems I can make with the ingredients you have."

            I tilted my head in confusion, it was like nothing phased him and he didn't just read my powerful death sentence.

            " That's fine Kakashi but…"

            Kakashi began taking the ingredients and placing them out on the counter. He began prepping as I watched him for a second. I felt a burning sensation in my stomach. Kakashi ignoring this... just made me upset.


            He stopped, looking at me with surprise in his eye. I yelled his name with a stern tone, like you would when your dog did something bad and you were going to scold it.

            He kept his eye on me waiting for me to answer.


            I crossed my arms leaning against the kitchen table. I shook my head as I shrugged my shoulders.

            "How are you being so… calm about this? How are you just ignoring everything we just read? "

            I still had my stern tone, expecting him to answer me. He sighed, putting down the knife he was holding. He turned around to face me leaning against the counter.

            "Isamu…I'm not ignoring what we read or the situation. I am trying to process it. This information is a lot to take in all at once. It puts even more urgency on your training. I just…think we should take a moment to eat, let it set in, and then we discuss it more."

            He turned around continuing to  prepare dinner. I know he is right, I can't be rash with all of this information. I can't believe there was so much to this that I never knew. I sat down at the table lost in thought. I asked myself the same question. Why would my father never tell me or prepare me for this? I know nothing happens till 21, but still...this information should have been brought to my attention much sooner. This gives time for the host to train and build their chakra and will strength to control the spirit. This will help in ensuring the spirit dosen't take over with the host's emotions.

             I looked up at Kakashi who was already placing a bowl in front of me. He placed his down taking his seat across from me. I bowed my head mouthing a thank you. Kakashi nodded and gestured to begin eating. We ate in a tense silence. When we were done I took the bowls and began washing them. I was putting my attention to this as my thoughts were running crazy. I then felt Kakashi's hands wrap around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder. I gave him a side eye, he was staring down at my hands.

            He held me tight, I could feel him pressed against me. I could feel my face turn hot as I  finished the dishes. I put my hands over his as I turned my head to the side to trying to meet his gaze. He tilted his head still on my shoulder to the side looking into my eyes.

            "What do you think we do now? To be honest all of this scares me…To know I possess so much power it's…overwhelming."

            I went quiet as Kakashi squeezed me. I could feel his breath through his mask against my neck.

            "I think our next step is to go to the Hokage. We give him the scroll to read through so he is aware of everything. Once he knows, we can discuss how we are going to proceed. I don't think we do anything until then."

            I nodded in agreement, that is probably the best thing to do. This means I can rest a little tonight since we wouldn't be able to meet with the Hokage until tomorrow morning.

            I felt Kakashi push me out gesturing for me to turn to face him. His hands were pressing on my hips. When I faced him, his mask was pulled down. He was smiling with a sad eye. I could see there was some fear mixed in. He brought his hand up to softly caress my cheek and ran his finger over my bottom lip. He let his hand fall as he bent down to kiss me. He pulled my waist in closer and held me tight. I felt his emotions in the kiss and in his touch. We continued for a moment, I then put my hands on his chest to push him back.

            "Kakashi…I can see sadness in your eye…what is wrong?"

            I don't normally get this feeling with him. He normally is very well at suppressing his feelings. He doesn't emit or show much physically. This is a reason he wears a mask. The mask covers the majority of his face to hide his expressions. He thought it was a weakness from a very young age. I have been able to read him better as I spent more time with him. Being able to feel and see it means it's strong or…he is vulnerable.

            Kakashi let go and placed his hand behind his head as he sighed.

            " I feel saddened by all of this because…you didn't ask for this, you never asked for the spirit or all the awful things that come with it. Yet, it was forced upon you and now you are going to have to be more cautious and careful. Always on your guard, with people around you, but also with yourself and your emotions. It's not a fair thing to be forced upon someone…It's just like Naruto, and then the people around you either fear you or expect so much out of you."

            I shrugged and smiled looking up at him. I think this surprised him the way his eye opened more.

            "It's okay…I am determined to learn how to control the spirit. I will work day in and day out until I can use the dragons chakra as an extension of my own. I won't let this beast take over…not that easily."

            I laughed a little as I pointed my finger up at him.

            " I would have thought you had a little more faith in me then that."

            He chuckled along with me and I felt the tension disappear. I am glad that we were able to read the scroll…but deep down I could hear myself asking…can you do this? Can you  harness and withstand so much power?

            This caused some doubt but, I silenced that part of me. There was no way I could let the beast take over. There is no way that I am going to risk losing my friends and loved ones because of this.

             I finished the last part in my head as I looked up at Kakashi.  I finally realized why the Hokage asked him to do this. I realized why he is the best person to help me through this all.