Chapter 15 - Breathing techniques

It has been a week since Jackson took the breathing techniques from Faith. Studying it Jackson found out that these techniques are very similar to martial arts. In these techniques one has to follow a series of movements while following a specific way of breathing.

Doing so one can harness the power of spirit energy inside their body. The spirit energy then cleanses the body from any harmful substance making the body stronger and healthier.

As Jackson studied these breathing techniques, knowing that it might have some relation to martial arts back on earth he called Henry to study these techniques with him. When Henry browses through the breathing techniques, he confirms Jackson's speculations about it.

There are similarities, Henry has recorded all types of martial arts that ever existed on earth. Henry doesn't only know these martial arts but uses them against him.

Working together Jackson wanted to see if they could create a new type of breathing technique that uses earth's martial arts. Jackson also called in Bell, with Bell Medical knowledge and functions they could further change these breathing techniques.

Jackson was confident of creating his own technique. After all he has 2 knowledgeable AIs in the field of martial arts and the human body including his own talents with the field of science they could unravel a new way of cultivating.

As Jackson Henry and Bell worked on creating new techniques for Jackson personal use. Cuprite, Tool Maker and Bunker as well as the 6 girls worked on completing the base.

Cuprite was now able to lay eggs of greater ant workers and soldier ants due to the amount of food she has digested in the past week. Hundreds and hundreds of rat and wolf meat allowed Cuprite to give birth to now 250 lesser ant workers which are her first children's. They are only half her size and can only do labor work and are weak to combat. Cuprite has 150 greater ant workers which are twice her size and is an allrounder type ant, they are able to fight and work but do not excel on both jobs. They are more like bodyguards to the lesser ant workers, while also helping them if anything attacked the lesser ants or something far too heavy to carry they would take care of it. And lastly Cuprite has 100 Soldier ants, a combat type ant and now responsible for guarding the nest and rocky mountain.

Totaling the amount of ants on the rocky mountain into 500. It was a scary amount of ant army. Back on earth ants are the weakest insect if they are alone but when the horde of ants are together they would kill and eat everything on their way.

Hope said to Jackson before that ants type spirit beasts are the weakest type of spirit pets and no would nurture them. Those who did only used the ants for certain types of chores but when Jackson heard that those who nurtured ant type spirit beasts in the past only raised a single ant. He could not help but distanced them from nurturing a species that lives and fights with a horde.

It was like making a sword but not sharpening it, usable but useless in the end. Jackson believes that Cuprite will change this world's views on how one should raise any type of spirit beasts. Ants are one of Jackson favorite type of insect back on earth. They are one of most useful insect in planet earth, they help knead the soil and assist glowing plants.

With Cuprite's family help, building the base became 2 times more efficient. It won't be long till the base is finished. Tool Maker only now needs to finish building the interior part of the base, which are the 4 sections, the garden and farm.

Tool Maker calculated that it would take another 2 weeks for the base to be completely finished just in time for the beast tide to come. This made Jackson relaxed knowing that they will have something to stay on when the beast attacks.

The only thing now Is that he needed to make weapons to defend the base. Relying on Bunker alone is not a good idea. Bunker is strong but he would not be able to defend all 4 corners of the base.

Jackson only began making guns but still needed materials for gunpowder. This required Jackson to explore and look for caves and plants that contained the materials for gunpowder but it was a good time for that.

Bell already mapped out the area around the rocky mountain and no caves or volcanoes are close by. Jackson can only think of another way of getting them. For now he needed to finish his research for his new technique and start cultivating.

Everyone became busy inside the base including the girls as well. They too helped around the base whether that was hunting for food or gathering materials for the base.

A week later Dino the girl's Father finally woke up excited and the girls rushed up to meet him but it was not the happy ending that they all thought. Dino's spirit core was shattered meaning his life force is slowly fading away. Cultivation does extend one's life but if you lose your way of cultivating then you will return back to a normal person and would no longer be cultivator.

For Dino since his core was shattered his body can no longer hold spirit energy and is starting to return back to being a normal person. If there was anyone else it would be fine but Dino is now 350 years old and a normal human being's average life span in this world was 60 years.

On earth the average life span is around 70 to 75 that is due to the support of medication. In this world everything relies on spirit energy. Medicine such as pills can only be taken by a spirit energy cultivator.

Dino only has 2 days before he dies from spirit energy lost. The girls cried and Dino said his goodbyes already before calling Jackson. He heard from the girls that Jackson helped them out and tried to save him but even in this world once the spirit core is broken no one can save you. It is already a miracle that he was even alive till now.

Jackson entered Dino's room only to see the pale expression of the girls. Sadden by their loss the girls became lifeless, unsure of what to do now that their father is about to go. Seeing Jackson entering the room, Dino dismissed the girls and wanted to talk to Jackson alone.

"Young master Jackson, I heard good things about you from the girls and thank you for helping us out in our time of need" Dino greeted Jackson and thanked him for saving them.

"No need to thank me Sir Dino." Jackson replied back. "It is only right to help those in need. I did only what I'm suppose to"

"How kind of you Young master Jackson but I don't have much left" Dino announced about his death to Jackson. Hearing this Jackson was confused, Bell Said it was all okay and nothing to worry about Dino's health. Jackson started to feel guilty but Dino saw through him and stopped him from feeling guilty about his fate.

"Young master Jackson, It is not you fault. It was not because your servant couldn't save me but it is because I can't be saved" Dino explained.

But hearing Dino's words Jackson was confused. "What do you mean you can't be saved?"

"So it's true, You never cultivated before Young master Jackson. It is because I lost my spirit core that I'm dying. Those who lost their core will return back to being normal humans and can no longer cultivate again." Dino gave a detailed explanation to Jackson this time but still confused Jackson.

Seeing that Jackson is still confused by his works Dino continued. "Normal humans have the average lifespan of 60 years and I'm already 351 this year Young master Jackson '' Finally understanding what he meant Jackson could help but feel sorry for Dino. Bell knows a lot of medical knowledge from earth but in this world it can only help a little.

Maybe in the future when Bell is given an opportunity to study this world's medical knowledge. Jackson can only sigh and leave Dino to fate, it is not that he doesn't want to help but he couldn't.

Seeing Jackson sigh in frustration Dino smiled. "Young master Jackson, why don't we make a deal?"

Looking at Dino Jackson was interesting. "Oh what type of deal Sir Dino? If it is about helping the girls out then never mind I will keep them safe and help them out even in the future."

"Hehe, I'm glad to hear that but this deal should benefit both you and my daughters " Dino said.

"I will give you all the inheritance inside this ring. This is a spatial storage ring and it contains all the treasury of my clan" Dino proposed.

"What? are you sure? you better off giving them to the girls" Jackson was tempted but he knows that the girls needed it more than he does.

"Hehe, but on one condition Young master Jackson" Dino chuckled like a sly fox.

"Okay and what is that?" Jackson Asked only to be surprised by Dino's next words.

Meanwhile the girls have their ears stuck to the door curious of what their father is planning. They hope that he won't offend Jackson by this deal after all they help them out when they were in trouble.