Chapter 13 - Wolf King

Jackson bombardment killed off 50% of the 100 hundreds of the wolves. Again Jackson returned back to level 3 protection mode to face them in close combat but this time Jackson did not hold back.

Aiming with his arms towards wolves who are close to him, Jackson shot out flames and burned the wolves to ash. Flames started to cover the forest but Jackson did not care; he knows that if he held back he might be in danger.

These wolves are indeed stronger and faster than the rats. Some could easily dodge bullets and shells that Jackson fired earlier. That is how they survived better than the rats, The wolves began to surround Jackson from all sides. They moved fast and used hit and run tactics hoping to tire Jackson out but little did these wolves know that Bunker will never run out of juice.

Bunker did have one weakness and that is his speed. Built for only defense and offensive bunkers, combat mobility is as slow as a snail paced and it's because of this Jackson is having a hard time against the wolves.

Both Jackson and the wolves stop fighting and now are in a stand still. The wolves could not pernitrate Jackson defenses and Jackson does not have the mobility to fight the wolves. Like a standoff, both sides just stared at each other and waited for who would make the first move.


Suddenly a loud wolf howl sounded from the back lines of the wolves. A massive white wolf slowly walked towards Jackson, Seeing this Jackson can feel its majestic aura. "this must be the king from how he behaves"

The wolf king growled at his subordinates, making them back off and surrounded Jackson. Jackson noticed that the way the wolves is setup it looks like a duel is about to take place. It was a fight between him and Jackson. Only by death one can leave.


The king wolf got into his battle stance and prepared to attack Jackson. Jackson responded with a laugh. "haha, Animals in this world sure are interesting!" Hearing Jackson's words the wolf king growled.

"I know you can understand me wolf king. Why don't you take the remaining pack back home huh?" Jackson suggested a ceasefire. "Do you want to lose more? As a king you should know when to retreat and advance."

The wolf king chose to neglect Jackson words and attacked. Jackson was ready for this and waited for the last moment to move, catching the wolf king off guard. Getting gripped by Jackson The wolf king knew it underestimated Jackson and paid for it.

Jackson bear hugged the wolf king not letting it go, the wolf king struggled and clawed at Jackson but proved to be useless versus Bunker tough plate armor. "Well I warned you, Hehe now die" Jackson mocked the wolf king for ignoring his warning and killed him with the bear hug breaking the wolf spine in half.


The wolf king gave its last order and died. The wolves saw how their king died and howled in response to the order of their king. All the remaining wolves attacked Jackson again but this time Jackson just grinned and commanded Bunker.

"Activate level 1, fortress Jackson Looked in disdain towards the wolves while Bunker transformed.


Distance away from the battle 6 figures can be seen running away.

"Sis, are we really running away like this?" Lili asked Lulu next to her.

"I don't know, the way he sounded it was very urgent that we had run back to the mountain" Lulu responded to her sis but looked very worried despite her calm tone.

"Don't stop, we need to ask his servants for help. If their master is that strong then his servants would not be that far off beside there is another metal giant back on the mountain and all of you have seen what the metal giant can do." Faith said that her sister would continue to run and did not turn back to help Jackson.

They know that being level 3 does not mean they are strong enough to handle everything, there is always someone stronger than them.

Hearing their elder sister, the girls increased their speed hoping to reach the mountain and traveled back to help Jackson before everything was too late.

15 minutes later the group met up with Henry and Bell on the top of the rocky mountain.

Faith rushed up and ahead of her sisters towards Henry. "Sir, you need to go and help your master now it seems something bad has happened. He sent us back first to get help" Faith said, urging Henry to move quickly.

"What happened?" Henry asked if he was rather calm. Seeing how he behaved, Faith could not help but curse at how unloyal they are. Their master is in danger and they did not move or worry at all.

"We don't know, After the fight with the queen rat the young master ordered us to run back" Faith explained. "You need to go now before it's too late" Not giving up on sending help to Jackson.

But Henry only turned towards Bell and asked. "Any news from Master? Do a focus scanning towards his direction."

Listening, Bell did as she was told and began to scan for Jackson's situation. After A while Bell floated Back down from the sky and said. "Master has been attacked by wolves, the ones I saw before"

"How is the Master situation?" Henry asked Bell but before Bell could respond to Henry. Hope interrupted them. "What? Wolves. Oh my lord they might be a pack of swift wind wolves. Those adult wolves are all level 4 and their king can be as strong as peak level 5. Oh no we have to help him." Hope Panicked and warned Henry and Bell about how strong those wolves are.

Ignoring her Henry turns to Bell again waiting for her to finish her words. Bell also ignored Hope and seeing the two made her feel foolish for asking help from this unloyal bunch But when she heard Bell's words she was shocked.

"Master is fine, Enemy numbers are decreasing and not too long ago the strongest life signals just died; it must be their king," Bell said to Henry.

"What? Really? young master okay?" Lili said, which made her sisters turn and look at her. Feeling her sister gaze, Lili started to feel her cheeks becoming hot.

Seeing her sister embarrassed, Lulu could not help and think. "Is my sister in love with Young master? interesting hehe" Feeling amused Lulu looks like she was planning her evil schemes.

But she was not the only one and there was another but chose to keep quiet about it and none of her noticed her worries are of the same level as Lili.

Henry heard Lili's worries and answered calmly "Miss Lili, Please do not worry Bunker is with the master. So even if the master could not kill the enemy, Bunker's defenses are enough for him to walk back without a scratch" Henry assured the group of girls which all of them signed out of relief.


Back to where the battle was, Jackson was Standing in the middle of a pile of wolf corpses. The battle ended and Jackson got out of Bunker to inspect for any damages but he found nothing worth mentioning at all.